Mô tả

Have you always wanted to learn Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security but you just don't know where to start?

Or maybe you have started but you just don't know how.

Then the “Complete Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Master Class” is for You!


Welcome To the “Complete Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Master Class.”

⇉ Join 800,000+ Students Who Have Enrolled in our Udemy Courses!

⇉ 10,000+ Five Star Reviews Show Students Who Enroll in our Courses get Results!

⇉ You Get Over 85 Lectures and 13+ hours of premium content

⇉ Watch the Promo Video to see how you can Get Started Today!


What do you get with this course?

  • Hours of easy-to-watch video lessons

  • Downloadable Resources

  • Practical activities

  • Instructor support if you have any questions

  • Community of students ready to help

What will you learn in this “Complete Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Master Class.”

In short, you'll learn it all! Seriously, our goal is to make the most comprehensive Ethical Hacking course out there - not filled with fluff, but filled with only the most actionable and latest tips and strategies. We'll be updating this course periodically to make sure we're covering any change with Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security.

You'll start by an overview of Ethical Hacking and Cyber security, learn 2 types of attacks, install Virtual Box 6.0 and Kali Linux.

You'll then learn Linux basics like the Linux environment, terminal commands, configuring IP addresses and network settings, Cat, Echo, APT-get and more….

Once you understand the Linux basics, you will learn about information gathering & Footprinting, evading Firewall & IDS & Honeypots using advance scanning, vulnerability analysis, gaining access to a Network and WPA2/WPA cracking, Evil Twin attacks, Man in The Middle to steal everyone’s data, gaining access to a machine and system hacking, coding a project about Reverse Shell in Python. You will also learn about post exploitation and stealing valuable information, Web application penetration testing with injections, Bruteforcers, packet sniffers, coding a project about making Bruteforcer in Python, creating undetectable Malware using C Language, Social Media hacking with different ways to gain access to online accounts.

By the end of our course you will:

  • Set Up Virtual Environment For Ethical Hacking

  • Learn The Kali Linux Basics & Discover Everything You Need To Know About Hacking OS

  • Learn Basic Terminal Commands To Navigate Through System

  • Install Windows & Vulnerable Operating Systems As Virtual Machines For Testing

  • Learn What Ethical Hacking Is From Scratch & All 5 Phases Of A Penetration Testing

  • Discover Vulnerabilities On Target Machines & Servers

  • Use Advance Scanning To Map The Entire Network

  • Perform Vulnerability Analysis

  • Learn How To Bypass Firewall, IDS/IPS Using Decoys And Advance Nmap Scanning

  • Learn What Honeypots Are And Why You Should Avoid Them

  • Learn How To Ethically Hack Into Any Wireless Network

  • Crack The WPA/WPA2 Private Shared Key Using Multiple Techniques

  • Learn How To Ethically Disconnect Users From A Wireless Network

  • Learn How To Active And Passive Footprinting

  • Gather As Much Information As You Can About Your Target Using Different Methods

  • Use Code Hacking Tools Using Different Programming Languages

  • Create Undetectable Advance Malware In C For Ethical Hacking

  • Make A Reverse Shell Using Python For Ethical Hacking

  • Code A Website Login Form Bruteforcer Using Python

  • Ethically Hack Windows 7, 8, 10 Using Different Methods

  • Launch Eternalblue Doublepulsar Attack On Windows 7 and Hack It Without Any User Interaction

  • Learn What Are Reverse & Bind Shells Are

  • Launch Various Man In The Middle Attacks

  • Sniff Passwords Over The Network Using Man In The Middle ARP Spoofing

  • Flip Images & Run Keylogger On Target Device With Man In The Middle Attack

  • Create Evil Twin Access Point And Steal Wireless Password Fast

  • Make Identical Fake Access Point And Deauthenticate Clients

  • Bypass Security Measures With Nmap Using Fragmented Packets

  • And much more...

Ready to get started?

Once you enroll we recommend students to install Kali Linux on a computer with a minimum of 4GB Ram/Memory to follow along.


See What Current Students Are Saying About Our Course:

Yes it was a good match for me. As a beginner I am really enjoying this lesson and understanding many things. Great work.”
-Binod Bk

Excellent course!!! Is one of the best courses that I've made.”
-Oscar Mauricio Cubillos Jiménez

I have no prior knowledge on cyber security and these courses are helping me achieve the basics required.”
-Neil Wallbank


Who are your instructors?

