Mô tả

Hello and welcome! :) This course is great for everyone who is excited to learn Slovak from scratch and wants to understand the basics from the comfort of his own home. My name is Julie, I'm a polyglot and it's my pleasure to be your teacher. In the course you will improve your speaking, writing, reading as well as listening skills in a fun way while acquiring new vocabulary and grammatical structures. We will cover all fundamental things that you will need during your first interactions in Slovak including greetings, introduction and presentation, numbers, countries, objects, adjectives, questions and much more. You can look forward and I'm looking forward to seeing you in the lesson!

Ahojte a vitajte! :) Tento kurz je skvelý pre každého, kto sa túži naučiť po slovensky pekne od začiatku a chce pochopiť základy z pohodlia svojho domova. Moje meno je Julie, som polyglotkou a je mojim potešením byť vašou profesorkou. V kurze si zlepšíte rozprávanie, písanie, čítanie a taktiež počúvanie v jazyku a budete sa učiť nové slovíčka a gramatiku. Prejdeme si všetky fundamentálne veci, ktoré budete potrebovať počas svojej prvej interakcie v slovenčine vrátane pozdravov, predstavenia sa, čísel, krajín, objektov, prídavných mien, otázok a ešte oveľa viac. Máte sa na čo tešiť a ja sa teším na vás na našej hodine!

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Learn basic vocabulary and grammar

Understand nature of Slovak

Understand pronunciation and develop oral, reading, listening and writing skills in Slovak

Build short conversations

Yêu cầu

  • No previous experience needed.

Nội dung khoá học

1 sections


5 lectures
Introduction, Alphabet, Conjugation & Your First Conversation In Slovak!
Numbers, Countries, Verb 'To Be' & Other Verbs
Greetings, Singular & Plural, The Most Important Questions To Ask & To Answer
W - Questions To Enrich The Conversation, Jobs, Genders
Basic Objects & Adjectives, Declension, Wrap-Up

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