Mô tả

30 Web Projects with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Welcome to the brand new course, where you can learn about how to create modern and beautiful web projects and templates, If you want to develop and customize your portfolio, become an experienced developer, and get hired, then this is the right course for you.

We will build together 30 different creative web projects with three core technologies HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

If you have some basic knowledge of these technologies and still have some trouble creating your own web projects, or if you want to level up your developer and designer skills, you come to the right place.

We will build 30 different web projects and they will be full of modern, nice, and beautiful effects and designs.

We will start with relatively simple projects and we will go through some advanced ones as well.

We can guarantee that you will master front-end web development after completing this course.

Using this course, you can get the inspiration that will help you to enhance your projects and customize your portfolio.

Mastering just these core technologies of Front-end web development, you can create awesome and modern themes and simply get hired.

Also, you will have enough knowledge to move on and learn other technologies like some front-end frameworks and libraries, which are popular and in high demand today.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

30+ Web Projects with pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Modern HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript Features

CSS3 Animations, Transforms, and Transitions

Modern Techniques and Tricks

How to Create Modern Web Design Templates

Yêu cầu

  • Text Editor
  • Modern Web Browser
  • Strong Understanding of HTML and CSS
  • Basic Knowledge of JavaScript

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