Mô tả

Welcome to the "Learn Korean from Scratch" course from TOPIK GUIDE.

This course curriculum has been systematically designed to help you learn Korean language in the most effective and efficient way possible.

This course is very different from the typical Korean lessons on YouTube and on many blogs.

We will not try to make you memorize 100 Korean phrases about different situations and make you assume that you have learned the language.

Memorizing sentences and words is not learning a language.

Learning a language means having the skills to recall the words and grammar from your memory and frame meaningful expressions to communicate as required in different situation.

And, that's what we want to teach you in this course.

We will start from the very basics - the Korean script, learn how to connect characters to make words.

Then we will learn how to make simple sentences and slowly we will move up to holding conversations.

The instructor of this course is a foreigner who himself learned Korean from scratch and is a Korean linguist today.

He has 3 university degrees in Korean language and linguistics including a Masters from Seoul National University with 'Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language' as his major.

He has highest TOPIK level 6 and has helped hundreds of Korean language learners learn Korean, pass TOPIK test and achieve their dreams to study or work in Korea.

During this course, the TOPIK GUIDE Team, along with the instructor, will always be there to help you if you feel stuck at any point.

See you inside the course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:- I have tried to learn Korean multiple time through different sources but couldn't go beyond alphabet. How is this course different from other courses?

A:- We know that language learning is difficult. If anyone is promising you that he will make you learn the language without any serious studying and just by doing some fun activities or memorizing phrases, he is lying. Many Korean language instructors have very good knowledge of Korean language but they don't know how to teach things in a systematic way and order. It's either because they themselves didn't learn the language a systematic way or because they don't know to teach a foreign language effectively. And that's the reason most of the learners are not able to go beyond the first few lessons. Most just give up at the alphabet because they the teacher is not able to explain the pronunciation changes properly and they feel overwhelmed.

This course has been designed by an expert who has not only learned Korean from scratched and achieved near native level fluency but also did formal study and research on how to teach Korean as a foreign language. So this course uses tried and tested methods to teach you the concepts of Korean language. Yes, you will have to put in more effort than when learning through YouTube videos but you will not feel that you are not able to understand something at any point in the course.

Q:- What if I have any questions during the course?

A:- We know that language learning, especially at the beginning stage, requires some extra hand-holding. Therefore we are always just a message or email away from you. If you have any questions during the course, you can leave a message on the lesson page, send an email or message us on Facebook and we will be there to help you.

Q:- Is the course content final or will you add more lessons?

A: We plan to add more lessons. The reason why haven't added them yet is that we want to see the students' progress data and issues faced by them, what they like and dislike and then create new content accordingly.

Q:- Can I take TOPIK test after this course?

A: Though TOPIK test will require some additional and more focused preparation apart from this course but you will definitely be ready to prepare for TOPIK I after this course. If you are interested in taking TOPIK test, you can contact us after you have completed 75% of the course and we will guide you accordingly.

Q:- What if I don't like the course?

A:- Through we are very confident that you will find the course helpful, we realize that people have different learning needs and styles. For any reasons, if you don't find the course useful, you ca get a 100% refund within 30 days after purchase.

See you inside the course!

Happy Learning!

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Korean Alphabet Hangul

Correct Pronunciation of Korean letters

How to make Korean words by combining letters (Syllable Structures)

How to make sentences in Korean (Sentence Structure)

Basic Grammar elements of Korean

Common Korean greetings and Expressions

How to make simple conversations in day to day situations

Common Korean Vocabulary

After completing this course - You will be able to write and read Korean with perfect pronunciation and hold basic conversation in Korean with ease.

Yêu cầu

  • No knowledge of Korean is required as this course teaches you Korean from scratch.
  • Anyone, from a 5 year old kid to a 95 years old grandpa, can learn Korean through this course.

Nội dung khoá học

9 sections


1 lectures
Introduction to the course

Korean Script (Alphabet) - Hangul

5 lectures
Korean Alphabet - Simple Consonants
Korean Alphabet - Aspirated Consonants
Korean Alphabet - Double Consonants
Korean Alphabet - Simple Vowels
Korean Alphabet - Complex Vowels

Syllable Structure and Pronunciation - Forming Words with letters in Korean

5 lectures
Korean Syllable Structure
Learning Correct Pronunciation
Making of Korean Words - 1
Making of Korean Words - 2
Making of Korean Words - 3

Learning More Complex Words

3 lectures
Concept of Patchim - Final Consonants
making Words with Patchim
Double Patchim

Making Korean Sentences - Let's start reading, writing and talking in Korean

2 lectures
Most common Korean Phrases and Expressions
Making Sentences in Korean

Conversation in Korean - 1

5 lectures
My Name is John
Do you have milk?
How have you been?
What are you doing?
Lesson 19- Recap

Basic Korean Vocabulary

5 lectures
Numbers in Korean
Days and Months in Korean
25 Most Common Verbs
25 Most Common Adjectives
Professions/Occupations in Korean

Korean Conversation - 2

2 lectures
What did you do during vacation?
Shall we watch a movie together this weekend?

What Next?

1 lectures
The road forward..

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