Mô tả

Do you want to start your career in the IT world? Do you want to start building your IT career path from a solid ground? You are in the right place! Wondering why? Let’s see

Because when you want to become an IT specialist, you have to start from the basics, you need to master computers & everything related to that, how they work, how to install operating systems like Windows on machines, how they communicate, how to manage them, and of course troubleshooting all that, that's from a hardware point of view, while taking into consideration the need to learn how users are managed through network, how you can manage users accounts permissions, passwords, access, all through Active Directory.

These are part of the stuff that we will discuss here in our course, we will discuss printers, networks, and some other important stuff, where we will guarantee that the information & examples provided here will maximize your learning experience to the max., so in the next time you are in an interview for a help desk position, you will be more confident about your technical background as you will have a solid understanding from applying what you will learn here.

The instructors' experiences sum up to more than 15 years in total in this field, so you will not get theoretical information, but a practical one!

We structured the course from the most basic knowledge required, Installing, and see how we can install Windows on a machine, as most operating systems follow the same steps, we will use Windows 10 as a standard, and once we complete installation, we will prepare the machine for the user.

The second section talks about networking, we will discuss DHCP & DNS, troubleshoot some network related issues, and master the most useful & needed commands in CMD that help you troubleshoot connectivity problems.

After that, we will move to discuss hardware, and mainly printers; types, terminologies, drivers’ installation, and of course basic troubleshooting to see how you can solve some problems when they occur.

The forth section will be a quick but very important one, which covers Active Directory, how to manage users there, and settings folder permissions based on Active Directory users.

Next, we will see two tools and two websites that will help you a lot in doing some tasks faster, easier, and more professionally

The last section will be about hardware as well, the first hardware section was about printers, and this one will be about PC, we will we will uncover the PC from inside and see how it works, what parts are there, some troubleshooting basics that you must know, and we will also talk about hardware upgrade.

As more than 90% of the course contents are practical demonstration, and in order to maximize your learning experience outcomes, we highly encourage you to have a test PC in order to apply and practice everything we will see here.

Are you ready to get into this world? Do you want to land your next IT job? Here is your key for that, enroll now in this course, and let’s begin the journey.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Understand how computer works from a hardware & software perspective

Have a good knowledge about networking, DNS & DHCP mainly

Understand how printers works

Enhance their knowledge & skills in help desk with extra tips & hints

Yêu cầu

  • We will explain everything from scratch, but general knowledge in IT world is a plus
  • It's preferable to have a test PC for apply and practice course contents

Nội dung khoá học

8 sections

Course Introduction

2 lectures
Instructor Introduction - Paul Hill
Course Overview and Objectives

Installing Windows 10

3 lectures
Configure & Create Bootable USB for Windows Installation
Installing Windows 10
Machine Naming, Workgroup & Domain Join

Mastering Networks

2 lectures
What is DHCP?
Configuring DHCP and Static IP Addresses


4 lectures
Understanding Different Types of Printers
How to Install Printers Drivers
Printers Terminology & What to Consider When Getting a New One
Troubleshooting Common Printers Problems

Active Directory Introduction

2 lectures
Active Directory Basics
Manage AD Users

Useful Tools to Ease Your Life

2 lectures
Getting The Most Needed Apps, Quick, Easy, and Latest Versions
Remote Desktop Connection Manager


3 lectures
What is inside a PC
Troubleshooting Common Hardware Problems
Upgrading Machines

Course Conclusion

2 lectures
How to Get Your Certificate of Completion
Bonus Lecture

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