We are Joe Parys and Aleksa Tamburkovski, creatives who have taught over 800,000+ students around the world with our online courses, tutorials and other content. Aleksa Tamburkovski is the lead instructor for this course, bringing his wealth of knowledge in Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security. Joe Parys is the Bestselling Online Instructor, Digital Marketing Expert and Leader in the eLearning industry. He is the CEO of the Joe Parys Academy serving more than 1,000,000+ students in more than 100+ co-authored courses from 190 countries all around the world.

Our goal is to show you the real world and practical ways to learn Ethical Hacking today!


With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security with Kali Linux.

When I learn something new I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.

What I can't do in this Course..

I can't guarantee your success – this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!

I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course.


It's time to take action!

Our happiness guarantee

This course includes a money back guarantee, so there is no risk to try it out. Sign up today, see if it's the right one for you.

Enroll now.


Joe Parys and Aleksa Tamburkovski

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Set Up Virtual Environment For Ethical Hacking

Learn The Kali Linux Basics & Discover Everything You Need To Know About Hacking OS

Learn Basic Terminal Commands To Navigate Through System

Install Windows & Vulnerable Operating Systems As Virtual Machines For Testing

Learn What Ethical Hacking Is From Scratch & All 5 Phases Of A Penetration Testing

Discover Vulnerabilities On Target Machines & Servers

Use Advance Scanning To Map The Entire Network

Perform Vulnerability Analysis

Learn How To Bypass Firewall, IDS/IPS Using Decoys And Advance Nmap Scanning

Learn What Honeypots Are And Why You Should Avoid Them

Learn How To Ethically Hack Into Any Wireless Network

Crack The WPA/WPA2 Private Shared Key Using Multiple Techniques

Learn How To Ethically Disconnect Users From A Wireless Network

Learn How To Active And Passive Footprinting

Gather As Much Information As You Can About Your Target Using Different Methods

Use Code Hacking Tools Using Different Programming Languages

Create Undetectable Advance Malware In C For Ethical Hacking

Make A Reverse Shell Using Python For Ethical Hacking

Code A Website Login Form Bruteforcer Using Python

Ethically Hack Windows 7, 8, 10 Using Different Methods

Launch Eternalblue Doublepulsar Attack On Windows 7 and Hack It Without Any User Interaction

Learn What Are Reverse & Bind Shells Are

Launch Various Man In The Middle Attacks

Sniff Passwords Over The Network Using Man In The Middle ARP Spoofing

Flip Images & Run Keylogger On Target Device With Man In The Middle Attack

Create Evil Twin Access Point And Steal Wireless Password Fast

Make Identical Fake Access Point And Deauthenticate Clients

Bypass Security Measures With Nmap Using Fragmented Packets

Configure Burpsuite, The Bug Hunting Tool

Perform Various Cross Site Scripting Attacks On Online Labs

Ethically Steal Database Passwords Using Advance Manual SQL Injection

Discover Servers, Technologies And Services Used On Target Website

Use XSS To Run Javascript Code On Vulnerable Website

Change The Look Of A Page Using HTML Code Injection

Install Vulnerable OWASP Virtual Machine For Web Penetration Testing

Ethically Hack Any Machine Over The Internet Using Port Forwarding

Bypass Antivirus Using Different Encoding Techniques

Bypass Antivirus By Changing The Malware Binary

Ethically Hack a Server Using Command Injection Vulnerability With Netcat

Yêu cầu

  • Basic IT skills are helpful before enrolling - but not necessary
  • Having programming skills are a plus for coding projects - but not required
  • Computer with a minimum of 4GB Ram/Memory
  • You will need (ONLY for Wifi cracking) a Wireless Card that supports Monitor Mode
  • You DO NOT need any prior knowledge before enrolling in this course

Nội dung khoá học

16 sections

Introduction & Setting Up Our Hacking Lab

8 lectures
Learn Ethical Hacking Skills & Cyber Security Skills With Us Today!
Welcome To The Complete Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security Master Class
Course Introduction & What You Will Learn
Course Trailer: 2 Types of Attacks
Virtual Box 6.0 Installation
Installing Kali Linux As Operating System For Hacking
Going Undercover With New Version Of Kali Linux!
Going Full Screen On Kali Linux!

