Mô tả

Are you ready to master the world of web development with Node.js?

Look no further! Welcome to our comprehensive Udemy course, "Node.js and Building Web Applications." Whether you're a seasoned developer or a complete beginner, this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to create powerful web applications using Node.js.

Node.js is a cutting-edge, server-side JavaScript runtime that has revolutionized web development. It's widely used for building fast and scalable web applications and APIs. This course is designed to take you from the fundamentals of Node.js to creating full-fledged web applications, step by step.

What you'll learn:

  1. Node.js Fundamentals: Begin with the basics of Node.js, including its architecture, event-driven nature, and asynchronous programming.

  2. Setting Up Your Development Environment: Learn how to install Node.js, npm (Node Package Manager), and other essential tools to kickstart your development journey.

  3. Creating a Simple Web Server: Explore how to build your first web server using Node.js, handling HTTP requests and responses.

  4. Asynchronous Programming: Dive deep into asynchronous programming with callbacks, promises, and async/await, a crucial concept in Node.js.

  5. Express.js Framework: Master Express.js, the popular web application framework for Node.js, to simplify the development of robust and scalable web applications.

  6. Working with Databases: Learn to interact with databases, both SQL and NoSQL, using libraries like Sequelize and Mongoose.

  7. Building RESTful APIs: Create RESTful APIs to handle CRUD operations and serve data to client applications.

  8. User Authentication: Implement user authentication and authorization using strategies like Passport.js and JSON Web Tokens (JWT).

  9. Front-End Integration: Integrate your Node.js backend with front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a complete web application.

  10. Real-World Projects: Apply your knowledge to build real-world projects, including a blog system, e-commerce platform, and more.

  11. Deployment: Learn how to deploy your Node.js applications to popular hosting platforms like Heroku and AWS.

  12. Performance Optimization: Discover techniques for optimizing your Node.js applications for speed and scalability.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to develop web applications with Node.js, harnessing the power of JavaScript to create dynamic, data-driven, and user-friendly sites. You'll have the skills to tackle both the back-end and front-end aspects of web development and the confidence to take on real-world projects.

Our course combines engaging video lectures, hands-on coding exercises to ensure a well-rounded learning experience. Don't miss the opportunity to become a Node.js web development pro! Enroll today and start building web applications that stand out in the digital landscape.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

You will gain nodejs basic to advance

Concept of back-end technology

Learn to create server and express module

Learn authentication using JWT token

Learn database operation in mongoDB

Learn how to build full stack web application and how to deploy on cloud

Learn basic of ejs

You will gain basic knowledge of MVC architecture

Yêu cầu

  • Basic understanding of client and server side knowledge
  • Basic programming skills

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