Mô tả

I am a student of astrology since the 1980s, and I am especially interested in the traditional astrology, because, for me, this is how the ancient wisdom can be applied to the realities of our day-to-day lives. 

When I learned that the concept of the void-of-course Moon, which is one of the most ancient astrological concepts, became very popular in the West, my reaction was ambiguous. On the one hand, I was pleasantly surprised, because when the wisdom of astrology is applied to people’s lives, this often results in more happiness, more understanding, fewer problems. On the other hand, when some idea is adopted blindly, when it is not supported by knowledge, this can lead to confusion, and sometimes to frustration. 

Over the years, I received quite a few questions from the visitors of my website that showed me that, although people are clearly interested in the void-of-course periods of the Moon, their understanding of what these periods are, what they are good for, what they are not god for, and to which degree, is very limited. 

I created this course with the purpose of explaining, patiently, step-by-step, what exactly these mysterious periods are, astronomically, how they were used in the astrological tradition, and how they are used by some of our contemporaries, including myself. You will learn that the void-of-course periods of the Moon aren’t necessarily bad or negative, they have their useful sides too. And even when they can be considered as negative, they are not really fatally bad for everything, as some people think.

The course consists of an introduction and three parts. In the introduction, I will show you the historical context of the concept, where it came from. The first part was designed for those who are interested to know how exactly all this works, how and why can the Moon become void-of-course. This part isn't really necessary, if you are not technically-minded, you can omit it. The second part will teach you how to find out the dates and the times of void-of-course periods, and I will offer you four different sources of information to choose from. The final part is the most important as I will share with you a couple of rules that will help you to decide whether what you are doing or planning to do will or will not be affected by the void-of-course Moon.

So, if you are interested in the void-of-course Moon, or perhaps simply in using the rhythms of the Moon in your daily life, I hope you will find my course useful and illuminating. 

See you inside!

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Be aware of the void-of-course periods of the Moon.

Be able to define the timing of the void-of-course periods competently.

Understand what these periods are good for, and what they are not very good for.

Stop being superstitious about the void-of-course periods of the Moon, and start using them with confidence.

Yêu cầu

  • No initial knowledge is assumed, and no tools are required

Nội dung khoá học

4 sections


4 lectures
About this Course
The History Quiz
1 question
About the 'Void-of-Course' Term, and the History of the Concept
More History. Horary Astrology

The Nitty-Gritty

5 lectures
The Definitions of the Void-of-Course Moon
The Zodiac
The Movement of the Moon and the Planets
The Interactions of the Moon and the Planets
So What Does Void-of-Course Really Mean?

Finding Out the Timing of Void-of-Course Periods

4 lectures
Using an Online Calendar
Using Mobile Apps
Using an Aspectarian
Using Reference Books

How to Use Void-of-Course Periods

4 lectures
A Simple Answer: NOTHING. Or Is It Simple?
The Key to Understanding the Void-of-Course Moon
A Conclusion
Bonus Lecture

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