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Welcome to the NextJS E-Com Masterclass: Learn The All New Next JS!

Ready to create your very own online store? Join us on a fun-filled journey where you'll learn to build amazing e-commerce websites from start to finish. We'll show you how to use Next.js (a supercharged version of React), along with easy-to-understand tools like TypeScript, MongoDB, Cloudinary, and Mailtrap.

Don't worry if you're new to full stack development – I'll guide you every step of the way. By the end, you'll proudly have a full-stack skill set and the ability to craft impressive online shops. Get started now and let's bring your e-commerce dreams to life!

Why Next.js, you ask? Well, it's more than just another JavaScript library – it's a dynamic framework that supercharges your React applications with server-side rendering, efficient routing, and a fantastic developer experience. With the rise of e-commerce, having a deep understanding of Next.js is a game-changer, and that's exactly what you'll gain through our hands-on approach.

But that's not all – this course is designed to make you a well-rounded developer by introducing you to a variety of essential tools and technologies. From TypeScript, the user-friendly programming language, to MongoDB, a powerful and flexible database solution, you'll learn how to seamlessly integrate these components into your projects.

Cloudinary, the cloud-based image and video management platform, will become your ally in optimizing media for optimal performance and user experience. With Mailtrap, you'll master email testing and debugging, a crucial aspect of delivering reliable communication to your users.

The things we will cover

  • Complete Authentication system with Next Auth.

  • Verification Email

  • Reset Password.

  • Payment and Orders.

  • Reviews.

  • Admin pannel

And so much more.


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