Mô tả

Literally, it is the most extensive and most detailed course about Hasura you can find on Internet so far and it was awarded "Content of the Year" at the HasuraCon 2022!


"This is by far the best course, I have taken on Udemy. The instructor solved my queries in a day or two. I am waiting for the next course from the instructor. Top-notch quality." -Ankur Sharma

If you’re a developer struggling with GraphQL because of its complexity… or simply because it takes too much time, this is going to be the most exciting news for you.

Listen, If I told you… that you can take your existing Relational Database and turn it into a powerful GraphQL API in a matter of seconds…

Or... build a performant GraphQL backend from start to finish in a couple of hours with very little to no coding...

Would you be interested?

My name is Dmytro Mezhenskyi.

And even with 9 years of experience as a web developer and teacher, I couldn’t get over the amount of time it takes to complete my GraphQL APIs.

I found that most of my time was wasted on mundane repetitive tasks. Tasks like writing the CRUD code over and over again… for every single entity in the database.

And it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or expert in GraphQL… it still takes up way too much time.

In that time, you could’ve already had your project up and running. And you could’ve done it without the stress from the deadline creeping in and your boss breathing down your neck.

Two years ago, I started searching for solutions to make GraphQL development more "automated" and I came across Hasura. It had a lot of issues back then but it still felt like a revelation for me.

And you'll feel the same way about it too in just a minute.

Because… when you learn how to use Hasura, you'll be able to create your GraphQL backends easier and faster than you ever thought possible without writing a single line of code!

And you don't have to take my word for it...

Here’s what other developers are saying about Hasura:


Wow. @HasuraHQ is seriously impressive. I just set up an entire backend (database, GraphQL API, authentication, authorization) in less than an hour without ever touching a terminal!” - Cole Bemis

Check out @HasuraHQ, this is crazy s*#&!. I can write a whole application powered by GraphQL without writing a line of backend code!” - Thomas Heyenbrock

I just tried @HasuraHQ for the first time and my mind is genuinely blown. I built a fully deployed GraphQL setup that would have taken me hours normally in like 30 seconds. It's incredible how fast the developer ecosystem evolves.” - Ali Spittel


And the crazy thing is… MOST developers don’t even know about it!

When I started creating my GraphQL APIs using Hasura, it took me a couple of months to get the hang of it and even more time to master it because I didn’t have anyone to teach me the nuts and bolts back then.

But even with all that effort, it was absolutely worth it!

In fact, in all my years of web development, no other tool has been more useful.

And that’s why I created this course, the most comprehensive course on Hasura with: 9 segments, 80 lectures and 6.5+ hours packed with engaging content that'll allow you to master Hasura in the shortest time possible.

It covers all the basics, and the more advanced features, and dives into all the little details that I wish I knew when I started using Hasura.

When you’re done with this course, you’ll be able to use every functionality to create your GraphQL backends effortlessly in record time.

Here’s what other students are saying about this course:


"Wow, the best course on Hasura you will ever find!" - Shimon Wosner

“I'm halfway through the course and absolutely enjoying it! This is the easiest starting with GraphQL ever. Thank you and keep it up!” - Daria Lazurenko

“Exactly what I was looking for to up-skill for Hasura, assuming we go Hasura for our next project I will be recommending this course for all DevOps, API developers, and UI Developers on the project!” - Joseph D Garrepy


In the first few sections of this course, you’ll learn things like:

…How to let the CRUD code write itself without you even touching your keyboard.

…How to play with all the different features in Hasura using the “playground” approach.

…How to easily navigate through the most common errors that can cost you a huge chunk of your time if you don’t know about them.

…And A LOT more.

But there are a few things you should keep in mind…

1. There is no fluff in this course… we’ll be diving right in without wasting any time.

2. This is not just a “what to do” guide. You’ll be learning about the concepts behind what we are doing. The “why.”

3. If we need to write any code to extend Hasura’s functionality, I’ll be writing along with you so that it’s easier to follow through. This is NOT a “copy-paste some spaghetti code” type of course. We’ll dissect every little feature Hasura has to offer and how you can use it to your advantage.

Along the way, you’ll discover things like:

· The best way to secure your Hasura endpoint and the mistakes you must avoid.

· When you should extend business logic and exactly how to do it

· The one thing that you CAN NOT miss when you’re doing database migrations (If you don’t want other developers to hate you)

How do you go through this course?

1- Go through the different segments, one at a time, taking a 10-minute break in between each segment to let your brain soak in all the information you learned. DO NOT watch it all in one go. It’s tempting but it might overwhelm your brain…

2- Play along with me. If you just watch without doing anything, you’ll learn a lot… but I designed this course with easy step-by-step instructions so you can get the maximum value by following along with me. Note: Hasura will be really fun when you know your way around it.

3- If any concept seems a bit confusing, rewind the lecture and watch it again, this time paying attention to the subtle important explanations. If you do this, you’ll start feeling a lot more comfortable with Hasura as a whole.

4- Refer back to the course if you’re stuck at any point with a project you’re working on. The course is divided into small lectures so you can quickly go through the one you need.

