Mô tả

Hi, Are you ready to take your web development skills to the next level? Then you are in the right place.

Welcome to the course Next JS 13 Question and Answers Platform App (Stack - Overflow)

In this course, we are going to work on the following functionalities.

  • Build a real world project using the hot and trending technologies like Next JS , Clerk , Mongo DB etc

  • Implement Full-stack Authentication using CLERK.

  • Protect API's and Pages using CLERK middlewares.

  • Build smooth and fancy UI components with the latest UI Component library NEXT UI

  • Implement both data fetching techniques (SSR , CSR) based on page requirements

  • Post questions/doubts in platform and edit or delete them from user profile.

  • Users can give answers to the existing questions and write comments to the answers.

  • Users can edit their answers , comments anytime from the user profile.

  • Users can also save the questions for the future references , they can access the saved questions also from the user profile.

Next.js is a React framework that gives you building blocks to create web applications.

By framework, we mean Next.js handles the tooling and configuration needed for React, and provides additional structure, features, and optimizations for your application.

You can use React to build your UI, then incrementally adopt Next.js features to solve common application requirements such as routing, data fetching, integrations - all while improving the developer and end-user experience.

Whether you’re an individual developer or part of a larger team, you can leverage React and Next.js to build fully interactive, highly dynamic, and performant web applications.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Build a real world project using the hot and trending technologies like Next JS , Clerk , Mongo DB etc

Implement Full-stack Authentication using CLERK.

Protect API's and Pages using CLERK middlewares.

Build smooth and fancy UI components with the latest UI Component library NEXT UI

Implement both data fetching techniques (SSR , CSR) based on page requirements

Post questions/doubts in platform and edit or delete them from user profile.

Users can give answers to the existing questions and write comments to the answers.

Users can edit their answers , comments anytime from the user profile.

Users can also save the questions for the future references , they can access the saved questions also from the user profile.

Yêu cầu

  • Next JS 13 Basics
  • Strong React and Java-script Fundementals

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