Mô tả

This course focuses on the study and design of oscillators. As we will learn, oscillators are autonomous circuits capable of producing sustainable oscillation. The course starts by modeling the oscillator as a closed-loop feedback system. By investigating the magnitude and phase plots, the necessary conditions for oscillation are then derived. Multi-stage ring oscillator based on the feedback concepts and oscillation condition will then be designed. The large-signal study of a ring oscillator will then be presented. This will be followed by proposing several delay-stage candidates for a ring oscillator.

The course then studies the pole-zero pattern of a closed-loop feedback system to be able to generate oscillation. Looking at the LC circuits, we will learn that the passive components inevitably have losses that prevent the LC network to generate steady-state oscillation. We will then study loss-compensation networks from two perspectives, namely, (a) feedback theory and (b) active devices exhibiting negative resistance. The course then offers a ground-up approach to cross-coupled pair oscillators. We will then learn about a basic network that plays a foundational block for a class of oscillators such as Colpitts, Clapp, and Pierce topologies.

The course will then introduce voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs). We will learn about a number of design specifications for VCO design. Next, several mechanisms and circuit techniques will be introduced that will enable tuning in a ring oscillator. This will be followed by an in-depth study of varactor-based LC VCOs. We will also learn that varactor has limited quality factors and oscillators based on varactors cannot have a wide tuning range.  We will then introduce the concept of discrete tuning. Finally, we learn about the concept of inductive tuning and present two approaches based on magnetic tuning and active inductors that facilitate inductive tuning.

Because inductors are essential components in oscillators, we will then review the on-chip inductors and discuss a lumped electrical network that models the on-chip inductors.

The course will finally offer a general overview of phase noise. We briefly discuss a linear-time invariant approach to model the phase noise, and finally, we will discuss the widely used Leeson formula for phase noise modeling.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

The students will learn how to analyze and design one of the most fundamental circuits, namely, oscillators

They will learn the ring oscillators, LC oscillators, voltage-controlled oscillators, and the notion of phase noise

This course also offers basic understanding of the quadrature oscillators and the concept of injection locking

We will go through set-by-step approach of designing a cross-coupled pair LC oscillator.

Yêu cầu

  • The pre-requisit for this is a good understanding analog circuits and systems.

Nội dung khoá học

19 sections

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
The Need for Oscillators and Oscillators as Closed-Loop Feedback Circuit

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Oscillation Condition - Building Ring-Oscillator Based Feedback Theory

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Analysis of 3-Stage Ring Oscillator Based on Poles-Zeros of Feedback Circuit

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Ring Oscillator Employing Single-Ended and Differential Delay Stages

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Closed-Loop Root-Locus Analysis of Oscillator and Circuit Realizations

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Sinusoidal Oscillators Based on RLC Tank in a Closed-Loop Feedback

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Analysis of LC Oscillators with Inductor's Series Loss

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Building Cross-Coupled Pair LC Oscillator Using Feedback Concept

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Analysis and Design of Colpitts, Pierce, and Clapp Oscillators

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Solving Two Problems on Ring VCO and LC Oscillators

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Analysis of Quadrature LC Oscillators

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
An Introduction to Voltage-Controlled Oscillators - Performance Parameters

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Ring-Based VCO's (part 1)

RF Circuits and Systems - Oscillators

1 lectures
Ring-Based VCO's (part 2)

RF Circuits and Systems

1 lectures
Varactor-Based LC VCO's

RF Circuits and Systems

1 lectures
Inductive Tuning Methods for High-Frequency VCO's

RF Circuits and Systems

1 lectures
On-Chip Inductors

RF Circuits and Systems

1 lectures
Introducing Phase Noise in Oscillators

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