Mô tả

This course is designed to take you from a beginner to proficient in navigating the powerful landscape of Power BI. This comprehensive course is meticulously crafted to provide you with an indepth understanding of Power BI's capabilities, from raw data ingestion to the creation of visually compelling dashboards.

Why Enroll in This Course?

  1. Master the Basics and Beyond: Start with understanding what Power BI is, its installation, and familiarizing yourself with the Power BI Desktop interface. This course lays a solid foundation before propelling you into the more complex functionalities of Power BI.

  2. Connect and Transform Data: Learn how to connect to various data sources, including Excel and CSV files. Dive into data cleaning and transformation using practical examples, such as the Star Cookie Sales and Customer Dataset, preparing you to handle realworld data analysis tasks.

  3. Data Modeling Made Easy: Discover the art of importing and establishing relationships between datasets. Engage in handson challenges that teach you to merge data from different sources, including web and Excel, for comprehensive analysis.

  4. Visualize and Analyze: Gain proficiency in creating reports with Power BI’s Report Editor. Explore a wide array of visualizations—from bar and scatter charts to complex treemaps and funnels—to tell compelling data stories. Each visualization technique is accompanied by guided exercises, such as the Aster Plot challenge, ensuring you apply what you learn.

  5. Unlock Insights with DAX: Delve into Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) for creating new measures and advanced data calculations. This crucial skill set allows you to unearth deeper insights from your data.

  6. Incorporate AI: Leverage Power BI's AI capabilities to enhance your data analysis, making your reports and dashboards more intelligent and insightful.

  7. Build Impactful Dashboards: Put your skills to the test by creating dashboards for varied scenarios like Customer Complaints, Online Streaming Platforms, and even a Covid19 dashboard. This culminates your learning experience, equipping you with the ability to present data in an informative and engaging manner.

Who Should Enroll?

This course is ideal for anyone looking to harness the power of data visualization and analytics. Whether you are a business analyst, data enthusiast, or a professional looking to upgrade your skills, this course offers a pathway to mastering Power BI.

Why This Course?

Under the guidance of a best in class instructor, you will not only learn the theoretical aspects of Power BI but also apply these concepts through handson projects and assignments. By the end of this course, you will have the confidence to transform raw data into interactive and actionable dashboards.

Enroll now and start your journey towards becoming a Power BI expert. Unlock the full potential of your data and make informed decisions that propel your career or business forward.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Master Power BI setup, interface navigation, and connect to various data sources for comprehensive data analysis

Apply data cleaning and transformation techniques to real-world datasets, enhancing data quality and usability

Design and create impactful data visualizations and dashboards that convey meaningful insights from complex datasets

Utilize DAX for advanced data analysis and leverage Power BI's AI capabilities to enrich reports and dashboards

Yêu cầu

  • No previous experience required

Nội dung khoá học

8 sections


14 lectures
What is Power BI?
Power BI Fundamentals Quiz: Understanding the Basics
2 questions
Installation Steps
Power BI Installation Essentials Quiz: Getting Started
2 questions
Introduction to Power BI Components
Quiz on Power BI Components
2 questions
Getting familiar with the Power BI Desktop interface
Power BI Desktop Interface Essentials Quiz: Navigating the Workspace
2 questions
Introduction to Power Query
Power Query Essentials Quiz
2 questions
Introduction to Power Pivot & Service
Power Pivot and Power BI Service Essentials Quiz
2 questions
Introduction to Power BI Maps
Power BI Maps Essentials Quiz
2 questions

Connecting to Data Sources

7 lectures
Uploading data to Power BI
Data Upload Mastery Quiz: Expanding Your Power BI Skills
2 questions
Data Cleaning and Transformation
Data Refinement Essentials Quiz: Exploring Power BI Transformation
2 questions
Customer Dataset Excel file
Activity - Transform and Clean Gap-Minded dataset
Activity / Challenge – Solution

Data Modelling

5 lectures
Importing a .CSV file
Importing 2 different datasets and Establishing relationship
Power Query in Power BI - data cleaning and transformation.
2 questions
Activity - Importing data from web and merging it with Excel dataset
Activity / Challenge - Solution

Power BI Reports

30 lectures
Report architecture - Creating reports using Report Editor, .pbix files
Report Creation Essentials Quiz: Navigating Power BI's Report Editor
2 questions
Scatter charts
Scatter Chart Proficiency Quiz: Exploring Data Relationships
2 questions
Bar charts and Column charts
Bar & Column Chart Essentials Quiz: Visualizing Data Distribution
2 questions
Activity - Visualize the data using Bar plot, Column plot and Scatter plot
Activity / Challenge - Solution
Line Charts
Line & Combo Chart Essentials Quiz: Visualizing Trends and Comparisons
2 questions
Pie chart & Doughnut Charts
Pie & Doughnut Chart Essentials Quiz: Visualizing Proportions
2 questions
Activity - Display a variation of Pie chart which is Aster Plot
Activity / Challenge - Solution
Table and Matrix
Table & Matrix Essentials Quiz: Structured Data Display
2 questions
Filled map
Filled Map Essentials Quiz: Visualizing Geographic Data
2 questions
Treemap Quiz: Visualizing Hierarchical Data in Power BI
2 questions
Area Charts
Area Chart Quiz: Visualizing Trends Over Time in Power BI
2 questions
Funnel chart
Funnel Chart Quiz: Visualizing Process Stages in Power BI
2 questions
Card and Multi-row Card
Power BI Cards and Multi-row Cards: Summary Visualization Essentials
2 questions
Other visual elements like Textbox, Image and Shape
Enhancing Power BI Reports with Textboxes, Images, and Shapes
2 questions
Activity / Challenge - Solution

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)

4 lectures
Creating new Measures, Quick Measure, Iterator functions, Date, Time etc
DAX Essentials Quiz: Data Analysis Expressions in Power BI
2 questions
Activity - Measure Creation Challenge
Activity / Challenge - Solution

AI in Power BI Tool

2 lectures
Leveraging AI in Power BI
Test Your Understanding of Artificial Intelligence Feature
2 questions

Hands-On Power BI Dashboard Projects

3 lectures
Customer Complaints Dashboard
Online Streaming Platform Dashboard
Covid 19 Dashboard

Comprehensive Power BI Assessment

2 lectures
Power BI Knowledge Check 1
100 questions
Power BI Proficiency Test 2
100 questions

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