Mô tả

This course aims to familiarize the learner with the interpretation of statistical measures and methods used in medical publications. It covers topics ranging from simple descriptive characteristics like mean and median to EBM indicators, statistical tests, especially tests of proportion significance, and statistical models (linear and logistic). Each lesson provides practical examples of using these measures and tools in published medical articles.

What will you learn?

This course aims to familiarize the learner with the interpretation of statistical measures and methods used in medical publications. It covers topics ranging from simple descriptive characteristics like mean and median to EBM indicators, statistical tests, especially tests of proportion significance, and statistical models (linear and logistic). Each lesson provides practical examples of using these measures and tools in published medical articles.

Who this course is designed for:

This course is intended primarily for individuals who have contact with medical publications, especially:

• Professionals involved in clinical research

• Publishing doctors

• Doctoral students in medical fields

• Individuals planning a career related to the interpretation of medical research, such as employees of medical units affiliated with the Polish Academy of Sciences or other laboratories.

About us

The course is conducted by Aneta Piechaczek, PhD. Statistician and econometrician. In the years 2017-2021, an employee of the Laboratory of Applications of Mathematics in Economics AGH UST. PhD in the field of Management and Quality Science, developing in her dissertation the issues of more advanced statistical analyses in socio-economic sciences. In 2021, she was nominated for the Didactics Laurel of AGH university. Author and co-author of several scientific publications related to data analysis and statistics. Statistician of the BioStat Research and Development Center.

BioStat Research and Development Center is among the commercial scientific institutions with the status of a Research and Development Center (Centrum Badawczo-Rozwojowe, CBR) registered by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Basic statistical measures used in medical research

How to interpret simple descriptive characteristics

How to interpret the results of statistical models: simple linear regression, linear regression with repeated measurements, logistic regression

What survival analysis is and how to interpret the results: Kaplan-Meier estimators and Cox proportional hazards model

What EBM indicators are and how to interpret them

Yêu cầu

  • Familiarity with the use of a Windows-based computer program.

Nội dung khoá học

1 sections


5 lectures
Evidence-based medicine
Statistical Significance and Clinical Significance
Statistical models
Survival analysis

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