Mô tả

Your struggle on  designing Test Automation Frameworks ends here. Presenting you the only framework in the Market which is faster and easy to design with very less code. -  "Robot Framework"

This Framework consists of all the features what (Cucumber + TestNG) provides. This Framework by default comes with many  Libraries which helps to build automation tests without writing much boilerplate code. Additionally you also have ability to build your custom Libraries with Python code.

It's just not about Libraries, this powerful Automation framework automatically provides Rich HTML reports, Logging, Screenshots on failure and many more without writing single piece of code...

This course mainly focus on how to design Selenium UI Tests (80%) with Robot Framework and also touches on writing API tests (20%) on high level with Robot Framework.  Python is the language chosen to design the Framework as Python is widely used choice for Robot Frameworks

You can comfortably follow this course without having python basics as well.  There is dedicated Section at the end of this course to brush up on Python Basics.

Below is the high level content on what this course covers

Installation and Configuration of Robot Framework

Designing Selenium UI Tests with Robot Frameworks

How to build custom Robot keywords using Python

End to end In depth examples of UI Automation with Selenium Libraries of Robot

Data driven testing from CSV files to automated tests

Implementing Framework Parameterization with data sets to run tests

Executing tests in parallel with Robot Framework

Automatic generation of rich HTML reports with logging for test execution results

Automation screenshot capture of test failures for Selenium Web tests with Robot framework

Command Line execution of Robot tests with various Flag parameters

Selective test execution using tagging & filters in the framework

Integrating the Robot Framework with CI/CD Jenkins tool

Implementing Parameterized Jenkins build to control test execution parameters

Performing API testing with Robot Framework

Understand how to construct Json requests and responses with Robot Dictionary keywords

Building API tests with all CRUD operations ( GET, POST, DELETE)

Running API Robot Framework tests on Jenkins CI/CD tool

Wish you all Good luck and see you in the course :)

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Understand key concepts and principles of Robot Framework to design Powerful Test Automation Ecospace

Ability to build Selenium Automation Tests in Robot Framework standards with very minimal code

Understand building API test Scripts in Robot Framework with examples on CRUD Operations

Building Custom keywords of Robot Framework with Python functions to build Test utilities

Generating Rich HTML reports, Logging, Screeshots on Failure features with Robot Framework

Implement Parameterization, Data driven and many customized features to Automation Scripts with Robot Framework

Integrating the Robot Framework with CI/CD Jenkins with different Parameterized builds

Yêu cầu

  • You can comfortably follow this course without having python basics as well.  There is dedicated Section at the end of this course to brush up on Python Basics.
  • Basics of Selenium are required

Nội dung khoá học

12 sections

Introduction to Robot Framework and its advantages

4 lectures
What is Robot Framework and its advantages
Course objectives- What you will learn from this tutorial
Important Note
Quiz Time: Simple questions to refresh your knowledge on Section 1
4 questions

Install and Configure Robot Framework with Python for Local setup

6 lectures
Install Python and its related configurations in Global variables
Python Path setting instructions for MAC users ONLY
Install Robot Framework & Selenium Libraries to setup the Project
Alternate way of Installing Robot Framework Plugin
Getting started with .robot file syntaxes and its templates
Quiz Time: Simple questions to refresh your knowledge on Section 2
7 questions

Getting Started with Robot Framework Tests with Keywords & Variables

6 lectures
Invoking Browsers for Web Automation with Selenium using Robot Keyword
Learning Synchronization Robot keywords & error messages validations
How to declare and use the variables in the Robot files for global use
Importance of Resource files/keyword in centralizing the reusable code
How to send Arguments to keywords from the Test and from the variables
Quiz Time: Simple questions to refresh your knowledge on Section 3
11 questions

Selenium Functional Automation using Robot Framework Keywords

8 lectures
How to retrieve the list of webelements using Robot Framework - example
Using Collections Library of Robot Framework to build functional logic
Generating dynamic locators to solve the problem with Robot keywords
Handling Dropdowns of web pages with Robot Selenium keywords
Handling Alerts checkboxes of Login form with Selenium Libraries
Handling Child windows and tabs with Robot Selenium framework
Parsing Get Text Selenium Strings using Robot String libraries
Quiz Time: Simple questions to refresh your knowledge on Section 4
15 questions

Data Driven Testing & Parameterization the Selenium Tests using Robot Framework

6 lectures
How to apply parameterize the test with multiple data sets in Robot framework
How Reporting works and generates in Robot Framework for Test results
How and where Screenshots generated in Robot framework on test failures
How to load the data from CSV files into Robot tests -external plugins
Monitoring the Reports and Logs for parameterized tests in the Framwork
Quiz Time: Simple questions to refresh your knowledge on Section 5
6 questions

Create custom Selenium keywords from Python Libraries in the Robot Framework

5 lectures
Please Note
What are Custom User defined keywords? and why should we need them
How to access Selenium Library instance to Python custom library files
Step by step procedure to create custom Python library keywords with example
Quiz Time: Simple questions to refresh your knowledge on Section 6
5 questions

Implementing Page object Design Pattern to organize the Robot Test files

4 lectures
How to implement Page objects for Robot framework tests
Writing page objects for Robot Selenium tests and moving objects to PO folders
Build end to end Scenario of Ecommerce app with Robot Selenium framework
Quiz Time: Simple questions to refresh your knowledge on Section 7
5 questions

Parallel Test execution & reporting in the Robot Framework with Pabot plugin

3 lectures
How to run all the tests from the folder from Robot command Line
How to run all the Robot files tests parallel in framework - pabot plugin
Quiz Time: Simple questions to refresh your knowledge on Section 8
4 questions

Implement Tagging , filters and CI/CD Jenkins Integration for Automation tests

6 lectures
How to implement tagging to Robot tests and execute test by its name
Execute Robot test cases with Multiple tag controls AND OR for better control
How to set variable values from Run time command arguments to Robot framework
Important Note
Download and Configure Jenkins
Integrate Robot Framework to Jenkin Job with Choice parameter configuration

Guideline to perform API Testing with Robot Framework

5 lectures
What are Dictionaries in Python? How robot framework creates Dict
Performing API Testing POST call with Robot Framework keywords
Performing GET call API requests with Robot Keywords - example
Integrating Add and Retrieve Book details API tests with Global Variables scope
Wrapping up API tests with Delete API and integrate API tests with Jenkins

Complete Course Code download - Framework repo

1 lectures
Code Download

Python Basics brush up for understanding core concepts

10 lectures
Python hello world Program with Basics
Datatypes in python and how to get the Type at run time
List Datatype and its operations to manipulate
Tuple and Dictionary Data types in Python with examples
How to Create Dictionaries at run time and add data into it
If else condition in python with working examples
How loops work in Python and importance of code idendation
Programming examples using for loop - 1
Programming examples using While loop - 2
What are functions? How to use them in Python

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