Mô tả

What others are saying:

"Peter brings a wealth of experience from his Ph.D. and presents it in a way that is easily accessible. Focussing on the fundamentals and then drawing those principles through to the final proposal. Especially useful are the real-life examples from his own studies." - Prof Ivan Hofsajer

  • Get instant access to a workbook plus worksheets, follow along, and keep for reference

  • Introduce yourself to our community of students in this course and tell us your goals

  • Encouragement and celebration of your progress every step of the way: 25% > 50% > 75% & 100%

  • Over 7 hours of clear and concise step-by-step instructions, lessons, and engagement

"it just fills in the blank spaces on the proposal I am writing" - Noel L.

"The instructor is very knowledgeable and clearly cares about his students! I feel like I am in a real classroom." - Kira M.

"It was a fantastic refresher course on how the postgraduate journey starts and must finish." - Knowledge M.

"I learned on what needs to be taken into a proposal and what needs to be left out from it." - Minkie M.

In this course, you will learn exactly what goes into a research proposal so that your research will be approved and you will have created an excellent groundwork for the rest of your study. The more effort you put into your proposal document, the better prepared you will be for the next stages of your degree. In this course are lessons, assignments, quizzes and much more; not only will you learn how to complete a research proposal but you will also make progress on your own proposal.

  • Learn the importance of background reading and how to use questions and note-taking to be more effective in covering the relevant literature

  • What goes into a proposal and a free checklist that you can use to confirm whether you have covered all the requirements

  • I'll walk you through my own successful Ph.D. proposal document so you can get inspiration and see exactly what I did at that stage of my study

  • Approach your proposal by answering 3 questions: What are you going to study, why are you going to study it and how are you going to do it

  • There are lessons and assignments for each of these 3 aspects and you will actually make progress by working on each of these sections

  • There's a whiteboard lesson that gives you an overall approach to your research proposal and an overview of everything you need to know

  • In another whiteboard lesson, I'll teach you the importance of good thesis statements and how to create one

  • A good thesis statement is like a North Star for your research; if you do it really well it will guide you through to successful completion

  • Learn how to approach doing a presentation of your proposal; you can even use the assignments you complete in this course as talking points

  • I'll walk you through my own proposal slides so you can see exactly what went into my presentation with my supervisors and industry experts

  • You'll be able to introduce yourself and see everyone else's introduction, where they are from, and why they are taking this course

  • Learn the importance of taking notes when you are doing background reading and how this links with questions you have created to guide you

  • Learn the importance of defining a problem statement, research questions, key concepts, definitions, and explanations of what you are studying

  • Answer the question of why are you doing this research; the motivation for it, and the significance of the contribution that you will make

  • Answer the question of how you are going to do your study; the academic methods, practicalities, instruments, type of research, ethics, etc

I look forward to seeing you in the lessons and reviewing your assignments so that you really can make actual progress on your own proposal, while also putting into practice what you have learned in this course.

What you’ll learn

  • What to include in your proposal and presentation so you get your research study approved

  • Make actual progress on your own proposal by working through the assignments after each lesson

  • Position yourself more effectively for the rest of your degree by putting more effort into your proposal

  • The importance of lots of background reading and how that helps you confirm what you want to investigate

  • Walk through my proposal and see the application of what you have learned in the lessons with a real example

  • A proposal requires you to answer 3 questions: what are you going to study, why, and how

  • A whiteboard lesson will teach you 80% of what needs to go into a proposal

  • A thesis statement is like a North Star for your study and the better your’s is, the more successful you will be

  • Present your proposal and how to create effective PowerPoint slides to support your presentation

  • Read as much as you can about your topic to get a sense of all the different views and issues in that particular field

  • Make notes about what you are reading and what issues you uncover that are interesting

  • You may also need to include a timeline for your study as well as funding information and ethics clearance if required

  • Explain to your readers exactly what you are going to do in your study; background, what problem will it solve, what contribution

  • Define some key concepts and definitions, especially terms that come up frequently in the area of your research

  • A thesis statement that clearly identifies what you are going to study and how that research will address the problem identified

  • What’s the significance of your research; if you need to apply for funding then this will be critical

  • You must orientate your research in academic work and show that there is a gap in the literature that you will address

  • Your method describes the route you will take through your study to get it done, the techniques you will use

  • Describe what instruments you will use as well as any ethical considerations that need to be incorporated into your study

  • Your proposal is like a contract; you have written down what you are going to do, and your institution commits to supporting you