Important to note

I am constantly updating this course with Hasura’s latest features so that everything you’re learning is up-to-date. I am also further polishing it using your feedback to include deployment, and examples with your favorite front-end frameworks.

While that sounds great, it also means that the course’s value is always increasing and so the price might go up as well in the near future.

The only way you can guarantee yourself lifetime access to all the available AND future lessons at the current price is if you enroll in the course right now.


-Dmytro Mezhenskyi

Bạn sẽ học được gì

This course was awarded "Content of the Year" at the HasuraCon'22 🤩

Database Migrations & Metadata to help your database evolve successfully

Transform your database into a GraphQL server with built-in sorting, full-text search & pagination in a few minutes

Create role-based access to the Data

Master authentication with JWT tokens & Firebase, custom authentication with WebHooks, and access with admin secret

Create full React and Angular application examples with Apollo GraphQL Client and Hasura backend

Use a simple file uploading strategy with GraphQL, Hasura actions and Firebase storage

Build real-time queries to the Hasura GraphQL server

Build a CI/CD pipeline with GiHub Actions which deploys Hasura Project on Development & Production Environments

Easily integrate and delegate custom logic to micro-services (REST & GraphQL) created with Firebase Cloud Functions

Yêu cầu

  • Basic understanding of Docker
  • Basic understanding of what is GraphQL
  • Little experience in Web Development

Nội dung khoá học

10 sections


3 lectures
What we will learn in this Course?
What is Hasura?
How to use the course & link to the source code

Basics - Queries / Mutations / Real-Time Subscriptions

18 lectures
Hasura Cloud Changes
Start with Hasura in Hasura Cloud
Run Hasura as a Docker Container
Hasura Console Overview
Creating Tables in Hasura Database Manager
Let's build the first GraphQL query to the Database
Query - Data sorting
Query - Data filtering
Query - Full-Text Searching
Query - Combine Multiple Filters
Query - How to do Pagination
Query - How to work with Relations between Database Tables
Mutations - Create an Item
Mutations - Update an Item
Mutations - Delete an Item
Mutations - Mutate Items with Relations
How to use Variables in GraphQL Queries, Mutations and Subscriptions
Subscriptions - Realtime Queries

Delegation of custom Logic to 3rd party Micro-Services

11 lectures
How to extend Business Logic?
Setup Firebase Cloud Functions
Event triggers - Create an Event Trigger
Event triggers - Implement Event Logic
WARN! If you get "Object is of type 'unknown'"
Actions - Basic Overview
Actions - Create an Action (Create User Action)
Actions - Relations to the Database Tables
Remote Scheme - What is that?
Remote Scheme - Create and connect external GraphQL Scheme
Section recap

Authentication in Hasura

6 lectures
How to protect Hasura Endpoints
Authentication with JWT (JSON WEB Token)
Authentication with JWT & Firebase REST API
Role-based Access
Anonymous Role
Webhook Authentication Mode

Database Migrations & Metadata

11 lectures
Describe a Problem
What is Migrations & Metadata
Meet Hasura CLI
Create Initial Migration
How to export Metadata
How to check Migration Status
How to apply Metadata
How to keep your Migrations & Metadata always in Sync
Migration Squashing
Seed Migrations
How to rollback Changes if something went wrong

File Uploading & Small Improvements

2 lectures
Fix Permissions for User Roles
Create Action - Upload File

Example with Angular (Material), Apollo Client, Firebase Storage & Hasura Server

10 lectures
Create an Angular App & install Angular Material
Implement SignUp functionality
Implement SignIn functionality
Typescript Code and types Autogeneration
Create Authentication Guards and Create a User Profile
Perform Secure Queries to GraphQL Endpoints
Implement File Uploading
Render the List of Uploaded Files
Open File Details in Dialog Window
Add Comments to the File

Example with React (Material), Apollo Client, Firebase Storage & Hasura Server

10 lectures
Create a React App and install dependencies
Implement SignUp functionality
Implement SignIn functionality
Typescript Code and types Autogeneration
Create Authentication Guards and Create a User Profile
Perform Secure Queries to GraphQL Endpoints
Implement File Uploading
Render the List of Uploaded Files
Open File Details in Dialog Window
Add Comments to the File

Hasura Project Deployment to Dev & Production Environments using GitHub Actions

11 lectures
Configure Hasura for convenient Local Development for a Team
Configure Cloud Functions for Multi Environments
Configure React Application for Multi Environment Support
About Firebase Cloud Functions Disclaimer
Create & Configure Firebase Production & Develop Projects
Create & Configure Hasura Production & Development instances
Configure GitHub Repo a setup sensitive Data as Secrets
Deploy Cloud Function with GitHub Actions
Deploy Hasura Engine with GitHub Actions
Deploy React App using GitHub Actions
Deploy the whole Project to Production Environment

Hasura 2.*

4 lectures
Upgrade to Hasura 2.0 and Metadata 3.0
Upgrade to Hasura 2.8.1 and the latest Firebase Cloud Functions
Upgrade React Application to React 18 and latest Apollo Client
Upgrade Angular Application to Angular 14 and latest Apollo Client

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