Mô tả

Hi there! My name is Ali Gelenler. I'm here to help you learn event-driven microservices architecture by applying best practices for real-life challenges.

Important Update: This course uses Twitter api as the source data. Twitter is planning to change the twitter developer account to a paid subscription. However this will not effect the course because I have already added a Mock Tweet implementation so that you will not need to create a Twitter developer account if it is turned into a paid service.

In this course, you will focus on the development of microservices. With the help of microservices you can independently develop and deploy your application components . You can also easily scale services according to each service's own resource needs, for example you can scale better and create more instances of a service that requires more requests.

You can always use the latest versions for spring boot, spring cloud and other dependencies in this course. Please just follow the last section's lectures to see the required code and configuration changes for updated versions. Also if you would like to use subtitles during the course, you can turn on the captions on videos as all lectures are updated with hand-written subtitles. I suggest using subtitles to make it easier to follow the lectures.

When moving from a monolith application to microservices architecture, some challenges will arise as a result of having a distributed application and system. In this course you will learn how to deal with these challenges using event-driven architecture (EDA) architecture with Apache Kafka.

With an event-driven architecture;

  • You will truly decouple the services and create resilient services because a service has no direct communication with other services

  • You will use asynchronous/non-blocking communication between services

  • You will use an event/state store (Kafka), and remove the state from the services for better scalability

  • Tanima: "This is one of the best course i ever had in udemy, instructor is super responsive and always deals with complex problem during the course, Thank you so much Professor i will always be grateful to you for this course, and will keep eye on your next course release."

You will develop a microservice architecture from scratch using the most recent software platforms, technologies, libraries and tools, following best practices, applying microservices patterns and using Java, Spring boot, Spring cloud, Spring Security, Kafka and Elasticsearch. We will also cover Event sourcing and Event-driven services using Kafka as the event store.

The microservices patterns that you will be implementing are:

  • Externalized configuration with Spring Cloud Config

  • CQRS with Kafka and Elastic search

  • Api versioning for versioning of Rest APIs

  • Service Registration and Discovery with Spring Cloud and Netflix Eureka

  • Api Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

  • Circuit breaker with Spring Cloud Gateway and Resilience4j

  • Rate limiting with Spring Cloud Gateway and Redis to use Redis as the Rate limiter

  • Distributed tracing with SLF4J MDC, Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin

  • Log aggregation with ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana)

  • Client side load balancing with Spring Cloud Load Balancer

  • Database per Service

  • Messaging between microservices using Kafka

You will also implement Spring Security Oauth 2.0 and OpenID connect protocols for Authentication and Authorization using Keycloak and JWT. The use of Oauth for authorization of services and OpenID connect for authentication is widely used in microservices archictecture with Spring boot security.

  • Oliver Michels: "Amazing course that covers a lot of ground, i.e. Spring Boot, Kafka, Elastic, OAuth/Keycloak, etc. and shows how all those pieces fit together in a nice microservice architecture."

Another important topic that you will focus on is the monitoring of microservices. You will use Spring boot actuator and Prometheus with Micrometer which can be used to get metrics such as health, number of running threads, number of requests, response time and memory usage. You will also learn to use Grafana to create a nice dashboard to visualize the metrics that you obtained using Spring boot actuator and Prometheus.

While introducing event-driven microservices, you will understand the basics of Apache Kafka by covering Kafka topics, Kafka partitions, Kafka consumer and producer APIs, Kafka admin client and Avro messaging.

  • Emre Demir: "This is not only a software tutorial. It is an advanced computer engineering course. The examples and descriptions are excellent. Full-stack and Back-end developers must take."

To communicate between microservices, apart from using Kafka messaging, I will also introduce Kafka Streams and show how to use Kafka Streams to create a temporary state store with the accumulated streaming data. This temporary data source will then be consumed by another microservice.

To communicate with the data stores in microservices I will use different Spring Data dependencies, such as Spring Data JPA with PostgreSQL, Spring Data Elasticsearch and Spring Kafka.

For the Api documentation, I will use Open Api 3 specification which implements Swagger 3.0. Open Api will create a RESTful interface for an API and help you to easily develop and consume a Rest API.

You will also learn how to use Hateoas (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) in a Rest Api with Spring Hateoas. Hateoas will provide  links to resources on the server, and update the REST API response with these links to interact with the client dynamically. This will enable developing level 3 Rest APIs.

  • Sidhartha Mallik: "This course is to the point - and great one for every level, strongly recommend"

There is also a reactive development section in this course which demonstrates querying elasticsearch reactively with Reactive Spring, WebFlux, WebClient and Reactive Thymeleaf. In this section you will learn how to use Spring Webflux and Spring reactive components to create an asynchronous flow between microservices.

