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Course Title: The MERN Stack Blogify Project: Full Web Development Unleashed

Embark on a journey to become a proficient full-stack developer with our comprehensive MERN Blogify Project Course. This course leverages the power of MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js (MERN) to guide you in creating a fully-featured blogging platform from scratch.

Throughout this immersive learning experience, you'll gain hands-on expertise in developing and integrating essential web application features using cutting-edge technologies. These include user authentication, file uploading, social features such as following and unfollowing users, a user blocking system, and post scheduling capabilities.

You'll learn how to build robust user profiles, complete with the ability to update profile information and manage user-to-user relationships. Dive deep into user experience considerations and data security as you implement password reset and account verification functionalities.

In line with the ever-evolving digital world, the course also covers more nuanced features like hiding posts from blocked users and concealing scheduled posts until the predetermined publishing time arrives.

This course not only equips you with the necessary coding skills but also trains you in best practices for development, teaching you to write efficient, maintainable code. You'll learn to troubleshoot and debug your application effectively, handle errors, and understand the intricacies of deploying a MERN stack application to the cloud.

By the end of this course, you will have built a fully-functional, real-world blogging platform and be armed with the skills to create and deploy your own web applications using the MERN stack. Whether you're an aspiring web developer or looking to enhance your full-stack skills, this course is designed to propel you toward your career goals.

Join us in the MERN Blogify Project Course and harness the power of full-stack development to bring your innovative ideas to life!

Bạn sẽ học được gì

User Authentication: Learn how to implement secure user registration and login processes using strategies like password hashing and JSON Web Tokens.

File Upload: Understand how to allow users to upload files like profile pictures or post attachments securely and efficiently.

User Relationships: Learn to implement social features such as following and unfollowing other users

User Blocking: Implement a blocking and unblocking system, allowing users to manage who can interact with them or see their content.

Post Scheduling: Gain knowledge on how to implement post scheduling, enabling users to create content that will be automatically published at a specified future

User Profile: Learn to create a user profile system where users can view and manage their personal information, posts, and social interactions.

Password Reset: Understand the process of securely implementing password reset functionality, allowing users to recover their accounts when they forget

Forgot Password: Implement a secure system to recover forgotten passwords, which involves sending recovery emails to users' registered email addresses.

Account Verification: Learn how to implement a user verification system using technologies like email verification to ensure that users have valid email address

Profile Update: Enable users to update their profile information such as username, email, profile picture, and password.

Hide Posts from Blocked Users: Learn how to modify your application's visibility rules to hide a user's posts from those they have blocked.

Hide Scheduled Posts: Understand how to effectively hide scheduled posts from your application's feed until their scheduled publishing time arrives.

Pagination: Gain a practical understanding of how to implement pagination in a web application. Learn how to break down your data into manageable pieces

Filtering: Understand the essential techniques of implementing data filtering.

Searching: Master the process of integrating a robust search functionality into your web application.

Yêu cầu

  • Familiarity with Reactjs: Students should have a good understanding of Reactjs and its core principles such as components, state, props, lifecycle methods, and hooks.
  • Understanding of Redux: A solid grasp of state management using Redux, including actions, reducers, and the Redux store, is necessary as this course will build upon these concepts.
  • Familiarity with Nodejs: You should be comfortable with Nodejs, asynchronous programming, and understand concepts such as callbacks, promises, and async/await.
  • Familiarity with Expressjs: Experience with Expressjs is a must, including routing, middleware, handling requests and responses.
  • Familiarity with MongoDB: Familiarity with MongoDB, including how to structure data, perform CRUD operations, and use the MongoDB driver or Mongoose, is necessary.
  • Basic Understanding of RESTful APIs: Knowledge of creating and interacting with RESTful APIs will be beneficial as we'll be building and consuming APIs throughout the course.
  • Comfortable with JavaScript and ES6 Features: As MERN Stack is based on JavaScript, having a strong grasp of JavaScript, including ES6 features like arrow functions, destructuring, spread operator, and template literals, is critical.

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