Mô tả

As with all of my courses, this is a project building course. I have found that when learning a student has a much higher chance of truly understanding what they are coding and retaining that information for later use when there is an ultimate goal. A project also helps us maintain a defined path of learning so the cart never goes before the horse.

After this course you will have the knowledge to build your own RESTful API using NodeJs, Express, and MongoDb , as well as create a front-end app that will consume an API using Axios. This project based course is designed for both the beginner and pro alike.

We will start by installing NodeJs. After the initial setup is complete for Node we will then add an Express web server to our project to handle http requests. Of course those requests will need to be handled so we will create several controllers to help us. These controllers will attach to a MongoDb using Mongoose and you will see how all of these middleware interact with each other.

Finally, we will build a front end app to go out over the internet (simulated) and consume an API using Axios.

This will be a fun adventure and we will delve into some very interesting coding concepts and models.

Let's do this!

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Introduction to Nodejs

Building an Express web server

Connecting Express with MongoDb and Mongoose

Building an API post controller

Building an API get controller

Building an API put controller

Building an API delete controller

Yêu cầu

  • You don't have to be an expert in programming. This course will guide you from beginning to end on your NodeJs coding journey.

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