You will use Spring boot and Spring cloud along with Docker for developing cloud ready microservices. Docker is a containerization platform and it enables to package applications into containers. These containers can later run in any environment that docker is running. In this course you will create the docker images of the microservices that you have developed. Then use docker compose to run all the containers of microservices together, along with the other dependencies such as Kafka, Elasticsearch, Keycloak, Redis, Prometheus, Grafana and Zipkin . In the end a single 'docker-compose up' command will be enough to run all microservices architecture together with the required dependencies. Having these docker images will enable you to deploy your application to any cloud vendor easily.

  • Mohammed O. Tillawy: "amazing course, but prepare yourself, very intense, and tons of info, needs focus and patience." 

You will be following a hands-on approach and be developing a project from scratch in which you will have multiple microservices surrounded with multiple modules to accomplish the specific tasks. So you will need to make your hands dirty in this course where I will be guiding you from start to finish. You will also find multiple choice quizes in each section to check your progress throughout the course.

At the end of the course you will not only understand the real life challenges of a distributed application with multiple services and components, but also you will be able to apply solutions to this challenges.

You can download the source code in each lecture separately and run them easily using your IDE or docker.

  • Ido Charar: "This course by Ali Gelenler is outstanding. It is not just about Spring Cloud with kafka and elastic. This course gives you much more knowledge around technologies related to Spring Cloud in particular and Cloud Computing in general. Among them are technologies like reactive programming, streaming, linux OS, security, Design Patterns and much much more. All the information is given in succinct but ingestable form, which allows you broaden your skills in shortest possible time. Very appreciate the investment in material, lecturer involvement, constant assistance and help to the students. Will recommend to take this course everyone who want to level up her/his skills."

For more detailed information on the progress of this course, you can check the introductory video and free lessons, and if you decide to enroll in this course, you are always welcome to ask and discuss the concepts and implementation details on Q/A and messages sections. I will guide you from start to finish to help you successfully complete the course and gain as much knowledge and experience as possible from this course.

  • Shantanu Srivastava: "I brought this course specifically for learning Apache Kafka and after going through the Introduction video, I find out that this course will cover literally every single thing you need to know as a spring developer. From API gateways and Service Discovery, to log forwarding and resilience and so much more. Awesome!!"

Remember! There is a 30-day full money-back guarantee for this course! So you can safely press the 'Buy this course' button with zero risk and join this learning journey with me.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Yêu cầu

Nội dung khoá học

18 sections

Introduction to microservices architecture

4 lectures
Introduction to microservices architecture
Project overview & Introduction to Event-driven architecture
Implementation details for each microservice
Microservices description
1 question

Setting up the environment

1 lectures
Setting up the environment

First service: twitter-to-kafka-service - How to use Twitter4j & Kafka producers

23 lectures
Introduction to Spring boot
Creating the base Spring boot project
spring-boot-maven-plugin usage
1 question
The very first microservice
Log levels
1 question
Favoring constructor injection
1 question
Streaming tweets with Twitter4j: The command component in CQRS & Event sourcing
Streaming tweets with Twitter Api V2
Spring bean annotations
1 question
Adding mock twitter stream as an alternative
Introducing Apache Kafka:Event sourcing, topics, partitions, producer & consumer
Kafka consumers
1 question
Adding common config module
Running Apache Kafka cluster with docker: Kafka, Zookeeper and Schema Registry
Creating kafka-model module
Creating kafka-admin module - Part 1: Configuration and dependencies
Creating kafka-admin module - Part 2: Creating Kafka topics programmatically
Creating kafka-producer module: Configuration of Kafka producer
Kafka producer configuration
1 question
Creating kafka-producer module: Produce events to store in Kafka event store
Kafka producer implementation
1 question
Integrate Kafka modules with Microservice: Use Kafka as event store for service
Containerization of microservice with docker image: Run all with docker compose

Externalizing configuration with Spring Cloud Config Server

12 lectures
Creating Config Server Repository
Creating Spring Cloud Config Server as a Microservice
Enable Config Server
1 question
Using a common logback file for all microservices
Changing twitter-to-kafka-service to work with config server
Using remote GitHub repository
Adding security to config server and encrypt passwords
Using Jasypt to encrypt sensitive data
Using JCE to encrypt sensitive data
JCE vs Jasypt
1 question
Containerization of config server by creating the docker image

kafka-to-elastic-service: How to use Kafka consumers and Elastic Index API

16 lectures
Introduction to Kafka Consumer: Reading data events from Kafka using messaging
Adding kafka-consumer module
Kafka consumer properties
1 question
Kafka consumer properties
1 question
Creating the microservice: kafka-to-elastic-service
Adding initialization check
Introducing Elasticsearch
Running elastic search with docker
Creating elastic-model module
Elasticsearch Field annotation
1 question
Creating elastic-config module
Creating elastic-index-client module
Using Elasticsearch repositories for indexing
ElasticsearchOperations vs ElasticsearchRepository
1 question
Integrating elastic modules with microservice
Containerization of microservice with docker image: Run all with docker compose

