Mô tả

Receiving the crossed swords For a more powerful attack than normal from longer weapons or weighs more

training in this course It introduces basic training stances, sword handling, and standby, defense, and counter-arms use. used in training

by pairing up with an assistant in order to understand the introduction of two-handed swordsmanship in actual use both for exercise and self defense You will see that

When the basic posture has been well practiced will be able to understand the practice of this course very well which if not through basic training before will still be able to understand and practice accordingly as well But you may miss some basic details. and cause some understanding of the methods in this course

however training in this course will be the content mentioned protection in basic position is to use a stable point at a distance of 1 creep from the hilt of the sword. and then use the tip of the sword to respond back and exercises in this class It would be the pose of the swordsmanship in the group. in the central region of Thailand

Protected against attacks from above. there is a pick up from outside

and receiving from the inside of the arm

and behavior of the learners Once in the right position, it will be more convenient to continue practicing.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Defend by cross swords movement Chang prasannga or cross tusker of elephant and counter attack

Finding the right chance to receive self defense

Using a two-handed sword or double sword in the correct systematic exercise and use in high-performance self-defense

You can practice and learn by yourself at home.

training in defense and countermeasures skills that are properly structured according to training principles

Introducing the posture from the basic training posture. How can it actually be used? You will receive an answer at this class.

Understanding sword skills How can it actually be used and how much

Training will start From gestures in the basic chapter in order to be able to use it stably and get ready to be able to train at a higher level

learning this focus on practice in a simulation close to reality have a training assistant This makes it easier to understand the defensive distance.

Yêu cầu

  • Double sword in Krabi krabong Thai martial art level 1

Nội dung khoá học

5 sections

Introduce class level 5

1 lectures
Introduce class before training

Exercise movement

1 lectures
Exercise movement before training

Standing of right leg behind or Hleam kwa

10 lectures
assistant strike to left we use Left sword on top and strike with right
assistant strike to left we use Left sword on top and strike with left
assistant strike to right we use Right sword on top and strike with left
assistant strike to right we use Right sword on top and strike with right sword
assistant strike to left we use Left sword on top and strike with right sword
assistant strike to left we use Left sword on top and strike with left sword
The assistant cuts down the middle. We use right on top and strike with right
The assistant cuts down the middle. We use right on top and strike with left
The assistant cuts down the middle. We use left on top and strike with left
The assistant cuts down the middle. We use left on top and strike with right

Standing for left leg behind or Hleam say

10 lectures
assistant strike to right we use right sword on top and strike with left
assistant strike to right we use right sword on top and strike with right
assistant strike to left we use left sword on top and strike with right
assistant strike to left we use left sword on top and strike with left
assistant strike to right we use right sword on top and strike with left
assistant strike to right we use right sword on top and strike with right
The assistant cuts down the middle. We use left on top and strike with left
The assistant cuts down the middle. We use left on top and strike with right
The assistant cuts down the middle. We use right on top and strike with right
The assistant cuts down the middle. We use right on top and strike with left

Combination training

1 lectures
Combination training movement

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