Mô tả

Welcome to an enriching journey into the world of Autodesk Revit 2023: The Ultimate API for Advanced Dimensions Course. This comprehensive training program, crafted meticulously with intricate details, is your key to mastering the application of the Revit API 2023.

The course is designed to help you:

  1. Develop sophisticated dimensions on both custom and system family objects using the cutting-edge Revit API 2023,

  2. Master the art of invoking plane translations and coordinate systems to accurately extract essential references,

  3. Learn to construct multiple levels of dimensioning that increase your efficiency and productivity, and

  4. Store these highly useful dimensioning tools as reusable libraries, enhancing the speed and ease of your future projects.

This course is more than a learning experience; it's a journey that paves the way towards mastery in documentation processes. You'll learn to fluently integrate these components, forming a sturdy foundation for future courses aimed at further enhancing your professional skills.

Consider this training program as your launchpad to diverse developments in the field, fostering your creativity and encouraging more efficient workflows. It's meticulously designed to help you streamline your dimensioning workflows, ultimately improving your overall work quality.

Your active participation - through course recommendations, insightful reviews, and purchases - helps us tailor our content better and accelerates the release of subsequent training agendas.

Embark on this transformative journey to elevate your BIM skills to the next level. This course opens up a realm of limitless possibilities, enabling you to adapt technology to your unique needs. I am confident that this course content will positively influence your work methods and equip you with valuable skills for the future.

Join me on this exciting journey, and together, let's shape the future of design by harnessing the power of Autodesk Revit 2023 and beyond.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Create Dimensions on Custom Families using the Revit API on 2023

Create Dimensions on System Family Objects using the Revit API on 2023

Call Planes Translations and Coordinate Systems so that References can be Pulled

Create multiple levels of Dimensioning and Store them as Libraries.

Yêu cầu

  • Understanding of Basic Revit API dll Creation process, using C#
  • Understanding how Revit works for creating dimensions and specific objects
  • Create a class relation between objects references points and Drawings on the View
  • Create Dimensions on 3d Views

Nội dung khoá học

4 sections


3 lectures
Prerequisites Instalation for Programing and Debuging
Sample FIles and Resources

Creating Dimensions on Custom Family Elements

3 lectures
Extracting the View Characteristics
Extracting the Component to use the dimensions
Creating Dimensions on a single View

Creating Dimensions by the Geometry references.

8 lectures
Creating Classes and Extracting Geometry
Extracting Geometry Into Classes
Adding a plane relation convertion to the view to set the Dimensions
Transfer Points from CS to CS
Get the Points on the Points on their location
Getting the Projections and Lines
Create Formulas to place lines and distances.
Create simple dimensions of the Object

Creating Dimensions on a 3d View

2 lectures
Creating dimensions by a creation plane
Sorting Out All Functions in a File

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