Mô tả

#Accredited course through the Complementary Therapists Accredited Association

Would you like to learn about the wonderful emerging world of Sound Therapy and Sound Healing?

Would you like to learn how we can balance and heal ourselves through Sound?

===What to Expect===

In this course you will learn how to run a effective and successful Sound Bath session for a group or for someone one-to-one. A Sound Bath can be a profoundly therapeutic, mind expanding and emotionally moving experience for people, indeed we could say: What can a spiritual teacher say that is not held in the sound of a gong, crystal bowl or sansula?

Sound Baths are fast becoming a regular feature of many mind, body and spirit events and can wonderfully compliment other healing modalities that you already practice.

Are you ready to dive deep into the wonderful exciting world of Sound Therapy and Sound Healing? 

===What's Included===

  • Learn what a Sound Bath is and more in depth about the nature of Sound and how it is used in Sound Baths to give people a profound experience

  • Learn how to play 10 instruments: the Native American Style Flute, Symphonic Gong, Crystals Bowls, Sansula thumb piano, Tongue Drum, Handpan, Rav drum, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Koshi Chimes and Shamanic drum

  • You will also learn simple earthy chants to sing with the Shamanic Drum

  • Simple meditation practice to help you become more sensitive to sound and energy

  • 3 Sound Bath Templates You can Use, Including Chakra Crystal Bowl and Elemental Sound Bath (with downloadable PDF instructions)

  • Learn how to hold the space for others and bring a sense of imagination and ceremony to your event 

  • How you can also do sound therapy for yourself as a self practice

  • Learn how to successfully promote your event

  • How to run online sound baths (especially useful during this pandemic time!)

  • When you've finished the course and the assignment within one week we'll send you via a private message on Udemy your official accreditation certificate.

===About the Facilitators===

Tom Llewellyn

Your facilitator, Bestselling and Highest Rated tutor has 20 years of experience within the realms of Sound Therapy and Sound Healing, meditation,  psychic development, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. He has a diploma in and is fully insured to offer Sound Therapy and Sound Healing. He's also a trained and skilled teacher of Kundalini Yoga and has written two acclaimed books.

Andrew Ford

Andrew Ford is a multi-instrumentalist and teacher who specialises in music for meditation and yoga. He started his Inner Pieces project after suffering from a fairly substantial loss of hearing and the onset of tinnitus. This sparked off a journey of self-exploration which would eventually go on to reveal deeper seated traumas, and with them the opportunity for personal healing and growth. His music is an attempt to pick up these inner pieces, to put them back together and create something beautiful.

The music of Inner Pieces is well suited for meditation, contemplation and yoga. The dulcet tones of the Hang, RAV drum Native American Style flute and Sansula help to bring the mind to a state of calm repose. Andrew can be found running music meditation sessions in yoga studios and also performing in hospitals and care homes.

Magdalena Leszczyc 

Hi, I'm a Waldorf Steiner Teacher and a trained Sound Therapist. I spend my days working with children helping to grow in their body, mind and spirit. I also specialise in Feminine Sound Healing. I'm dedicated to conscious living and personal growth and I lead many Eastern European Singing Workshops for women. For many years I have had a deep interest in helping couples nurture their Loving Conscious Relationships.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

How Sound Vibration + Intention can Balance and Heal people

How to run an Effective and Successful Sound Bath Event

How to Create Chakra Themed Sound Baths Working with all Seven Crystal Bowls

How to play 10 different instruments, including Gong, Native American Style Flute, Crystal Bowl, Tibetan Bowl, Sansula, Shamanic Drum, Tongue Drum & Hand Pan

Learn simple music skills lke counting music and holding a pulse to empower & deepen your playing

How to Promote your Event

How Sound is used in the worlds various Wisdom Traditions

How to run Elemental Sound Baths in honour of Earth, Water, Fire and Air

Learn about the principles of Resonance, Entrainment and Mirror Neurons

Yêu cầu

  • No just an open mind and desire to purchase at least some classic Sound Bath instruments

Nội dung khoá học

25 sections


1 lectures
Intro and How to Get the Most from the Course

The Nature of Sound

2 lectures
How Sound Can Balance and Heal
What is a Sound Bath?

