Mô tả

This course will give you comprehensive understanding of modern geopolitics, the most important geopolitical ideas and the most important leaders in world politics. After completing this course, you will be an expert on the most important problems of contemporary international politics, including the sources of the war in Ukraine, US foreign policy, the dilemmas of European power and the rise of China.

  • BONUS 1: Access to my closed LinkedIn Master Mind group Geopolitics, Strategy, Career (see below)

  • BONUS 2: PDF handouts with all slides for each part of the course

  • BONUS 3: Practice quizzes to test your understanding of the material

  • BONUS 4: Two new interactive videos to make sure you are progressing with the material

  • BONUS 5: Video Lecture "Introduction to Chinese Geopolitics" (24 min)

  • BONUS 6: Video Lecture "China and Russia Relations" (22 min)

  • BONUS 7: Video Lecture "China and the War in Ukraine" (18 min)

The course is ideal for beginners and more advanced students alike. No prior university education is needed. It will give you confidence to speak about the contemporary geopolitical ideas, thinkers and problems. You understanding of everything that is happening in the world today will become much more grounded in the theory of geopolitics and International Relations.

What You Will Learn in This Course

  • Define the most influential geopolitical thinkers of the 21st century

  • Understand the sources and nature of contemporary wars and conflicts

  • Understand the sources of American, Chinese, European and Russian grand strategy

  • Explain the geopolitics of George W. Bush and the global war on terrorism

  • Explain the geopolitics of Vladimir Putin and his speech at the Munich Security Conference

  • Explain the geopolitics of Dmitry Medvedev and his Berlin speech

  • Explain the geopolitics of US National Security Strategy

  • Explain the geopolitics of Emanuel Macron and European security

  • Explain the geopolitics of Ursula Von Der Leyen and EU-China relations

  • Explain the geopolitics of Xi Jinping and China's strategy

  • Explain the geopolitics of Henry Kissinger and wow to avoid World War 3

Closed LinkedIn Group

After you enrol, you will get a link to my closed, invite-only LinkedIn Master Mind group Geopolitics, Strategy, Career.

In this group, you can expect:

  • Access to my podcasts and other expert content before I share it with anyone else

  • My top reading recommendations

  • Educational and career advise

  • Exclusive Udemy discounts before I share them with my other Udemy students

  • Ability to ask questions and engage in discussion

My Promise to You

I promise that the tuition in this course is of the highest quality, based on genuine university-level teaching and research. It is presented in a highly-accessible and engaging way, designed specifically for those who do not have prior university degree in Politics or International Relations.

I invite you to send me a message if you have any questions about the content of this course.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Define the most influential geopolitical thinkers of the 21st century

Understand the sources and nature of contemporary wars and conflicts

Understand the sources of American, Chinese, European and Russian grand strategy

Explain the geopolitics of George W. Bush and the global war on terrorism

Explain the geopolitics of Vladimir Putin and his speech at the Munich Security Conference

Explain the geopolitics of Dmitry Medvedev and his Berlin speech

Explain the geopolitics of US National Security Strategy

Explain the geopolitics of Emanuel Macron and European security

Explain the geopolitics of Ursula Von Der Leyen and EU-China relations

Explain the geopolitics of Xi Jinping and China's strategy

Explain the geopolitics of Henry Kissinger and How to avoid World War 3

Yêu cầu

  • The course is designed for beginners and therefore does not require prior education in Politics or International Relations.
  • No upfront reading is necessary.
  • For convenience, handouts for each lecture are provided and can be downloaded.

Nội dung khoá học

11 sections

Complete List of My Courses

1 lectures
Complete List of my Udemy Courses

Closed LinkedIn Community Access Link

1 lectures
Closed LinkedIn Community Access Link

George W. Bush - Global War on Terrorism, 2001

4 lectures
George W. Bush, 2001, Pt 1
George W. Bush, 2001, Pt 2
George W. Bush, 2001, Pt 3
Checking Your Progress

Vladimir Putin - Speech at the Munich Security Conference, 2007

3 lectures
Vladimir Putin, 2007, Pt 1
Vladimir Putin, 2007, Pt 2
Vladimir Putin, 2007, Pt 3

Dmitry Medvedev, Berlin Speech, 2008

3 lectures
Dmitry Medvedev, 2008, Pt 1
Dmitry Medvedev, 2008, Pt 2
Dmitry Medvedev, 2008, Pt 3

US National Security Strategy, 2022

4 lectures
US National Security Strategy, 2022, Pt1
US National Security Strategy, 2022, Pt2
Practice Your Knowledge Part 1
4 questions
Checking Your Progress

Emanuel Macron - European Security, 2023

3 lectures
Emanuel Macron, 2023, Pt 1
Emanuel Macron, 2023, Pt 2
Emanuel Macron, 2023, Pt 3

Von Der Leyen, EU-China relations, 2023

3 lectures
Von Der Leyen, 2023, Pt 1
Von Der Leyen, 2023, Pt 2
Von Der Leyen, 2023, Pt 3

Xi Jinping - Belt and Road Forum, 2023

3 lectures
Xi Jinping, 2023, Pt 1
Xi Jinping, 2023, Pt 2
Xi Jinping, 2023, Pt 3

Henry Kissinger - How to Avoid World War 3, 2023

4 lectures
Henry Kissinger, 2023, Pt 1
Henry Kissinger, 2023, Pt 2
Henry Kissinger, 2023, Pt 3
Practice Your Knowledge Part 2
4 questions

Bonus Lecture: Chinese Geopolitics in Depth

3 lectures
Introduction to Chinese Geopolitics
China - Russia Relations
China and the War in Ukraine

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