Mô tả

Unlock the advanced techniques of network scanning and broaden your penetration testing capabilities with this comprehensive course. Designed for aspiring ethical hackers and security enthusiasts, this course delves deep into the art of efficiently scanning millions of IP addresses and expanding the potential attack surface.

The scanner we will create is much more effective than Shodan/ Censys or any similar search engine, because it can also find many IPs, subdomains, frameworks of small companies. I ain't playing games here, this is not an average YouTube course or a simple course or a useless hacking certification course. This is a whole hacking massacre.

Mastering Network Scanning Techniques: Learn the ins and outs of various network scanning methodologies, including port scanning, host discovery, to gain a comprehensive view of your target network.

Efficient IP Address Enumeration: Acquire the skills to efficiently enumerate large sets of IP addresses, identifying potential entry points for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.

Service Identification and Versioning: Hone your skills in identifying running services and their versions, enabling you to pinpoint specific vulnerabilities and potential avenues for exploitation.

Who Should Enroll:

  • Cybersecurity Enthusiasts

  • Ethical Hackers and Penetration Testers

  • Bug Bounty Hunters

  • IT Professionals Seeking Advanced Security Skills

  • Network Administrators Interested in Security

  • Students Pursuing a Career in Cybersecurity

  • Red team / Blue team members

Embark on a transformative journey to elevate your network scanning proficiency. By enrolling in this course, you'll gain exclusive access to advanced techniques that will revolutionize your approach to security assessments. Discover the nuanced art of efficient IP address enumeration and master the strategic expansion of the attack surface. These skills are pivotal for conducting highly effective penetration tests and in-depth vulnerability assessments.

Prepare to take your network scanning skills to the next level. Enroll now and unlock the secrets to efficient IP address enumeration for effective penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

How to find IPs behind WAF.

How to scan millions of IP addresses super fast.

Find new subdomains

Make money by finding vulnerabilities.

Increase your attack surface

Find vulnerable endpoints

Find specific frameworks to attack

Improve coding in Python programming language.

Yêu cầu

  • Basic Python knowledge.
  • A PC / Laptop running Linux or Windows OS

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