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Welcome to this exclusive Tekken Online Course - Created by Tekken Player and Tekken Coach Rising Uppercut, combined with close to two decades of experience!

Hi, thanks for stopping by, since you are here meaning you are most likely looking for how to become better and a stronger player in Tekken 7 and I can assure you that you will be with these classes! If you still have your doubts about your investment in this I suggest you continue to read on:)

Why you should get this Tekken course!

Allow me to talk a little about why this came to be and why you should be a part of it! In recent years, I have been more committed to the coaching part of Tekken, and after having a bunch of students some of them often asked me for more, or in the matter of having materials or lessons to work with. I can't always handle too many sessions and students. So I decided to create a video series for the most common things.

To me this turned out to be much more than just a reference, I decided to create a course instead. My students wanted content that is easy to repeat type of content after the session for them to practice. From that experience of being the player and the coach as well as being a student myself in my back in my Tekken 5 days. I took the combination of that put it together in to this course. As of now, this course has 30 video lectures spanning over 2 hours with Tekken 7.    

The focus for you taking this course is to make sure no matter your starting point in this game the structure of the lessons will give a good all-around and step-by-step procedure of the game fundamentals and elements are put together. Through every lecture, you will attain a new skill and knowledge connected to the game and your character moves, etc.

As recommended, make sure you complete each step before heading over to the next one. Wanting to learn everything too fast is not a great way of learning anything, but move on as you understand the lesson. Applying what you just learned into the game is going to give the expected results over time, take into caution that Tekken is built upon you to repeat your actions over and over while applying that knowledge. This is just like a real martial arts train and repeats to become the best, now you have correct training at your fingertips knowing what to learn first before the other!

Thinking like a martial artist is why we enjoy Tekken, as it is you that gets better and stronger-minded, and not the character itself!

With some or no previous game experience, can anyone new develop the same skills as the skilled in Tekken 7?

This course is about improving your ability to perform well in the game and it's not graded by any entry-level. By adding-on new skills and visual information quickly and effectively to your muscle memory you will gradually understand the game mechanics and build the strength you'll need in the game. To most newcomers is about their character being better than them, but you want to change that, this is about you getting better as the player with the character you play. You like anyone else here have the chance to get better, you might just be stuck and not sure where to pick up learning.

How this Tekken course will change your game and triple your process!

In today's world, Tekken is connected online and we don't play side-by-side on the couch much anymore. Thinking now, we all had that friend or knew that guy who was a little better than you in something particular of perhaps it was in Tekken! Perhaps you don't have that friend's friend who has won the latest Tekken championships to come over for a game night to teach you something new.

With all the time I spent learning on my own I wish that I came to have that friend of a friend in Tekken! Why because that precious time you can get with someone like that is remarkable. That's why investing in something that can grow you is something I personally do in areas of my life. Unfortunately, I did not have this tutor per se (even though I had players I could discuss various parts of Tekken with and take into learning from there as I did in Tekken 5, but from Tekken 2 to Tekken 5 I was pretty much on my own.

How is it different from anything else found in Tekken tutorials elsewhere?

It has taken me years to discover, experience, test, and finetune and have a fundament in the development of the games since Tekken 2. As of now being a 5-Star rated Tekken coach online, this is to become the best coursing in Tekken. The course goes beyond the videos you may find for free online and the free content is easily outdated and not arranged in proper order for you to learn it in the right way. Often when we watch a how-to Tekken video on yourtube there is either too much other stuff that just gets you confused or the content playlist is just randomly teaching you a skill you are not ready to apply. In the end, nothing really goes hand in hand. For this program, you'll have the content and the skills coming as you grow. This content is also exclusive and is made a way to make learning easier fun for you.

We've all experienced the frustration of not being able to scale the game correctly and not being able to point out where you actually are stuck! But, clear out the sheets and start blank today. Even if you know a lot already, repetition for success is the key, and also seeing that you did what you did so far correctly surely gives you more confidence to move on. If your fundament in Tekken gets right then everything will be right. We will win and still lose, but this time it is on a whole different level!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who has ever wanted to become somewhat good or great at playing Tekken

  • Learn fundamentals, understanding the deep learning curve of the game

  • People who love Tekken and fighting games

  • Gamers, streamers, and YouTubers

  • Beginners and even hardcore gamers

  • Local, competitive, and e-sport players

The 3 cores of this course are:

  • Building the base fundaments with comprehensive and understanding material

  • Offense and defense techniques from basic to advanced levels

  • Developing a proper new gaming mindset that allows you to further explore the game on your own as with others to become better and keep developing your skills after the course.

    Experience the course with:

  • A lifetime of Tekken gaming experience into several hours of coursing for you!

  • Lectures emphasizing clarity and how-to patterns

  • Hands-on demonstration videos for every major concept in the game

  • Great video and audio quality footages

  • Interactive worksheets to print and complete

  • Supplemental resources and Tekken Community page

  • Up-to-date Season 4+

Now "Let's get Ready for the Next Battle!" get you to access today and take your game to the next level!

Bạn sẽ học được gì

How to become a stronger and betted minded and oriented Tekken 7 player overall

Understanding and handelig the fundaments of Tekken 7 in oder to become a better player

Able to perform proper movment control , execution, combos, inputs, how to stand up against match-ups

Building fundamentals in T7 correctly will make your progress faster and smoother, and puts you on the right path to success!

Yêu cầu

  • There are no limitations to you as the player, all points of importance will be taught in the lessons along the way
  • Either you are new or a up and coming/advance player this course will benefit you greatly
  • I played previous Tekken games and now im stating T7; Then you are welcome to this perfect crash course

Nội dung khoá học

5 sections

Welcome to the TEKKEN Online Course!

1 lectures
PV - Tekken course Main Intoduction! (FREE VIDEO)

Introduction- How to get started with the Tekken 7 | Prepare and gear up!

6 lectures
How to choose your fighter -Finding the right one!
3. What controllers – Which to choose?
Hit properties -High, Mid, Low
Be able to read Legend! -The Tekken Language
What do framedata tell you! -Frames explained
EXTRA LESSON: Advanced legend -And input Speed

Understanding the games main mechanics offense and defence

11 lectures
1. The Basics of Movement -And How To KBC
2. Finding your Top 10 Moves -Starter Kit!
3. High, Mid and Low, Again -Let's block!
4. Basic Juggle and How to Practice -Scaling Combos
5. Tail spin, Tracking, Armor and Wall Bounce -The New Elements!
6. All Rage Types Explained -Where to use it!
Various Running Moves -And Distances
8. Know the Use of Throws -And Right Escapes
How to SideStep Correctly -Smootly Avoid Moves
The Various Wake-ups -How to Get Up!
Low Parry, Parry and Reversal -Stop the Spammers!

The many elements of Tekken

8 lectures
1. Counter Hit Properties -Knock Down Game
2. Wall Combo Enders -Sides and Back
3. Stage Formatting -And the Gimmicks
4. 10-hit Combos and Chain Throws -How to time inputs
5. How to use the Ki-Charge -Utilizing CH setups
6. 2 Hit Grounded -Max Damage!
7. Knock Down Moves -With Follow-ups
8. Getting out of Force Crouch/Pushbacks -Finding Your Way Around

Use practice as your dojo to build muscle memory and strategies

4 lectures
1. Distance Advantages -Improve Your Frames
2. Read your Matchup -Understanding Moves!
3. Understand your Matchup - and then Punish!
Thanks so far, but the training does not stop here!

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