Mô tả

Learn acupressure massage techniques from best-selling instructor, Mark Perren-Jones today!

"This acupressure massage course is informative and enjoyable i really want to just keep going with it I cannot put it down. Learning so many beneficial acupressure massage techniques and skills this course is a secret gem. It was such an engaging and informative course which I could not put down - the most interesting and clearly explained course to date.  Learn from the BEST"

"I loved the acupressure course. I was able to help myself reduce knee and neck pain as well as the other kinds of pain my friends were suffering from." A.D.

"Exceptional acupressure course, having studied various courses with Udemy this I have got say is the best so far... and to top it off simple exercises that you can provide to clients." M.J.

Mark has done acupressure massage for elite athletes, celebrities and even Presidents of Countries.

So what makes my acupressure massage course so different to other courses?

In this acupressure massage course you will learn a methodical, systematic approach to treat each condition just like I do in my massage clinic-not simply learn a few acupressure massage  points and basically just hope for the best which the majority of acupressure massage courses and books tend to teach

In this acupressure massage course we deal with lower back pain and sciatica, neck pain, upper back, shoulder and knee pain. Each painful condition is structured so that you know exactly how to treat your client/friends/family or yourself by using specific acupressure massage techniques.

1. Questioning before doing your acupressure massage treatments

Firstly, you will ask questions about the person's pain so that you gather information about the symptoms/severity etc so that when you see them for their next acupressure massage treatment you can then ask how they have progressed and how their pain is since you last saw them. Or if you are treating yourself you will be able to assess your own progress.

2. Address and remove the causes of the pain.

This is such a vital step which hardly ever is addressed!

Let's say that you or your client/partner/friend has lower back pain and/or sciatica. You do some acupressure massage and give the person some temporary relief but the pain keeps coming back and you have no idea why.

Well, have you addressed what is causing their pain in the first place? 

No...Probably because firstly you have no idea what causes it so the person continues to harm their backs every day and therefore remain in pain.

In this acupressure massage course you will learn exactly what are the major causes of neck, back, shoulder and knee pain and even sciatica and will then be able to remove the causes!

3.Treat the affected areas with acupressure massage techniques and other specific soft tissue release techniques

In this step you will be taught extensively how to treat each condition using both acupressure massage point techniques, trigger point release and other soft tissue techniques to decrease tension, create better blow flow and nutrients to the affected areas. You will learn how to use correct posture, correct depth, how long to treat for , how often should you treat, and so much more!

4. Differential Diagnosis

Here is another incredibly important step! Let's say that you or the person that you want to treat has a painful shoulder. You treat the shoulder but the shoulder shows no improvement. You have no idea why. What if the shoulder pain is not coming from the shoulder but it is actually being referred from the neck? That's right! It is actually a neck pathology that is referring pain to the shoulder. So you need to treat the neck not the shoulder. How do you know? I teach you very simply how to detect where the pain is coming from.

5.Home Exercises after their acupressure massage treatment

Once again, this is such an important step to becoming pain free and i see time and time again people doing the wrong stretches which actually worsens their problem. For example, if a person has lower back pain and/or sciatica due to a disc bulge(almost all sciatic nerve related problems are related to L5-S1 disc problems) then the last thing that you would want to do or advise the person you are treating is to do forward bends, knees to chest exercises and lying on your back bringing your leg across your body-it will worsen your problem. I teach you the exact exercises that have helped tens of thousands of people worldwide for each condition!

6. Self acupressure and trigger points release techniques for home

Here you learn how to self treat using self acupressure massage at home using very simple things that will keep you pain free. I also teach the benefits of foam rolling which is another fabulous method to keep your muscles loose and pain free!

In this acupressure massage course, my objective was to create the most comprehensive, most effective acupressure massage course for pain relief. I believe that i have done this. You will be able to not only help your own pain but also your clients, friends and families pain based on my 20 plus years of experience, training and knowledge.

I truly hope that you enjoy my course!

Mark Perren-Jones

On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy  and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.

All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association).

On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:

  1. A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.

  2. Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)

  3. Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/Email

  4. Free CTAA Directory Listing

  5. Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

You will get a Certificate of Completion when you finish this acupressure massage course from Mark personally

You will know how to apply acupressure massage techniques effectively for pain relief

You will know how to find the relevant acupressure massage points on the body to stimulate them using specific acupressure massage techniques

You will have an excellent knowledge of what works and what doesn't in acupressure massage and why

You will be able to help people(or yourself) with back pain, sciatica, knee and shoulder pain by using specific acupressure massage combinations

You will be able to differentially diagnose certain pains and where they are coming from and also know how to treat them with acupressure massage techniques

You will be able to give remedial exercises to do at home for your massage clients to help alleviate their problems

You will have a fundamental understanding of how to self treat your own pains with acupressure massage today!

