Mô tả

Learn to integrate multiple payment platforms at once in the same Laravel project, using as an example the most popular payment gateways (PayPal and Stripe).

Do you want to start receiving payments and subscriptions on your existing projects?

Me too. And in this course, I teach you how to achieve it without getting crazy in the process, using Laravel.

Process payments with Laravel and the best payment platforms.
Let's be honest; we currently don't have time to go line by line reading and understanding the documentation to test and fail with each platform. For that reason, I guide you along with the direct pat in this course to integrate the current times'  best online payment and e-commerce platforms. EVERYTHING in the same Laravel project.

Receive recurring payments (subscriptions)
Don't stop there. You will also learn how to process subscriptions for your users and receive recurring payments on any of your Laravel projects.

Billions of dollars have been raised online only in recent months. With this course, you can open up to your customers and users and start receiving online payments using the best PHP framework, Laravel, along with the best online payment gateways. As a use-case, integrate PayPal and Stripe (considering SCA) in Laravel (and more coming).

Why choose me?
Because I'm always there to enhance your learning :)

More than 18,000 students appreciate the effectiveness of my answers to all their questions and the more than 4,000 positive ratings prove it.

Because I not only teach you Laravel but how to solve real-world problems with Laravel.

What's good about Laravel?
Laravel is the most popular framework for PHP. With Laravel, you can develop high complexity PHP applications quickly, which includes payment processing using the most popular payment gateways. During the course, you will see the enormous facilities that Laravel offers when implementing complex tasks. Of course, we are using the latest version of Laravel.

Why PayPal and Stripe?
It's not just about PayPal and Stripe. In the course, everything will be perfectly adaptable to any additional platform that is added in the future or those you need to use.

Initially, PayPal and Stripe are used with Laravel because both, PayPal and Stripe, are the most popular online payment gateways globally and meet a huge portion of online businesses' needs.

What about SCA?
Do not worry! I cover you on this too. SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) is a very important security requirement for some regions and it is a good idea to take that into consideration for your projects. In this course, I show you the details about SCA, Stripe, and Laravel. That way, your Laravel project will accomplish the SCA directives while using Stripe.

So join now to integrate the best payment platforms with Laravel and you will get this:

  • Integrate and receive payments with PayPal, directly using the PayPal API in Laravel

  • Integrate and process payments with Stripe, directly using the Stripe API from Laravel

  • Integrate Stripe in Laravel, considering SCA

  • Accomplish SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) when using Stripe in your Laravel project

  • Build a payment platform that integrates MULTIPLE payment gateways at once in a single Laravel project.

  • It includes the essential steps to process payments from Laravel, not only with PayPal and Stripe but with any other platform.

Why take this course?
I prepared this course to explore the essentials when processing payments with Laravel, using the most important payment platforms.

The goal?
Simplify the process to integrate multiple platforms with essential steps. So, regardless of the platforms to use, the process would be quite similar and simple to carry out.

Exploring the different parts where developers "suffer" most by integrating payment platforms into any project. Especially when several are required at once.

You will want to complete this course since the first class.

Is this course for you?
This course is probably for anyone (expert or not). This course is for you if you meet any of these conditions:

  • You are a beginner or want to start using payment gateways to process payments on your online projects.

  • You are a Laravel or PHP developer and you want to integrate the best payment platforms in your projects.

  • You are an entrepreneur, and you want to start creating your online services and receive money with them.

  • You are an expert in web development and you need to integrate multiple payment platforms in the same project, without spending time understanding official articles and documents.

The benefits you will get

  • The freedom to implement solutions once and let your products and services sell online without having to be there every time.

  • The feeling of professional growth and building real and incredible projects.

  • Build any Laravel project that can collect payments online automatically, using the most important payment platforms.

So that said all this...

Do not wait for more. The world moves quickly, and billions of dollars are raised completely online.

Offering multiple payment options online will help your users and simplify their lives.

Press the button and enroll today.