Contents and Overview

You'll start with Your Proposal Must Explain Your Research By Answering: What, Why And How; Peter Alkema's PhD Proposal Document: Walkthrough & See The Lessons In Practice; Start Here: Read Widely Using Key Questions To Guide You & Always Take Notes; Explain What You Are Doing In Your Research; Problem Statement, Key Concepts; Whiteboard Lesson: How To Write A Good Thesis Statement That Defines Your Study; Explain Why You Are Doing Your Research; The Significance Or The Motivation; Explain How You Are Going To Do Your Research; Method, Instruments, Approach; How To Approach Your Research Proposal Presentation & Proactively Make Progress; Walk Through Of Peter Alkema's PhD Proposal Presentation Slides; Principles And Practices Of Preparing And Presenting With Microsoft PowerPoint; Learn Basic PowerPoint Features With This Walkthrough And Tips And Techniques; Learn More Advanced PowerPoint Features With This Walkthrough & Business Example; Learn How Not To Design PowerPoint Slides As I Demo Some Very Bad Examples;

We will also cover Finish your research proposal and get your study approved; Contribution vs significance; Explain how you are going to do your research; How you are going to present your proposal; Advice for everybody for a research proposal; Advice on academic literature and academic proposal; Advice about research proposals and ideal ways to create proposals; Where to start looking for a topic and starting with your proposal; Questions How do you begin finding a topic that is Ph.D. worthy;

Then you'll get live webinars and additional insights!

You'll get premium support and feedback to help you become more confident with finance!

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We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!

We can't wait to see you on the course!

Enroll now, and we'll help you improve your research writing skills!


Bạn sẽ học được gì

What to include in your proposal and presentation so you get your research study approved

Make actual progress on your own proposal by working through the assignments after each lesson

Position yourself more effectively for the rest of your degree by putting more effort into your proposal

The importance of lots of background reading and how that helps you confirm what you want to investigate

Walk through my proposal and see the application of what you have learned in the lessons with a real example

A proposal requires you to answer 3 questions: what are you going to study, why and how

A whiteboard lesson will teach you 80% of what needs to go into a proposal

A thesis statement is like a North Star for your study and the better your’s is, the more successful you will be

Present your proposal and how to create effective PowerPoint slides to support your presentation

Read as much as you can about your topic to get a sense of all the different views and issues in that particular field

Make notes about what you are reading and what issues you uncover that are interesting

You may also need to include a timeline for your study as well as funding information and ethics clearance if required

Explain to your readers exactly what you are going to do in your study; background, what problem will it solve, what contribution

Define some key concepts and definitions, especially terms that come up frequently in the area of your research

A thesis statement which clearly identifies what you are going to study and how that research will address the problem identified

What’s the significance of your research; if you need to apply for funding then this will be critical

You must orientate your research in academic work and show that there is a gap in the literature which you will address

Your method describes the route you will take through your study to get it done, the techniques you will use

Describe what instruments you will use as well as any ethical considerations that need to be incorporated in your study

Your proposal is like a contract; you have written down what you are going to do, your institution commits to supporting you

Yêu cầu

  • No course requirements but you should be familiar with graduate and post graduate level study

Nội dung khoá học

23 sections

Introduction To Get Through Your Proposal Stage And Start Researching

5 lectures
Introduction To The Course: Finish Your Proposal Successfully & Get It Approved
Preview & Download Your Workbook for this course: Write and Defend Your Proposal
Let's Celebrate Your Progress In This Course: 25% > 50% > 75% > 100%!!
Whiteboard Overview: 80% Of What Needs To Go Into Your Proposal (3 Main Things)
Introduce Yourself To Your Fellow Students And Tell Us What You Want To Learn

Start Here: My Proposal, Read Widely, What Goes In Your Proposal & Get Started

6 lectures
Your Proposal Must Explain Your Research By Answering: What, Why, And How
Peter Alkema's PhD Proposal Document: Walkthrough & See The Lessons In Practice
Start Here: Read Widely Using Key Questions To Guide You & Always Take Notes
What goes in your proposal and how to get started
3 questions
Jot down thoughts on what / why / how and start reading
2 questions
You've Achieved 25% >> Let's Celebrate Your Progress And Keep Going To 50% >>

Your Proposal Must Describe To Your Reader What You Are Doing In Your Research

4 lectures
Explain What You Are Doing In Your Research; Problem Statement, Key Concepts
Whiteboard Lesson: How To Write A Good Thesis Statement That Defines Your Study
Explain What You Are Doing In Your Research; Problem Statement, Key Concepts
3 questions
Write down what you are going to study, including a good thesis statement
1 question

Your Proposal Must Describe To Your Reader Why You Are Doing Your Research

3 lectures
Explain Why You Are Doing Your Research; The Significance Or The Motivation
Your Proposal Must Describe To Your Reader Why You Are Doing Your Research
3 questions
Explain Why You Are Doing Your Research; The Significance Or The Motivation
1 question