Yêu cầu

  • If you are going to perform acupressure massage on clients you will need either a massage table or a futon
  • If you are going to do acupressure massage techniques for your partner or friends you can use a bed, a futon, a place on the floor with a few blankets or something to make it softer or if you have one, a massage table

Nội dung khoá học

16 sections

Getting Started

12 lectures
Introduction-What you are about to learn.
What? No, A PDF File! I said PDF file!
You can join our Facebook group if you want. It is a great resource
Download the summary of this section from the resources here
How does acupressure work to relieve pain?
The treatment area (lower the table)
Acupressure the right and wrong ways to perform it
How do we apply pressure? The Goldilocks zone.
How to get the pressure correct
How often should you treat someone
2 Very Powerful Pain Relieving Points You Can Use On Each Condition
Quiz Time
5 questions

A Completely FREE Youtube Channel Dedicated to Relaxing Massage Music For You!

1 lectures
A Completely FREE Youtube Channel Dedicated to Relaxing Massage Music For You!

A Fun Look At Our Anatomy And Physiology.

8 lectures
Welcome to the World's quickest anatomy and physiology lessons
The Integumentary System
The Skeletal System
The Muscular System
The Cardiovascular System.
The Digestive System
The Nervous System
The Respiratory System

Treating someone's lower back pain

12 lectures
Download the summary of this section from the resources here
When in doubt, don't
Helping Lower Back Pain
Lower Back Pain Questionnaire
The causes of lower back pain
Ok, it's time to start treating!
Treating Lower Back Pain and Sciatica
Bonus Section! Deep Tissue Massage Techniques for the whole back and neck!
The best exercises for lower back pain and sciatica
A great self treatment to help lower back pain!
Foam Rolling for the whole back and hips
Quiz Time
6 questions

Treating someone's neck pain

10 lectures
Download the summary of this section from the resources here
Helping Neck Pain
Treating Neck pain with acupressure
Neck Pain Questionnaire
Bonus Section! Deep Tissue Massage Techniques For The Neck
What the client should do between treatments
The neck exercises that need to be done between sessions
A word about referred pain
Treating neck pain
3 questions
Quiz Time
5 questions

Helping Hip Pain

3 lectures
What are the causes of hip pain?
Acupressure for hip pain
Exercises and home treatment

Treating someone's tennis elbow pain

3 lectures
What are the causes of tennis elbow?
The acupressure treatment
The remedial exercises to help them recover fully

Treating someone's carpal tunnel syndrome

3 lectures
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
How to do acupressure for carpal tunnel syndrome.
The exercises and stretches for carpal tunnel syndrome

Treating someone's shoulder pain

10 lectures
Download the summary of this section from the resources here
Helping someone's Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain Questionnaire
Where is the pain coming from? Your shoulder or your neck?
The causes of shoulder pain
Treating shoulder pain with acupressure's most powerful points.
Stretches for the shoulder. No.1
Stretches for the shoulder. No.2
Treating Shoulder pain
3 questions
Quiz time again
3 questions

Treating someone's knee pain

11 lectures
Download the summary of this section from the resources here
Helping Knee Pain
Knee Pain Questionnaire
The causes of knee pain
Treating knee pain with Acupressure's most powerful points.
Knee Exercise 1
Knee Exercise 2
Knee Exercise 3
Knee Exercise 4
Treating knee pain
3 questions
Quiz time
5 questions

Treating someone's upper back pain

5 lectures
Helping Upper Back Pain
Upper Back Pain Questionnaire
Treating upper back pain with acupressure's most powerful points
Thoracic extensions- a great technique for upper back pain and stiffness!
Quiz time
2 questions

Ankle Sprains/Foot Pain/Ankle Pain

1 lectures
Ankle Sprains/Foot Pain/Injuries

Treating your own pain

1 lectures
Treating your own pains.

Other important factors

2 lectures
How to make your own pain relieving butters
Foods that create inflammation and foods that decrease inflammation

Some free bonus lectures

2 lectures
A Little Bonus! Chair Massage(Body Mechanics)
A Little Bonus! Chair Massage(Techniques)

Questions from my students

13 lectures
Here I give you tips and also answer many questions from my students
The Palpation Challenge! Can you beat me?
Tips for getting the correct pressure
A great way to help your clients between treatments
Balms, Salves and Liniments-How do they actually work?
Essential oil shelf life and storage. This is important
Does massage help DOMS? ( Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)
What do I do to help my body physically?
What you know about muscle cramps is wrong
You MUST drink water after a massage to DETOXIFY-NO YOU DO NOT.
Does this certificate allow me to work and sell products?

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