Mô tả

Industrial Electrical Engineering : Circuit Design with AutoCAD Electrical

Welcome to this comprehensive course on Industrial Electrical Engineering and AutoCAD Electrical. This course is designed to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field of electrical engineering and design.

In this course, we will cover a wide range of topics that are essential to understanding and working in the field of Industrial Electrical Engineering. You will learn how to design electrical power panel enclosures, gaining a deep understanding of the various components and their placement within the panel. You will also master the art of electrical power wiring for incoming and outgoing circuits, ensuring the safe and efficient distribution of electricity.

One of the key skills you will develop in this course is the ability to read and understand electrical Single Line Diagrams (SLDs). SLDs are visual representations of electrical circuits and are crucial in the field of electrical engineering. You will learn how to interpret these diagrams and use them as a blueprint for your electrical designs.

In addition, this course will teach you how to prepare a Bill of Material (BOM) using the widely used software, Microsoft Excel. BOMs are vital documents that outline the list of materials required for a particular project. You will gain practical experience in creating accurate and detailed BOMs, ensuring smooth project execution.

A significant portion of this course is dedicated to AutoCAD Electrical, a powerful software used in the electrical engineering and design industry. You will start by understanding the basics of AutoCAD Electrical, including fundamental tools such as drawing lines, polylines, circles, squares, and rectangles. These skills will form the foundation of your proficiency in using AutoCAD Electrical.

As you progress, you will delve deeper into the software, exploring advanced features and tools. You will learn how to manipulate panels using commands like copy, move, mirror, rotate, scale, trim, and erase. These panel modification techniques are essential in creating accurate and efficient designs.

Another important aspect of this course is learning how to work with the project manager in AutoCAD Electrical. You will discover how to create and organize projects, copy drawings between projects, and delete projects and drawings. These project management skills will enhance your productivity and organization in the field of electrical design.

Furthermore, you will gain expertise in inserting electrical wires using AutoCAD Electrical's schematic menu tools. This includes working with angled wires and interconnecting different electrical components. You will also learn how to utilize the JIC Schematic tools and symbols from the Icon Menu, as well as insert ladders and PLCs in your AutoCAD drawings. Additionally, you will become familiar with the circuit builder, which offers pre-built electrical circuits for efficient design.

Switchgear controls and circuit breakers are a crucial part of any electrical system. This course will extensively cover various types of circuit breakers, including MCB, MCCB, ACB, and more. You will gain a deep understanding of their functionality and application, ensuring the safe operation of electrical circuits.

By the end of this course, you will have developed a solid foundation in Industrial Electrical Engineering, AutoCAD, AutoCAD Electrical, electrical circuits, electrical design, electrical wiring, electrical schematics, industrial controls, and industrial automation. Whether you are a beginner in the field or an experienced professional looking to broaden your knowledge, this course will equip you with the skills needed to excel in Industrial Electrical Engineering. Embark on this learning journey and unlock exciting opportunities in the world of electrical engineering.


  1. In the first part of this course, you will master the fundamental skills of AutoCAD software. You will learn how to effortlessly draw lines, polylines, circles, squares, and rectangles using AutoCAD software.

  2. Moving on to the second part of the AutoCAD basics, you will gain expertise in utilizing the modify panel tools. These essential tools include copy, move, mirror, rotate, scale, trim, and erase commands, enabling you to efficiently modify your designs in AutoCAD software.

  3. As we progress, the next section will delve into the world of AutoCAD Electrical software. Here, you will become proficient in using the project manager, creating new projects, adding new drawings, copying drawings between projects, and deleting projects and drawings within AutoCAD Electrical software.

  4. Continuing in this section, you will unlock the power of AutoCAD Electrical Schematic menu tools. You will learn how to seamlessly insert electrical wires, insert wires at various angles, interconnect different electrical components, and incorporate horizontal and vertical multiple buses.

  5. Furthermore, this section of AutoCAD Electrical software will equip you with the ability to effortlessly insert JIC Schematic tools & Symbols from the Icon Menu. You will also discover how to seamlessly insert ladders & PLCs into your AutoCAD drawings, along with leveraging the circuit builder for pre-built electrical circuits.

  6. In the following section, you will delve into the basics of switchgear controls and circuit breakers, including MCB, MCCB, ACB, and more. By understanding these essential concepts, you will gain a comprehensive grasp of electrical systems. To explore further about switchgears and electrical panels, I invite you to visit my website. There, you'll find an abundance of free learning resources waiting for you to delve into. Head over to my website and embark on an exciting journey of knowledge and discovery!

  7. This section will also empower you to confidently read and understand electrical SLD (Single Line Diagrams). Additionally, you will learn how to prepare a bill of materials based on electrical SLDs and design electrical power incomer circuits and outgoing power circuits. Furthermore, you will explore the intricacies of designing electrical panel enclosures. Essentially, this section centers around an exciting electrical panel design project, allowing you to showcase your skills and knowledge.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Industrial Electrical Engineering & Power Panel Design

Read & Understand Electrical Single Line Diagram (SLD)

Incoming & Outgoing Power Supply Circuit Design

Electrical Engineering & Preparing Bill of Material

AutoCAD & AutoCAD Electrical Software

Yêu cầu

  • Should have a degree or basic Knowledge of Electrical Engineering or any similar relevant educational background.
  • Basic Knowledge of AutoCAD & AutoCAD Electrical

Nội dung khoá học

6 sections

Introduction & Welcome

3 lectures
Industrial Electrical Engineering: Circuit Design in AutoCAD
What you will learn in this course?

Basics of AutoCAD

13 lectures
AutoCAD Tools & Commands
Drafting Settings
Learn to draw LINES in AutoCAD Software
Learn to draw POLYLINES in AutoCAD Software
Learn to draw CIRCLE in AutoCAD Software
Learn to draw SQUARES & RECTANGLES in AutoCAD Software
AutoCAD Shortcut Keys
5 questions
Learn how to COPY objects in AutoCAD Software
Learn how to MOVE objects in AutoCAD Software
Learn how to ROTATE objects in AutoCAD Software
Learn how to MIRROR objects in AutoCAD Software
Learn how to SCALE objects in AutoCAD Software
Learn how to TRIM & ERASE objects in AutoCAD Software

AutoCAD Electrical : Project Manager & Schematic Tools

22 lectures
Why AutoCAD Electrical?
Project Menu & Project Manager
Create New Project
Add Subfolders & Drawings
ACTIVATE Projects & ADD Drawings
Insert Electrical Wires in Drawing
Insert Wires on Different angles
Interconnect Electrical Components
Multiple Bus Wiring
Ladders & Rungs
Insert Connectors and Add spacer & Breakers
Icon Menu : Insert JIC Schematics Components
Multiple Insertion
Linked Components with Dashed lines
Editing Components
Delete Components
Circuit Builder
Cut Copy Paste Circuit
Inserting Wire Numbers
Inserting PLC's
WBLOCK Circuit : Insert Saved Circuits

Electrical & Electronics Symbol Design

1 lectures
Electrical & Electronics Symbol Design - 1

Brief Overview of Circuit Breakers

4 lectures
Circuit Breakers
3 questions

Project 1: Electrical Power Panel Design

6 lectures
Read & Understand Electrical SLD
Preparing Bill of Material (BOM)
3 Phase Wiring: Incoming Power Supply Circuit Design
3 Phase Wiring : Outgoing Power Supply Circuit Design
Electrical Panel Enclosure Design : General Arrangement
Panel & Circuit Design
3 questions

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