Join me throughout this process to integrate the best payment platforms available.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Integrate the best payment platforms in your projects

Start receiving payments, integrating the platforms you need

Integrate PayPal into your projects, to receive payments online

Adapt your projects to use different payment platforms

Integrate Stripe to receive payments in your projects

Provide multiple payment alternatives to your users (platforms and currencies)

Handle payments in different currencies across multiple payment platforms

Yêu cầu

  • Have PHP installed and functional in your system (at least PHP 7.3 is recommended)
  • Have composer installed and functional in your development environment
  • Recommended, PHP basic skills
  • Everything else I will teach you how to implement it

Nội dung khoá học

17 sections

Meet the instructor and how to take advantage of the course

4 lectures
About the payment platform with Laravel and what you'll learn
About the instructor, Laravel and payment platforms
How to Ask Questions
The development environment to use

Obtaining and preparing a Laravel project to process payments

5 lectures
Getting the structure of Laravel using Composer
The source code of the course
Creating the essential models and tables for the payment platform
Preparing the payment platform and filling the database from Laravel
Be sure everything is clear about the essential models and tables
4 questions

Preparing some visual components in Laravel to process payments

5 lectures
Adding laravel/ui to build some visual components
Notes About Laravel Vite
Generating visual components with laravel/ui
Improving and using the components generated with Laravel UI
Adding components to display the messages from the payment platform

Building a payment generator to process from Laravel

6 lectures
Creating a form with random amounts using Bootstrap in Laravel
Showing the types of currency available to process a payment
Showing the available payment platforms with Laravel and Bootstrap
Allowing to customize the form for each payment platform
Adding the actions to process a payment on the platform with Laravel
Make sure you understand the reasons behind the created form
1 question

Allowing to consume the API of any payment platform from Laravel

2 lectures
Adding GuzzleHTTP to Laravel to consume HTTP APIs
Creating a component to use any API of the payment platforms

Preparing Laravel to use PayPal as a payment platform

4 lectures
Creating PayPal test accounts to send and receive payments
Creating a PayPal application to consume your API from Laravel
Configuring the payment platform in Laravel to use the PayPal API
Adding a service in Laravel responsible for consuming the PayPal API

Implementing the necessary actions in Laravel to use the PayPal API

5 lectures
Decoding and authenticating requests to the PayPal API
Creating an order in the PayPal API for a given amount and currency
Capturing a payment of an order given in Laravel with the PayPal API
Controlling from Laravel the creation of an order using PayPal
Controlling from Laravel the capture of a payment with PayPal

Improving and preparing Laravel to use any other payment platform

4 lectures
Implementing the payment cancellation flow for any platform
Considering zero-decimal currencies
Creating a component that solves a payment platform dynamically
Resolving the payment platform service according to the user's choice

Preparing the project to use Stripe as an additional payment platform

4 lectures
Creating an account in Stripe for use with the payment platform
Obtaining access credentials to use the Stripe API from Laravel
Configuring the payment platform with Laravel to use Stripe
Creating the service for Laravel that will use the Stripe API

Adding the essential elements in Laravel to start charging with Stripe

3 lectures
Decoding and authenticating Stripe API requests
Requesting a payment method to make payments with Stripe from Laravel
Obtaining a token that represents the payment method in Stripe

Implementing the components to process payments with the Stripe API

4 lectures
Creating a payment intention with the Stripe API from Laravel
Confirming a payment intention from Laravel using the Stripe API
Handling with Laravel the creation of a payment intent in Stripe
Handling with Laravel the confirmation of a payment intent in Stripe

Handling Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) with Stripe and Laravel

3 lectures
Considering Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) with Stripe
Preparing the Stripe service to process payments with 3D Secure (SCA)
Performing 3D Secure validation directly with Stripe

Preparing a Subscription System for the Project

5 lectures
Creating the Components to Handle Users Subscriptions
Allowing To Determine if a Subscription Is Active and Using It
Implementing the Actions To Start the Subscription of a User
Creating the Form That Allows To Purchase a Subscription
Start the Payment of a Subscription With a Payment Platform

Processing Subscriptions Using PayPal

3 lectures
Create and Configure the Plans of the Payment Platform in PayPal
Allowing To Create a Subscription With the PayPal API
Handling the Creation of a Subscription With PayPal

Implement the Internal Functionalities of the Subscription System

3 lectures
Create a Subscription As Soon as It Is Successfully Processed
Getting Sure a Subscription Attempt Comes From a Payment Process
Apply the Benefits of the User’s Subscription and Avoid Duplicates

Add Support for Subscriptions with Stripe

4 lectures
Create and Configure a Product With Its Prices for Stripe
Create a Subscription and Customer With Stripe
Handle a User Subscription Process With Stripe
Handle Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) in Subscriptions With Stripe

Conclusions and recommendations on payment processing from Laravel

4 lectures
There is still much that can be done to process payments with Laravel
Considerations when publishing your payment platform to production
What would you like to see in the course?
Bonus Lecture

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