Your Proposal Must Describe To Your Reader How You Are Going To Do Your Research

3 lectures
Explain How You Are Going To Do Your Research; Method, Instruments, Approach
Explain how you are going to do your research
3 questions
Explain How You Are Going To Do Your Research; Method, Instruments, Approach
1 question

Presenting Or Defending Your Proposal To Ensure The Best Possible Support

8 lectures
How To Approach Your Research Proposal Presentation & Proactively Make Progress
Walk Through Of Peter Alkema's PhD Proposal Presentation Slides
Principles And Practices Of Preparing And Presenting With Microsoft PowerPoint
You've Achieved 50% >> Let's Celebrate Your Progress And Keep Going To 75% >>
Learn Basic PowerPoint Features With This Walkthrough And Tips And Techniques
Learn More Advanced PowerPoint Features With This Walkthrough & Business Example
Learn How Not To Design PowerPoint Slides As I Demo Some Very Bad Examples
How To Approach Your Research Proposal Presentation & Proactively Make Progress
1 question

Live Coaching, Conversation and Q&A With Peter Alkema

5 lectures
Finish your research proposal and get your study approved
Contribution vs significance
Explain how you are going to do to your research
How you are going to present your proposal
You've Achieved 75% >> Let's Celebrate Your Progress And Keep Going To 100% >>

Live Conversation and Q&A With Peter Alkema

5 lectures
Advice for everybody for research proposal
Advice on academic literature and academic proposal
Advice about research proposals and ideal ways to create proposals
Where to start looking for a topic and starting with your proposal
Questions How do you begin finding a topic that is PhD worthy


2 lectures
Are You Studying? Join The Student Success Coach Today
You've Achieved 100% >> Let's Celebrate! Remember To Share Your Certificate!!

Additional Insights from a live webinar interview with a thesis coach

15 lectures
Introduction of Webinar-Overview
Introduction of Guest
Background of Thesis Coaching Business
Tool for Managing Literature Reviews
What is Plan and Process of Literature Review
What is Academic Tone and its effect on Literature Review
Key Aspects and Constituents that comprise to literature review
What is Meant by Engaging Literature Review
How to Write a Literature Review-Book
How to Identify Authoritative authors articles for literature review
What is Meant by Writing Analytically in a Literature Review
How many Number of citations are required for Literature review
How to set Background in Literature Review
Is It good to Quote same Author in different Paragraphs
What is Thematic and Chronological approach in Literature review

[Optional] Full Live Proposals Webinars: Interview and Coaching Q&A

2 lectures
Full Live Webinar: Interview With Yolandie Richards After Successful Proposal
Full Live Webinar: Coaching Q&A On Successful Research Proposals

Once Your Proposal Is Approved Start Your Study The Best Way: 6 Steps To Succeed

5 lectures
Introduction To 6 Steps To Student Success & Confidently Completing Your Degree
Start Here: Introduce Yourself, Hear A Lecturer's Perspective On Student Success
Overview And Introduction To Each The 6 Steps To Student Success
Overview Article And PDF Guide To 6 Steps To Student Success
Wipeboard Lesson: Overview Of The Key Insights In The 6 Steps To Student Success

Step 1: Develop A Habit Of Reading, Thinking & Writing (Early Often & Well)

5 lectures
Introduction To Developing A Habit Of Reading, Thinking & Writing
Learn To Write Early As Part Of The Habit Of Reading, Thinking & Writing
Learn To Write Often As Part Of Developing A Habit Of Reading, Writing, Thinkin
Learn To Write Well As Part Of The Habit Of Reading, Thinking And Writing
Conclusion To Step 1 And Your Activity To Achieve Your Student Success

Step 2: Set Up A Weekly Status Report With Your Supervisors Or A Colleague

5 lectures
Step 2 Introduction To The Weekly Status Report & What It’s All About
How I Implemented The Weekly Status Report In My PhD And The Practicalities
Learn What Goes Into Your Weekly Status Report: 5 Things You Completed & 5 To-Do
Timing Of Your Weekly Status Report And How It Streamlines Communication
Your Activity For This Step Is To Set Up A Weekly Status Report

Step 3: Master Your Tasks From TO-DO To DONE & Plan Your Study Milestones

5 lectures
Introduction To Step 3: Plan And Manage Your Tasks Using A Kanban Board
What Is A Kanban Board And How Can They Be Set Up Such As Physically Or Digital
Wipeboard Lesson: Practical Overview And Demonstration Of Kanban Boards
Demonstration Of Kanban Practices Using Trello As A Free Digital Tool
Demonstration Lesson Of My 6 Month Planning Process To Finish My PhD Thesis

