Mô tả

Note: This course is the first and the lonely HPLC course exclusively on Udemy !!!


High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is the most commonly used analytical tool in testing laboratories related to the Analytical Chemistry field, allowing for the separation, identification, purification, and quantification of drug substances or any organic compound.

High-performance liquid chromatography is an incredible technique with many applications in Analytical Chemistry, the food industry, the pharmaceutical field, research of new compounds in universities and colleges, and many other areas.

For students who complete training in HPLC, it’s possible to secure a great career in several exciting fields:

  • R&D Scientists

  • QA Managers & Practicing Chemists

  • Students in disciplines of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Food & Nutrition, Polymer Science, and Agricultural Sciences.

  • Life Science researchers

  • Governmental Regulatory Bodies

  • Environmental Science

The operation of HPLC is the required fundamental skill for all chemists and technicians using HPLC.

Recent industry and student surveys found that there is a high training demand for basic HPLC operation skills for diploma graduates and working adults intending to work in testing laboratories. However, many of these laboratories do not have enough resources for staff training. This course aims to assist the industry in training its prospective and existing employees on the best skills for the operation of HPLC. It provides a comprehensive review of basic concepts of High-performance Liquid Chromatography.


Have a look at some awesome reviews about this course!!!

★★★★★ "Im taking this course to complete my Phd research in Analytical Chemistry after in my college. I have prepared a new organic compound and am looking to analytical method for analysis, and this will increase my publication and my supervisor professor will be so happy now. HPLC will be the best method to do this.." - Forhad.

★★★★★ "Finally I found what i was looking for, this course covers all the basics in HPLC. I learned so much which i didn't in my school, Very helpful, I am glad I took this course..." - Jonlok.

★★★★★ "Outstanding Experience, This course helped me to increase my trust and confidence with my self for future job that am thinking in joining pharmaceutical companied so now I can apply to this field using the certificate of this course.." - Akef Abuinsair.

★★★★★ "This course covers a lot of essential information relate to chromatography, and the explanations are step-by-step and very well done. I'm so happy with this course.This course was excellent!!" - Reloex.

★★★★★ "This HPLC course is very comprehensive and well balanced, the instructor has a perfect experience in HPLC and engaging clear voice, the explanations are awesome." - E.x alex.


The operation of HPLC is the required fundamental skill for all chemists and technicians using HPLC.

This course will help you in covering everything you will need to know about HPLC and How it works. The components of this fantastic instrument and the Chemistry of the heart of HPLC is the stationary phase(The Column). It doesn't matter how much prior knowledge of Liquid Chromatography is, as this course will take you through all the necessary stages.


Am Mohammad Abualrub, I have Ph.D. in Chemistry and am an Expert in the pharmaceutical Industry - +8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years. I have been using HPLC for more than 8 Years!!!

This course covers the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Liquid Chromatography

  2. How HPLC Works

  3. HPLC Analysis

  4. Components of HPLC

  5. Column Chemistry – Stationary Phase

  6. System Suitability

  7. Starting HPLC System

  8. Determination The Assay Using HPLC

  9. Method Development

You will get the opportunity to see a real HPLC instrument inside the  analytical chemistry lab in my College!!!

See how I run HPLC system, installing the Column, and preparing the Mobile Phase, all this will be done in the lab !!! So what you are waiting ??? 

Test Your Basic General learning about HPLC System in This Quiz:

  1. HPLC stands for 

  2. Typical HPLC column dimensions are

  3. Pressure range in normal analytical separations is

  4. The mobile phase used in HPLC analysis is

  5. Increase in flow rate of mobile phase leads to

  6. HPLC columns are generally made of

  7. Most commonly used HPLC detector is

  8. Most commonly used mode of HPLC analysis is

  9. Isocratic mode of operation implies

  10. Retention time drifts of eluting compounds are controlled by

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Lets start success together! Click on the “take this course" link at the top right of this page right NOW! Don't let another minute go by not living your dreams.

Dr Mohammad Abualrub PhD in Chemistry Expert in pharmaceutical Industry +8Years & Expert in teaching Chemistry +4Years...

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Know the principles of HPLC.

Understand How HPLC Works.

Learn The Chemistry of the Column in HPLC.

Be Familiar with HPLC Components.

Be qualified to get a suitable career in pharmaceutical field.

Big opportunity to join any industrial field that they are using HPLC system.

Use HPLC research in Chemistry or Pharmacy in your college and increase your publications.

Obtain A Certificate of HPLC that qualifies you pass the interview and get the job you want.

Yêu cầu

  • Understanding The Basics of Analytical Chemistry.
  • Desire to learn more about HPLC and a willingness to make the necessary effort.

Nội dung khoá học

11 sections


3 lectures
Promotional Video of This Course
Welcome - About Me !
Contents of This Course

Introduction to HPLC

3 lectures
Introduction to Liquid Chromatography2
Applications of HPLC
Quiz 1: Introduction To HPLC
4 questions

How HPLC Works

3 lectures
HPLC Separation
How HPLC Works
Quiz 2: How HPLC Works
4 questions

HPLC Analysis

2 lectures
HPLC Analysis
Quiz 3: HPLC Analysis.
4 questions

Components Of HPLC

9 lectures
The Components of HPLC
Components of HPLC - A Scheme of an HPLC System
The Pumb
The Injector
The Stationary Phase (The Column)
The Mobile Phase
The Detector
The Data Processor (The Computer)
Quiz 4: HPLC Components.
6 questions

The Chemistry Of The Coloumn

4 lectures
The Column - Physical Properties
Reversed-Phase Chromatography (RPC)
Normal-Phase Chromatography (NPC)
Quiz 5: Basics In HPLC System
11 questions

The System Suitability

1 lectures
System Suitability

Starting HPLC System

5 lectures
Running HPLC System
Steps for running HPLC system
See HPLC by Your Eyes
See Preparing The Mobile Phase on the Lab
See How I Prepare Standards and Samples!!!

Determination The Assay Using HPLC

2 lectures
Determination The Assay Using HPLC
Calibration Curve Excel For Assay Calculation

Method Development

1 lectures
Method Development

Bonus - Discounted Courses !!!

1 lectures
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