Elastic query microservice:Rest API, versioning, Hateoas,Open Api, Elastic query

16 lectures
Introduction to Elastic Query Api
Elasticsearch query types
1 question
Creating elastic-query-client module
Using spring data elasticsearch repository for querying
Elasticsearch client
1 question
Elastic query microservice: The query component in CQRS & Event sourcing
Creating web controller
Creating business layer to return elastic data in controller
Creating validation and controller advice
Introduction to Hateoas (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)
Adding Hateoas capability to Rest API with Spring Hateoas
Introduction to Api versioning of Rest API
Api versioning
1 question
Implementing Api versioning for elastic query service Rest API
Enabling Open Api v3 for documentation of RESTful API with Swagger v3
Containerization of microservice by creating the docker image

Query web client microservice: Using REST Api, Webclient, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap

10 lectures
Introduction to Web clients
Starting to implement elastic-query-web-client
Creating Thymeleaf templates with Bootstrap
Creating Rest API controller
Controller with thymeleaf
1 question
Creating configurations for web client and security
Creating Webclient implementation
Adding client side load balancer with Spring Cloud Load Balancer
Client Side Load Balancer
1 question
Containerization of microservice by creating the docker image

Reactive version of elastic query service and web client: Using Reactive Spring

4 lectures
Creating common service and web client modules to re-use them with DRY principle
Creating reactive elastic query service: Reactive Spring and Flux reactive type
Reactive Rest API controller method
1 question
Creating reactive elastic web client: Reactive Spring, WebFlux and WebClient

Securing the services: Spring security OAuth2, OpenID connect, Keycloak and JWT

8 lectures
Introduction to Oauth and Keycloak authorization server
Oauth 2.0 protocol flows
1 question
Run and configure Keycloak authorization server with OIDC for authentication
Understanding Spring security with Spring Security OAuth 2.0 resource server
Configuring query service with Spring security Oauth 2.0, OpenId Connect and JWT
Adding user permissions with Spring security by reading from database
Configuring web client security with Spring boot security Oauth2, OIDC and JWT
Implementing SSO with Keycloak

Kafka streams with a new microservice: How to use Kafka streams state store

6 lectures
Introduction to Kafka streams
Kafka streams microservice base project
Completing the Kafka streams microservice
Kafka streams
1 question
Creating an endpoint for Kafka state store
Calling the Kafka State Store from Query Service

Creating Analytics service: How to use Spring Data JPA with PostgreSQL

5 lectures
Analytics microservice configuration with Spring Boot Data JPA and PostgreSQL
Completing the Analytics microservice with Spring Data JPA and PostgreSQL
Creating an Rest API endpoint for analytics data
Calling the analytics Rest API from query service
Inserting data in batches
1 question

Implement service discovery with Netflix Eureka and Spring Cloud: Spring Eureka

3 lectures
Introduction to service registry and service discovery with Spring Eureka
Integrating Spring eureka discovery service with microservices
Service registration and discovery
1 question

Spring cloud Api Gateway with Resilience4J Circuit Breaker & Redis Rate Limiter

4 lectures
Introduction to Api Gateway: Resilience4J Circuit Breaker and Redis Rate Limiter
Implementing Api Gateway with Springcloud gateway, Redis and Resilience4J
Integrate Spring Cloud Api Gateway Circuit Breaker & Rate limiting with services
Understanding Api Gateway
1 question

Monitoring and visualisation with Spring boot actuator, Prometheus and Grafana

3 lectures
Configure microservices with Spring boot actuator, Prometheues and Micrometer
Adding monitoring and creating dashboards with Grafana
Understanding monitoring microservices
1 question

Implementing Distributed tracing and Log aggregation with visualisation by ELK

3 lectures
Configuring microservices to work with Logstash
Adding Logstash and Kibana into application: Complete ELK stack
Making gateway and config server high available and improve log file naming

Integrating Spring Sleuth and Zipkin for Distributed tracing & Log aggregation

3 lectures
Introducing Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
Integrating Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
Understanding Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
1 question

Version updates:Update to latest Spring boot, Spring cloud & other dependencies

7 lectures
Update to spring boot 2.5.0
Update to spring boot 2.5.3 & Update other dependencies and docker images
Update to spring boot 2.5.6
Update to spring boot 2.6.3
Update to spring boot 2.7.0
Update to spring boot 2.7.5
Update to spring boot 3.1.2

What's next?

1 lectures
Bonus Lecture

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