Step 4: Learn To Develop A Good Proposal As An Ongoing Foundation For Your Study

10 lectures
Introduction To Step 4: Learn Research Proposals And How They Answer 3 Questions
How To Do Meaningful Background Reading Using Guiding Questions And A Notebook
What Goes Into A Proposal; The What, The Why And The How Of Your Study
Walk Through Of My Own PhD Research Proposal As An Example Of This Step
Wipeboard Lesson: Your Proposal Must Answer Three Main Questions
Define What You Are Going To Do In Your Study, What Problem Will It Solve?
Define Why You Are Doing Your Study: What Is The Motivation Of The Research
Define How You Are Going To Do Your Study Which Links To Your Methodology
Wipeboard Lesson: How To Develop A Good Thesis Statement To Support Your Study
Learn How To Present Your Proposal And Take Some Actions To Make More Progress

Step 5: Learn 4 Practices To Double Your Academic Writing Quality

5 lectures
Wipeboard Lesson: Double Your Academic Writing Quality
Learn Abstract Subjects And How To Make Your Sentences Much Clearer
Learn The Writing Practices Old Before New And Complexity Last
Learn About Nominalising Actions So You Can Write Clearly With Real Verbs
My Writing Workshops At Wits University In Johannesburg, South Africa

Step 6: Learn How To Pass Your Thesis, Final Report Or Dissertation

13 lectures
Introduction To Step 6: Learn To Pass Your Thesis / Final Report / Dissertation
Learn How To Write The Introduction Section Of Your Thesis Or Dissertation
Demonstration Lesson: Walk Through The Introduction Of My Final Report
Learn How To Write The Literature Review Section Of Your Dissertation
Demonstration Lesson: My Literature Review In The Final Report Document
Learn How To Write The Methodology Section Of Your Thesis Or Dissertation
Demonstration Lesson: The Methodology Section Of My Final Report
Learn How To Write The Results Section Of A Final Report / Thesis / Dissertation
Demonstration Lesson: The Results Section, A Walk Through Of My Final Report
Learn How To Write The Conclusion & Discussion Sections Of Your Thesis
Demonstration Lesson: My Final Report - The Discussion & Conclusion Sections
Conclusion Of The 6th Step, Course, Brief Explanation Of The Front & Back Matter
Front Matter & Back Matter: Demonstration Of My Own Final Report


1 lectures
Get More Student Success, Coaching, Courses, Community And Inspiration

Live Conversation and Q&A With Peter Alkema

6 lectures
Six steps to students success
Develop a habit of reading, thinking and writing
Set up your weekly supervisor status report
Plan and master your tasks from to-do to done and Support your study
Learn writing practices for meaning and clarity
Full 1 Hour Live Coaching Webinar Q&A: Student Success Masterclass

[Extra Insights] Full live webinar learn writing skills

1 lectures
[Extra Insights] Full live webinar learn writing skills

[Optional] Extra Insights From A Live Q&A Coaching Webinar: "Write Your Thesis"

19 lectures
Introduction and overview on the course and other details
What does in introduction of the course and examiners focus on disertation
How do i ensure that my data answer my research questions and other factors
Does the length of dissertation affect your grade on masters?
the difference between motivation and significance of the study on masters
Who determines the topic of your thesis? Your institution or yourself
Is a thesis a continuation of work research from honours level and other factors
Perform Feasibility and correct analysis and who owns the IP product
Continuing the discussion on the introduction and percentage on ownership
Tips and advise on honors if they are good to use the research again
In layman's term/language what literature review-what is it about?
Does consultation with statistician on apply in research and discuss results
Learn what is meant by framework
Combination of deductive and inductive for identifying gaps and theories
What goes in discussion and conclusion
What goes in front and back matter
Laptop giveaway winners and Introducing the CFA course
Other courses that you should take
[Full 1 Hour Webinar] Write Your Thesis- Live Coaching Webinar & Ask Questions

More Insights: 10 Student Success Stories (in conversation with Peter Alkema)

10 lectures
Kribashnee Moodley's Personal Transformation, Mind Shift Through Studying & Bein
"It's Been A Rude Awakening" - Prof Ivan Hofsajer Talks Candidly About COVID19 A
"It Nearly Broke Me": Phumzile Moetsi Juggled Work And Studies To Spread Her Win
PhD Student Julie-Anne Sewparsad Rocked Her 6 Month Baby While Typing So She Cou
Prof Carmichael's Distinguished Academic Career: In Conversation About Her Story
"Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance" Is The Mantra Of This Successful Pos
This PhD Student Says Her Enterprise Data Research Is Like "Trying To Get 16 Cat
Alessandra 's "Failures Turned Into Successes"; She Managed Her Time Better To S
Learn To Be A Well Rounded Student With Oxford Grad Rob Keip Who Shares His Stra
US Army Reservist Michelle Guy Writes 3 Papers A Week On Sustainability & Explai

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