Mô tả

In this course, you will learn in detail the technical skills and techniques required to design and develop a system using domain-driven design (DDD) including:

  • DDD building blocks

  • Design modeling skills

  • Design assignment - with model answers that are explained via video tutorial and feedback on your assignment from others if you'd like.

  • Design patterns

  • Component architecture

  • Coding assignment - with model answers that are explained in detail via video tutorial and downloadable code in C#, Java and Python so that you can follow explanations!

The course is structured around both video tutorials explaining different techniques and architecture patterns, and (optional) assignments to help make sure you're understanding what we're learning.

I'm also available to answer any queries you may have regarding any course material which you didn't understand or would like further detail on. 


Just in case you're still not convinced if you should take this course, here are a couple of positive reviews from the hundreds I have received on my bestselling, top-rated Udemy courses: 

"The course is comprehensive and well explained through clear and concise examples, and shows that the instructor is highly experienced in their field. Overall this course is excellent and highly appropriate for software developers looking to improve their architectural and programming skills, both beginners as well as more advanced programmers. I will be looking forward to more courses by the author in the future." - J. Fusselberg

"High quality videos, lectures are clear and to the point. This course is highly recommended for any developer who wants to move on to a senior position or software architect role. However, it will also be a good start for beginners to introduce them to proper coding practices early on." -  Roberto de Souza

I look forward to seeing you in my course and hearing how the course has helped you progress in your career!

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Learn about domain-driven design

Learn about the domain-driven design building blocks, patterns and best practices to architect solutions and implement the code itself

Learn how to design and code out a system using domain-driven design through detailed video tutorials

Design your own domain-driven component, and then code it out

Yêu cầu

  • Basic coding knowledge will help follow the code examples

Nội dung khoá học

5 sections


1 lectures
Course Introduction

What is DDD?

2 lectures
Introduction to DDD
When to use DDD - Advantages and Disadvantages

DDD in Practice

3 lectures
The Building Blocks
Design Patterns
Component Architecture

A Complete DDD Example: From Design to Coding!

9 lectures
Step 1: Design Modelling
Design Modelling Assignment
1 question
Design Modelling - Model Answer Explanation
Step 2: Coding
Coding a system using DDD
1 question
Coding - Model Answer Explanation - Part 1
Coding - Model Answer Explanation - Part 2
Coding - Model Answer Explanation - Part 3
Bounded Contexts and Anti-Corruption Layers

Next Steps

1 lectures
Next Steps

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