Mô tả

Smart Money Concepts is the Combination of Key level strategy and Traditional Supply Demand with Market structure to optimize win rate, reward per risk ration and help trader to control emotion better.

I am using it to trade for Prop firm company with big capital now. And then, use that money to invest to Stock market to multiple my assets with this method well. You also can do it if you're serious trader to start this career.

You will be learned a full story of Smart Money Concepts from smallest definition to "How to apply it" in the real market.

You also understand about market structure after this course to know when a trend start, end, continue running. It helps you to have a better win rate, reward per risk ratio to trade even with Inner Circle Trading or ICT method.

During learning and practicing, you can leave any your question on QA part of Udemy. Jayce will reply and help you within 12 hours

It works not only Forex, Crypto market, It also works well on Stock market. So, If we have knowledge with Smart Money Concepts, It will be the big advantaged to start Trading and Investing career.

I will explain detail from smallest definitions about Smart Money Concepts to help you understand about this strategy before coming to Double Order Block strategy.

This is strategy that will help you understand about the total picture of market based on market structure, market cycle theory to define the main trend.

Since then, you can use the first Order-Block like the cornerstone to define and explain the next power on second Order-Block and follow smart money with the perfectly support from market structure, market cycle and continuously multiple timeframe theory.

We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video examples and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a profitable trader.

By the end of this course, you will be fluently smart money concepts and you'll be so good at trading that you can get a freedom job or trading professionally.

Btw, I also created a Discord channel for students to discuss together. In this channel, we will share the knowledge, tips to learn and analyzation every week on any assets.

I also created a Competition that will help learn facing with yourself to improve your psychology, risk management on high pressure environment like real trading. The pressure comes from your competitors' results, big money capital
All of above activities would help you to come profitable and consistency traders in near future.

You can join discord channel to refer about it anytime.

My learning school was designed from level 0 - 5 with full knowledge about market :

(You can see the level at the subtitles)

- Level 0 : Multiple timeframe theory, connect from zone to zone.

- Level 1 : Complete Key level strategy, drawing key level exactly.

- Level 2 : Complete Smart Money Concepts, understanding the real market picture with manipulation

- Level 3 : How to combine Key level and smart money concepts with market cycle theory and Volume.

- Level 4 : Using Key level and smart money for day trading, build the road to be success trader, update market structure.

- Level 5 : For investing trader, Using Ichimoku to multiple assets and using Golden trend indicator to manage 100 assets.

This strategy will help you :

  1. Improving Reward per Risk ratio.

  2. Improving Win rate.

  3. Low drawdown in trading to take trading funds challenge.

  4. Strongly believe to set limit order and take a rest.

  5. Avoid emotion in trading.

  6. Reading the market picture confidently to entry/exit/manage trade better.

  7. Able to earn real money from market. (Refer the achivement of graduation student on Discord channel)

All your questions were leaved in Q&A part will be answer detail within 4 - 12 hours (Depend on time zone) until you understood completely.

What you can do after this course :

  1. Understand to analyze & define market structure exactly.

  2. Understand total SMC's map

  3. Understand all the basic definitions about Smart money concepts

  4. Analyze the market and entry with smart money exactly with FOLLOW or BREAK the trend.

  5. Get the optimize Reward per risk ration to start trading funds or your own account.

  6. Understand how to skip & trading with particular market conditions.

  7. Understand how to define Momentum of price to skip or follow trade.

  8. Understand how to define Discount zone and Over zone to trading.

  9. Understand normal mistake to avoid in trading.

  10. Understand successful trading system to optimize your current strategy.

Don't just take my word for it, check out what existing students have to say about my courses:

" Amazing course ! Depth explanation. These knowledge helped me a lot - I passed challenge and verification last week. If possible, I hope to see you sharing combine SMC and Key level together "

" All of Jaycee's course are very very good. There isn't a lot of other teachers who understand volume, price action, and smart money like him. He is a brilliant trader and I strongly recommend his courses. I would also like to address some of the negative comments I have seen about Jayce’s English. In my opinion his English is fine. But if you have issues understanding anything the closed captions are 100% accurate. I have taken over 40 Udemy courses about trading and almost all have been by non English native speakers. You will miss out on a lot of good information if you don’t try and understand. "

" Amazing theory. Your courses were built like a learning school. Very detail and easy to absorb. Do you have any Discord / FB group or anything like that to learn more from you? Thanks "

" What a nice course about SMC ! I enrolled both your 2 courses - That is very detail about SMC and Key level Strategy. Full of documents and Exam to absorb the lessons. Love it! "

" Nice course with full downloadable contents and Quiz, Practice test with key questions. Useful and easier to absorb new thing. At the first time, I saw this course quite short but, every thing inside of course over my expectation "

If you're SERIOUS TRADER who are ready to be DIFFIRENT this year. Let's come with us.


