Mô tả

This series is called 走进办公室 step in to the office, mainly about daily communication in the office. We will put ourselves in a series of real scenarios that we could actually experience in our daily work.

The series is led by 5 main scerios:

  • To start with, the first lesson presents the first meet with new coworkers, we will learn 1) how we give self-introduction, including your position, department, duties and even hobbies, 2)also some expressions that show your modesty which is part of culture in a chinese company;

  • The second lesson is about reporting a project, we will learn 1)how we report the progress of a project, possible difficulties, future plan and how we ask for support, 2)how we start a topic, 3)how we ask for and give opinion in Chinese;

  • The third lesson will lead us to the scenario of a video conference, we will learn1) expressions we are most likely to use throughout a conference, and 2)how we give explanation, 3)how we describe a process in Chinese;

  • When we come to the fourth lesson we will talk about pressure at work, 1)we will learn how we show cares to our colleagues, 2)how we ask for a leave, 3)how we make assumption and speculate the cause;

  • The theme of the last lesson is a glipse of a culture of Chinese companies, which is mainly about dining together, we will learn 1)why dining together is important, 2)what expressions would be helpful and appropirate to apply when you dine together with your boss or coworkers ;3)How we describe the frequency

The structure of each lesson:

Each lesson lasts 50~70min in total and consists of 6 parts:

1)The first part is introduction giving you the main idea of this scenario;

2)Part 2 and part 3 will equip you with around 10 key words which helps you get well prepared for other parts afterwards;

3)Part 4 is is the grammar part, there could be about 4-5 key grammars that we pick from the dialogue. I know many of you don’t show much interest in grammars, and it’s a course that mainly aims at expressing, but it’s highly recommended to go through this part for two reasons. Firstly, there are some conclusions or substitutes of certain expressions for certain scenario, you could learn couple of alternative ways to express the sam meaning. You could choose your favorite ones to use. Secondly, we will explain some important structures in the dialogue, with which you could easily create your own sentences and express your own idea in daily communication. So, sounds like it worths your time.

4)In part5 we will study the whole dialogue, meanwhile we will also review the new vocabulary and key grammars in previous parts of this lesson, which is a perfect process to check and memorize what we’ve learned.

5)Last but not least, we will provide you with 10 to 20 very practical supplementary expressions you are very likely to use in the scenario. We would like to encourage you to repeat out loud and to get familiar with the tones of each sentence. Hopefully, you could start to use them in your daily life right after the course.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Handle practical Chinese expressions you would be most likely to apply when you are working or plan to work in a Chinese spoken working environment.

Be able to communicate with potential Chinese speaking clients or coworkers in multiple scenarios within the least amount of time.

Enjoy a convenience brought by less language barrier and be more competitive for a position in a multinational company

Get familiar with more than 100 key words, 20 grammars, 130 expressions via 5 main scenarios and 5 dialogues.

Be provided with enough chances to practice listening and speaking of tones of pinyin and pronunciation throughout exercises in this practical course.

Yêu cầu

  • Preferably you've already learned how to read pinyin or have the level of HSK 1 -HSK3 or above

Nội dung khoá học

5 sections

Lesson1 初次见面-你是新同事吗? First Meet-Are you new colleague?

6 lectures
Part1 Introduction
Part2 Vocabulary(1)
Part3 Vocabulary (2)
Part4 Grammar
Part5 Dialogue
Part6 Supplementary Expressions

Lesson2 讨论项目-我们在做市场调研 Discussing a project- we are doing market research

6 lectures
Part1 Introduction
Part2 Vocabulary(1)
Part3 Vocabulary(2)
Part4 Grammar
Part5 Dialogue
Part6 Supplementary Expressions

Lesson3 视频会议-我忘记打开摄像头了 Video conference- I forgot to turn on the camera

6 lectures
Part1 Introduction
Part2 Vocabulary(1)
Part3 Vocabulary(2)
Part4 Grammar
Part5 Dialogue
Part6 Supplementary Expressions

Lesson4压力之下-我已经向经理请假了 Under pressure- I've already asked the manager for a leave

6 lectures
Part1 Introduction
Part2 Vocabulary(1)
Part3 Vocabulary(2)
Part4 Grammar
Part5 Dialogue
Part6 Supplementary Expressions

Lesson5 公司聚餐-我一喝酒就头疼 Dining together- I have a headache as soon as I drink

6 lectures
Part1 Introduction
Part2 Vocabulary(1)
Part3 Vocabulary(2)
Part4 Grammar
Part5 Dialogue
Part6 Supplementary Expressions

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