Mô tả

Bloom’s Taxonomy is an integral part of a teacher’s life – whether it’s creating learning objectives, asking the right questions in the classroom or even designing classroom activities. This self-paced course aims at empowering teachers to use Bloom’s taxonomy effectively in classrooms. On one hand, it helps to develop a deeper understanding of the different levels of the taxonomy, and on the other, the course provides you with opportunities to apply your learning in the classroom scenario.

The purpose of this module is to orient the teachers to the framework of Bloom’s Taxonomy. It aims at familiarizing the teachers with the technical know-how of the teaching/learning process, based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. It focuses on developing an awareness and expertise in the principles and professional practice of incorporating this framework in their classroom teaching. As they navigate their way through this module, the teachers will find themselves engaged in several activities that are designed to help them to create achievable learning objectives and develop plans to meet them.

STTAR self-paced learning course on Bloom’s Taxonomy is designed to empower teachers to create desired learning trajectories for students and guide them towards higher-order thinking. It is relevant for all curricula and contains actionable suggestions, tips and guidance to help you become an expert in leveraging Bloom’s Taxonomy for best effect in classrooms for all grades.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Understand the cognitive levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy

Differentiate between original and revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Differentiate between learning objectives and desired learning outcomes

Create learning outcomes using verb stems from Bloom’s Taxonomy

Create tasks/questions to measure the success of learning outcomes

Learn about the ‘success criteria’ used in some schools

Develop learning objectives using Bloom’s Taxonomy

Yêu cầu

  • You need a computer or other devices
  • You must be willing to take actions on what will you learn

Nội dung khoá học

9 sections


1 lectures

What is Bloom’s Taxonomy

4 lectures
Video 1
Activity 1
1 question
Activity 2
4 questions
Understanding Bloom’s Taxonomy with a Story

Different Domains in Bloom’s Taxonomy

5 lectures
Video 3 Different Domains in Bloom’s Taxonomy
Video 4 The AFFECTIVE Learning Domain
Video 5: The PSYCHOMOTOR Domain
Activity 3 Choose the Correct category according to the domain?
3 questions
Activity 4
6 questions

Changes in Bloom’s taxonomy

2 lectures
Video 6: Changes in Bloom’s Taxonomy
Activity 5
2 questions

Lesson 4 The Six Levels of the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

2 lectures
Video 7: The Six Levels of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Activity 6
1 question

LESSON 5: Interdependence of Bloom’s Learning Levels

1 lectures
Video 8: Interdependence of Bloom’s Learning Levels

LESSON 6: Why implement Bloom’s Taxonomy in your Classroom

1 lectures
Video 9: Why implement Bloom’s Taxonomy in your Classroom

LESSON 7: Writing Objectives with Bloom’s Taxonomy

4 lectures
Video 10: Writing Objectives with Bloom’s Taxonomy- Part 1
Activity 7 Process verb used in revised taxonomy
4 questions
Video 11: Writing Objectives with Bloom’s Taxonomy- Part 2
Activity 8 Learning Objective at different levels
6 questions

LESSON 8: Using Bloom’s Taxonomy while Planning Lessons

2 lectures
Video 12: Using Bloom’s Taxonomy while Planning Lessons
Bloom's Taxonomy for Effective Learning
14 questions

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