Bạn sẽ học được gì

Step by Step : How to trade with Smart Money Concepts with 3 section : Definition - Main Strategy - Extra Knowledge

Lesson's form : What it is ? - How to define or apply it ? - Example

Definitions : Liquidity - smart money

Definitions : Imbalance

Definitions : Manipulation

Definitions : BOS /CTS

Definitions : Pullback and Break out

Definitions : Premium and Discount

Definitions : Orderblock / POI

Main Strategy : Trading follow trend - Theory & Example

Main Strategy : Trading break trend - Theory & Example

Extra Knowledge : The simple Wyckoff and Elliot

Extra Knowledge : Define MOMENTUM of the waves

Extra Knowledge : Mistake and Successful system

Yêu cầu

  • You already had basic knowledge about Forex
  • You already had basic knowledge about Supply Demand
  • You already had basic knowledge about Market Structure
  • You already had basic knowledge about Multiple timeframe analyzation
  • You had enough perseverance to backtest it from 1 - 3 months before real trading

Nội dung khoá học

21 sections


7 lectures
What you will learn and How to Learn
Jayce Interview _ Top 1% trader of England funds
Quick preview
How to learn this course effectively with high motivation
How to start your trading career and get freedom financial
Discord community - NCI Trading
Telegram community - NCI Trading

Give you MOTIVATION - Graduation member's results

5 lectures
Trader Yusuf withdrawn 1669$ after learning 3 months only
Jan 2024 - Withdrawn the first profit in life - Trader Pongpech
Jan 2024 - Passed 1 round prop firm with 5 days only - Trader Simba
Jan 2024 - Pass Bootcamp account- Trader Ebenezer
MORE - Pass 200k$ FTMO account with 12% profit and 62.5% winrate within 6 days

Definitions about Smart Money Concepts

11 lectures
Share to you my Motivation when I just started this career
Liquidity - smart money
Quiz #1 - How to define Smart Money joined into market ?
1 question
Quiz #2 - What is Imbalance? Which case is strongest? (In case of up-movement)
1 question
Pullback and Break out
Premium and Discount
Orderblock / POI
Quiz #3 - How to define POI or Orderblock zone? In case of up movement
1 question

Main : Double Order-Block with POI - POI to optimize RR

7 lectures
Trading follow trend_Theory
Trading follow trend_Examples
Trading break the trend_Theory
Trading break the trend_Example_case 3
Trading break the trend_Example_case 1 & 2
Quiz #4 - Trading follow the trend questions
1 question
Quiz #5 - Trading break the trend questions
1 question

Main : Double Order Block with BOS bounce

4 lectures
Double OB with BOS bounce
The Power of Double Order Block zone
Market cycle theory _ Cornerstone for Price actions and market structure
The difference between BOS/Key level and POI

Extra Knowledge

3 lectures
The simple Wyckoff and Elliot
Define MOMENTUM of the waves
Normal mistake and successful system

Trading EXAMPLES - All the cases with SMC

5 lectures
XAUUSD _ Double Order block by 2 POI zones
US30 - Example 2 & Example 3 . Miss chance and re-entry with SMC -Double POI
EURCAD - Selling order - SMC with Key level Bounce power
USDCHF - Lost trade - What is the reason?
USDCHF - Finding root cause and corrective action

How to define the power of Smart Money Signal - New update

4 lectures
Define POI zone power by Institutional base
Define POI zone power by Imbalance signal
When you should Set & Forget ? When you should wait confirmation
Risky case : SMC signal on both up and down side, how to trade ?