Becoming Sensitive to Sound

3 lectures
Learning to Listen and Hear Deeply
Becoming Sensitive to Energy
Self Practice Sound Sensitivity Meditation

Different Ways You Can Work

2 lectures
Working with Groups and / or One-to One
Choosing Your Venue

How to Run a Sound Bath

3 lectures
Running Your Session: Some Key Suggested Elements
Bringing Ceremony & Ritual into Your Sound Bath 1
Working in Nature

Sound Bath Templates You can Use

3 lectures
How to Run a Simple 1 hour Sound Bath: Basic Template
7 Major Chakra Crystal Bowl Sound Bath
Elemental Sound Bath Template

Example Sound Bath Video Recording

1 lectures
Example Sound Bath Video Recording

How to Hold the Space

3 lectures
The Art of Effective Facilitation Part 1
The Art of Effective Facilitation Part 2
Creating the Best Astmosphere in Your Space

Instruments: The Gong

1 lectures
The Qualities of and How to Play The Gong

Crystal Bowls & Tibetan Singing Bowls with Lena

2 lectures
Intro to Playing the Crystal Bowls Including VoiceWork
How to Play and Work with Tibetan Singing Bowls Including One-to-One

Native American Style Flute

10 lectures
Qualities & History of the Native American Flute & Buying or Birthing Your Own
Basics of Playing the Native American Style Flute
How to Play the Basic Scale
Expressing what you Feel, Inspiration and Improvisation
Trills and other effects
Being Inspired by Nature: The Calls of the Birds
The Warble
How to play the Drone Flute
How to play Flute & Crystal Bowls at the same time
Simple Buying Advice and Personal Recommendation for Buying Your First Flute

Voice as an Instrument in Sound Therapy with Lena

4 lectures
Intro using voice as an instrument in sound therapy
Holistic warm up/tune in your voice instrument
Vocal Toning with Vowels and Deep Breathing Practice
Chanting and Spoken Word

The Shamanic Drum

4 lectures
How to Play the Shamanic Drum
Learn with Lena 'Deep into the Earth We Go' Simple Chant Song with Shamanic Drum
Learn with Lena 'Earth is my Mother & River is Flowing' Song with Shamanic Drum
Learn with Lena Toning with the Shamanic Drum

The Sansula Thumb Piano

2 lectures
How to Play the Sansula Thumb Piano
Close Up of Sansula Playing Patterns

The Koshi Chime

1 lectures
The Koshi Chime and Toning with Koshi Chime

The Handpan and Rav Drum

3 lectures
Handpan Basics with Andrew Part 1
Handpan Basics with Andrew Part 2
Rav Drum Basics with Andrew

How to Play Tongue Drum Nova Drum

1 lectures
How to Play Tongue Drum Nova Drum

How to Run Online Sound Baths

1 lectures
How to Run Online Sound Baths Part 1 The Tech Side of it

How to Become a Trauma Informed Facilitator

2 lectures
How to Become a Trauma Informed Facilitator Part 1
How to Become a Trauma Informed Facilitator Part 2

Bonus Material: How to make your own Rainstick

1 lectures
How to make your own Rainstick

How to Promote Your Event

1 lectures
How to Promote Your Event

How to Count Music Useful for Working with some Instruments

1 lectures
How to Count Music

Course Assignment

1 lectures
Course Assignment (can only be opened on desktop and laptop)
8 questions

Tips for Purchasing your Instruments

1 lectures
Advice and Recommendations for Buying Sound Therapy Instruments

Bonus Material: Course Completion Celebration and Next Steps

1 lectures
Course Completion Celebration Important Info and Next Steps

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