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Hello, Welcome to the course Next JS v13.4 Job Portal Application 2023

Certainly, I'd be happy to elaborate on the features included in the Next JS v13.4 Job Portal Application 2023 course.

  • Firstly, the application will have user login and registration forms, allowing users to create an account and log in to the portal with their credentials.

  • During registration, the application will check for duplicate users to ensure that there are no duplicate accounts created.

  • The application will also ensure that routes are secured with JWT tokens to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.

  • To further enhance security, there will be middleware implemented for protected routes.

  • The application will support multiple user roles, including Employee and Employer. Employers will have access to create jobs and perform all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations related to the jobs. Employees, on the other hand, will be able to access all the jobs in the portal and can apply for jobs based on their qualifications.

  • To prevent duplicate applications, the application will restrict users from submitting multiple applications for the same job.

  • The application will also provide application status tracking, allowing users to track the status of their job applications. Employers will receive an email notification whenever a new application has been placed for one of their jobs, while employees will receive an email notification whenever the status of their application is updated.

  • Employers will be able to view the profiles of the employees who have applied for their jobs, while employees will be able to view the profile of the companies that have posted the jobs.

Next.js 13 is the latest version of the popular React framework. It was released on March 8, 2023, and includes a number of new features and improvements.

Here are some of the highlights of Next.js 13:

  • New Image component: The new Image component makes it easier to display images without layout shift and optimize files on-demand for increased performance.

  • New Font system: The new Font system automatically optimizes your fonts, including custom fonts. It also removes external network requests for improved privacy and performance.

  • New App Router: The new App Router provides a more flexible and powerful way to manage routing in your Next.js application.

  • Improved performance: Next.js 13 includes a number of performance improvements, including faster image loading and improved hydration.

If you're using Next.js, I recommend upgrading to version 13. It's a major release with a number of great new features and improvements.

Here are some additional details about the new features in Next.js 13:

  • New Image component: The new Image component is a major improvement over the previous Image component. It supports native lazy loading, which means that images are only loaded when they are visible on the screen. This can significantly improve performance, especially on mobile devices. The new Image component also supports automatic image optimization, which can further improve performance.

  • New Font System: The new Font system is a significant improvement over the previous font system. It automatically optimizes your fonts, including custom fonts. It also removes external network requests for improved privacy and performance. The new Font system also supports automatic self-hosting for any font file. This means that you can host your fonts on your own server, which can further improve performance.

  • New App Router: The new one is a major improvement over the previous one. It provides a more flexible and powerful way to manage routing in your Next.js application. The new App Router supports nested routes, dynamic routes, and more.

  • Improved performance: Next.js 13 includes a number of performance improvements, including faster image loading and improved hydration. Hydration is the process of converting a server-rendered page into a client-rendered page. Next.js 13 has improved hydration performance, which can lead to a smoother user experience.

If you're using Next.js, I recommend upgrading to version 13. It's a major release with a number of great new features and improvements.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Firstly, the application will have user login and registration forms, allowing users to create an account and log in to the portal with their credentials.

During registration, the application will check for duplicate users to ensure that there are no duplicate accounts created.

The application will also ensure that routes are secured with JWT tokens to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.

To further enhance security, there will be middleware implemented for protected routes.

The application will support multiple user roles, including Employee and Employer. Employers will have access to create jobs and perform all CRUD (Create, Read,

To prevent duplicate applications, the application will restrict users from submitting multiple applications for the same job.

The application will also provide application status tracking, allowing users to track the status of their job applications. Employers will receive an email not

Employers will be able to view the profiles of the employees who have applied for their jobs, while employees will be able to view the profile of the companies

Yêu cầu

  • React Basics
  • Next Basics

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