Mô tả

In this course, teachers will learn how to teach reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, as well as vocabulary learning and teaching, and grammar and sentence structure. You will learn how to manage your classroom with your classroom set up. You will also learn how to manage behavioral Issues. By the end of this course you will understand the importance of collaborating with co-workers and management as well as facilitating group work in your class to achieve second language acquisition objectives and goals. Finally, you will be able to differentiate between different learners, teachers, levels, contexts, and acronyms, such as TESOL, TESL, and ESL.

I've worked for 14 years as an advisor, instructor, and trainer both in the US and internationally, in higher education and for private institutions. I am well versed in cultural communication and international trade. I have experience managing and collaborating on diverse teams to complete long-term projects as well as experience with evaluation and continuous improvements of ESL programs. I became one of the first instructors worldwide to use the Samsung Galaxy tablet in the classroom while effectively achieving lesson objectives, retention, and sales goals, utilizing innovative software and various media. I'm a lifelong learner with a passion for innovative technology, theory, and teaching methodologies. I lived and worked in South Korea for almost a decade. I speak Korean and Spanish. My undergraduate degree is in international trade and marketing, and my graduate degree is in intercultural studies. I've also completed a TESOL certificate of over 1000 hours and I have well over 10,000 hours of teaching experience. Finally, my hobbies include singing, swimming, writing, and playing games!

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Students will learn how to teach English as a second language.

Yêu cầu

  • There aren't any course requirements or prerequisites, but the course is designed and beneficial for aspiring ESL teachers or current ESL teachers.

Nội dung khoá học

1 sections

Introduction to TESOL and how to teach English as a second language.

10 lectures
Introduction to Teaching English as a Second Language
Teaching Reading
Teaching Writing
Teaching Listening
Teaching Speaking
Lecture 6 Teaching Vocabulary
Teaching Grammar
Section 2 - Classroom Management
Bonus Lesson: Extras
TESOL Course - Instructor Update

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