Linux Basics

5 lectures
Linux Environment
Terminal Commands Part 1
Terminal Commands Part 2
Configuring IP Address And Network Settings
Cat, Echo, Apt-get ...

Information Gathering & Footprinting

7 lectures
Five Phases Of A Penetration Test
Active & Passive Footprinting Theory
Finding Target Emails With Harvester
Gathering Valuable Information With Dnsdumpster & OSINT
Network Scanning Terminology And Theory
Ping & Traceroute
Bettercap & Netdiscover

Evading Firewall & IDS & Honeypots Using Advance Scanning

6 lectures
Performing Default Nmap Scan
What is IDS & IPS, Honeypot And Firewall ?
Evading Firewall with Nmap
Bypassing IDS & IPS
Creating Decoys during scan with Fragmented Packets
Discovering Service Version on an Open Port

Vulnerability Analysis

1 lectures
Searchsploit & Shodan

Gaining Access To a Network - WPA2/WPA Cracking

6 lectures
Wireless Hacking Theory
Putting Our Wireless Card Into Monitor Mode
Sniffing Network Information In Monitor Mode
Deauthenticating Everyone On The Network And Capturing 4 Way Handshake
Cracking The Password Hash With Aircrack-ng
Cracking The Password Faster Using Hashcat

Gaining Access - Evil Twin Attack

2 lectures
Creating Fake Access Point With Airgedon
Capturing Wireless Password With Fake Access Point

Man In The Middle - Steal Everyones Data

6 lectures
Theory Of Arp Spoofing
MITMF/Python2 2020
MITMf Full Installation
Performing An ARP Spoof Attack
Redirecting To A Fake Captive Portal
Sniffing Passwords & Flipping Images On Targets Browser

Gaining Access To A Machine - System Hacking

9 lectures
System Hacking Theory
Metasploit Framework Structure
Exploiting Windows With Eternalblue Attack
Running Doublepulsar Attack
Using Evasion Modules To Bypass Windows Defender
Using Msfvenom To Generate A Trojan & Windows 10 Hacking
Bypassing Antivirus Using Encoders And "Bad Bytes"
Changing Executable Binary With Hexeditor
Hack Any Machine Over Internet Using Port Forwarding

Coding Project 1: Reverse Shell In Python

2 lectures
Creating Server & Payload
Converting Python File To Exe

Post Exploitation - Stealing Valuable Information

7 lectures
Meterpreter Commands Part 1
Meterpreter Commands Part 2
Creating Persistence On Target PC & Registry Edit
Discovering Other Machines On A Target Network
Bypassing UAC & Gaining Privileges
Stealing Targets Chrome and WLAN Passwords After Exploit
Embedding A Backdoor Into An Image

Web Application Penetration Testing - Injections, Bruteforcers, Packet Sniffers

13 lectures
OWASP Installation - Vulnerable Web Application
DIRB & Whatweb For Website Identification
Hydra - Bruteforcing Any Login Page
Burpsuite Introduction & Configuration
Command Injection & Target Exploitation
Combining Our Python Tool With Command Injection Vulnerability
XSS Attack Theory
Finding XSS Vulnerability On A Webpage
Solving XSS Challenges On An Online Lab
HTML Character Encoding To Exploit an XSS Vulnerability
HTML Code Injection Vulnerability
What is SQL & SQL Injection Theory
Stealing Database Passwords With Advance Manual SQL Injection

Coding Project 2: Making Bruteforcer In Python

1 lectures
Coding Login Form Bruteforcer Using Python

Creating Undetectable Malware Using C Language

9 lectures
Describing What We Are Going To Code
Using Struct sockaddr_in To Setup Socket Object
Binding And Accepting Target Connection In a Server
Sending Command To Target To Execute
Starting With The Malware & Defining Bzero Function
Creating APIENTRY Function And Hiding Program Console
Executing Commands On Target System
First Test Of Our Malware
Making Our Malware Look Like An Error

Social Media Hacking - Diffrent Ways To Gain Access To Online Accounts

2 lectures
Hacking Instagram - Way #1
LAN - Fake Login Page Attack

Course Summary and Conclusion

1 lectures
Course Bonus Video!

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