The live trading with all my strategies on Sep 26th

4 lectures
The first trade on Step 26th - Loss 1.5% account
The 2nd trade on Sep 26 th - Scalping - Profit 3.5% account
The 3rd trade on Sep 26 th - Scalping - Profit 1.5% account
The 4th trade on Sep 26 th - Scalping and get 1.5% account profit

The live trading with all my strategies on Sep 27th

1 lectures
Scalping and get 3R with smart money concepts on the weak case

The live trading with all my strategies on Sep 28th

1 lectures
Scalping and get 6R with smart money concepts strongest case

The scalping trade explanation with BOS bounce and double POI strategy

1 lectures
My two trade on Sep 29th - Scalping with BOS bounce and double POI

Trading journal for you to gain the real experience - NEW UPDATE this year

6 lectures
Reading all my strategy by my only one day trading examples + 5%/day scalp 2700$
My day trading journal - Sep 27th 2022
My day trading journal - Sep 28th 2022
My day trading journal - Sep 29th 2022 - Core sharing
My day trading journal - Oct 3rd 2022 - Market cycle and Price action
My day trading journal - Oct 5th 2022 - The last chance before noise market

Bonus Section : Trading learning route and special offers

3 lectures
7 Levels to professional with Smart Money Concepts - Practicing guidance
Quick recap about NCI trading system from level 0 - 5 and BONUS
Sharing LIQUIDITY indicator and how to use it

15 Bonus Basic Quiz

16 lectures
Why Im-balance appear on the chart ?
1 question
How to define Smart Money joined into the market?
1 question
How to define Im-balance for up-movement?
1 question
How to judge Power of Im-Balance?
1 question
Which case of Im-balanced is strongest case?
1 question
What will happen after market appears IM-BALANCE?
1 question
When price hit to Order-block zone, why it normally moves strongly?
1 question
Which Manipulation phase that Smart Money will continue to join into market?
1 question
What is 2 factors to define MANIPULATION?
1 question
What is BOS meaning?
1 question
What is CTS meaning?
1 question
CHoCH same as BOS or CTS meaning ?
1 question
How to use BOS and CTS?
1 question
What are 2 main factors to define Market STRUCTURE?
1 question
What are CORNERSTONE to define valid pullback ?
1 question
What are CORNERSTONE to define valid Break-out?
1 question

15 Bonus Advanced Quiz

16 lectures
If market appears Im-Balanced on H4's up , Why market can go down ?
1 question
How to define Power of Smart Money ?
1 question
Which case is strongest Smart Money Concepts case?
1 question
On the "T" timeframe, market structure isn't clearly, what should you do?
1 question
What is OVER-ZONE ?
1 question
What you should do if price only pullback to OVER-ZONE?
1 question
Where is place you should ENTRY / STOP loss with Smart Money Concepts?
1 question
You will entry at first POI but it is too big without using 2nd POI, how to do ?
1 question
How many timeframes should you use to apply with Smart Money Concepts?
1 question
What is CORSTONE to trade with Smart Money Concepts?
1 question
If Im-blance appear on both 2 pulse wave , how to drag Fibonacci to define POI?
1 question
If Im-blance appear on only 1st pulse , how to drag Fibonacci to define POI?
1 question
With Double Orderblock to have nice RR, 1st POI will normally is POI of Timefra.
1 question
Double Orderblock to have nice RR, 2nd POI will normally is POI of which timefra
1 question
What is most MISTAKE when you're using SMC?
1 question
How many chances you might have, if you're using SMC on M15 with NZDUSD?
1 question

(New update) Trading tips - experience

4 lectures
How to choose the FOREX PAIR for scalping when favority asset in a bad trend
[Trading tips] Free TP or Fixed TP when you're scalping?
Understanding this case to change your mindset to control risk, not find entry

Final examination - 18 Questions

3 lectures
Basic knowledge of SMC
9 questions
Advanced questions of SMC - 9 questions
9 questions
Back-test 20 Ordered and check your results with standard
1 question

2024 UPDATE for Smart Money Concepts

2 lectures
How to use Smart Money correctly ? Fair value gap or Imabalance real story
Market structure rules : Explain and compare TF and TF/2 standard

UPDATE _ NCI indicators for REAL TRADING

2 lectures
Imbalance - Smart money power
Forex Lot size calculation

Thank you

1 lectures
Thank you

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