Mô tả

Do you want to take the Automation certification, but are deterred by the horrendous cost associated with it?

Do you want to append those fancy letters after your name and proclaim that you are a certified professional?

Then take this multiple choice question test preparation course, which will give you all the necessary practice to face the examination in real test conditions.

This course will guide you in knowing what exactly you are missing in your preparation with detailed answers given for every question.

This multiple choice test preparation course is based on the entire Automation Body of Knowledge, which covers the following topics,

1) Process Instrumentation

2) Analytical Instrumentation

3) Continuous Control

4) Control Valves & Analog Communications

5) Control System Documentation & Control Equipment

6) Discrete I/O Devices & General Manufacturing Measurements And Discrete & Sequencing Control

7) Motor and Drive Control

8) Motion Control

9) Process Modeling & Advanced Process Control

10) Batch Control

11) Alarm Management & Reliability

12) Process Safety & Safety Instrumented Systems

13) Electrical Installations & Electrical Safety

14) Digital Communications

15) Industrial Networks

16) MES Integration & Network Security

17) Operator Interface & Data Management

18) Operator Training & Checkout, System Testing & Startup

19) Troubleshooting & Maintenance, Long-Term Support & System Management

20) Automation Benefits & Project Justification, Project Management and Interpersonal Skills

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Solve questions related to CAP exam

Get tested on all concepts of automation for Certified Automation Professional exam

Quiz yourself on the material covered in Automation Body of Knowledge

Explain the concepts which are asked in the questions

Yêu cầu

  • No previous automation knowledge required

Nội dung khoá học

1 sections

Practice Tests

3 lectures
Practice Test 1
190 questions
Practice Test 2
190 questions
Practice Test 3
184 questions

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