Mô tả


Drop servicing is a business model where an entrepreneur or service provider sells services that they do not personally provide, but instead, they outsource the work to a third-party provider or freelance team.

Essentially, drop servicing involves acting as a middleman between clients and freelancers but in this course you're gonna learn how to Reverse engineering every step of the system your competitors are using so you can simply stand on the shoulders of giants, not reinvent the wheel. This is going to allow you to simply copy and paste what’s already working without having to invest/spend thousands of hours and dollars testing.

The thing is when you wanna build a business, you don’t wanna be creating everything from scratch, you don’t wanna be just coming up with ideas and putting them into reality, you wanna build systems and structures that somebody else(competitors) already built to a degree that you can model of off not steal but model of off. So, why would we start from scratch?

When we can just go and look at what they have done and replicate it in our own businesses with our own personal touch. Of course we are not literally copying what they have done but we are taking the general way that they have done things and putting together into our own business and then putting in our own spin on it, So there is some originality within that but you aren’t starting from the scratch here guys.


The process of drop servicing involves finding clients by targeting specific niches and gaining this understanding is a crucial task if you wanna maximise your conversion rates and get sales effortlessly without dedicating your days and nights.

A lot of people skip this task, not realising how important it really is because marketing and selling is all about understanding your target audiences wants and needs and making them wanna satisfied those desires by using your services right now.

So, we're gonna cover a combination of buyer behaviour and specific questions you need to answer about your target audiences to understand the phycology behind what makes them buy.

We all have the same mental trigger that make us buy, In order to influence and understand our customers it’s crucial to know what those triggers are and how to utilise them in our messaging that hits all of the switches we know lead to sales.

And we're gonna build an “Explainer Video Production Agency” in order to break down the freelance marketplace and looking through the document I provide with all of the different business ideas you will start to get a picture that there is a lot of businesses to chose from but don’t get too stuck on this decisions.


Drop servicing typically works by following these basic steps:

  1. IDENTIFYING PROFITABLE SERVICE: The first step is to identify a service that you want to offer to clients. This is going to be done by a combination of choosing the best service to offer and Setting yourself for success with something that is highly in demand right now and then Constructing an offer around that service that they simply can’t refuse.

  2. SETTING UP THE PRICE: Once you have identified the service, we're gonna get into some methods and strategies for setting your price based on things like Looking at your competitors, what kind of service you wanna offer, different packages you can put together and really just expanding your price over time and determining whether you’d like to deliver high-price services at a lower volume or lower price services at a higher volume.

  3. PERFECT WEBSITE "AKA" SALLING SYSTEM:  When it comes to building your website but we're gonna take you through how to purchase a domain name, deciding on your TLD and setup your first email account for your primary domain. So, building your website is really the most important thing you are going to be doing. Your website is what people are going to see more than your social media pages, more than you in person, they are gonna be going to your website to finding out all the information they need to make that buying decision. So you are gonna learn how to build a drop servicing website/funnel 100% for free with Systemeio as well as you'll learn how you can also get started with Wordpress. Don't worry about your website and structuring your website's copywriting and content at all because you are going to have extensive classes on both website and copywriting because I know most of the students get stuck on these two aspects of drop servicing business.

  4. GETTING & CLOSING CLIENTS: The next step is to find clients who are interested in your service. We will break down the proven free methods for getting clients so you can understand what methods you can apply even if you have no capital to get started with. The way I want you to think about it is choosing one of these method we show you to get started with and then implementing that strategy and tactic until you get your first sale before moving into getting everything else setup cause you don’t want to get overwhelmed you just want to chose one strategy one tactic that you like the best and then implement that until you get the result and in that way you will be able to go through pretty quickly and actually be able to focus one thing and archive something through that one thing then just spreading yourself thin across all of the different options that we teach you and that’s a very common mistake that newbies make when building an online business.

  5. OUTSOURCING THE WORK: After the client has agreed to your service and paid for it, we're gonna go about actually finding and hiring a team to do the work for us and how we are able to do so whilst minimising any potential issues that could come up, controlling cost, controlling quality and controlling the time which we deliver our services. The hiring process you're gonna learn in this course is the absolute best way to ensure you get the highest quality workers at the best price possible so make sure you follow this process when doing any hiring to deliver the work to the client.

  6. STRUCTURING PAYMENTS: In terms of structuring payments with clients 100% upfront is ideal but at worse do 50% upfront and 50% on delivery. The reason being cash flow is so important, you wanna get the cash as much cash as possible as fast as possible. You're gonna learn some tactics for structuring your payments with clients and freelance teams in the bast way possible because we need to make sure that they are happy at all times and really it’s a good thing to do morally when it comes to business. Right?

By following these steps, you're gonna build a profitable drop servicing business online that offers high-quality services to clients while allowing you to focus on marketing and client acquisition. So that’s the kind of an overview of that system there you will be learning to build your own system to make money online and create the freedom that you're after.


Now if you wanna build a money generating machine, automation is really the most important thing right?

If you can't find a way to make money while you sleep, you'll work until you die and you decided to get into online business because you wanna get that freedom, everyone that gets into online business first is focused on the freedom to do what they want with their life instead of working in a office, going to work day 9 to 5 and just working non stop like a modern day slave.

But You're gonna learn to automate the system that you built with software and people so that you don’t get stuck in your own business. What happens often is entrepreneurs or people are on online business gets too stuck in getting the results and building that business and making it bigger and better and bigger and better that they forget what that initial vision was which most of the time is to get that freedom.

You're gonna learn how to automated the whole system with all the necessary steps and templates you need, So then you can scale that system as much as you need to and when it comes to marketing you wanna scale it as much as possible because the more you scale it the more results you get.

The automation process you're gonna learn is not like building a wordpress website and expecting to earn passive income, that doesn't work either these days because you still to need manage your business at the end of the day.


Please note that your results from using this course may vary and are solely dependent on your own moves and decisions. The evaluation and use of this course is your responsibility, and I am (FHB) not liable for any of your results or actions taken after completing this course. It is recommended that you preview all of the free content before deciding to enroll in the course to make an informed decision.

Thank you for understanding.

So, Let’s jump into the Program and let me break down step by step exactly what you need to understand and do to choose your business idea, craft an irresistible offer, and start making sales.

See you on the other side.


Bạn sẽ học được gì

Understand the drop servicing business model and how to act as a middleman between clients and freelancers

Learn how to reverse engineer your competitors' systems to model what's already working

Identify profitable services to offer clients and construct an irresistible offer.

Set pricing strategies based on competitors, service offerings, and volume.

Build a drop servicing website/funnel for free using Systemeio or Wordpress

Create effective copywriting and content for your website to attract clients.

Develop buyer behaviour and learn to answer specific questions about target audiences

Understand the psychology behind what makes people buy and how to use it in messaging.

Identify mental triggers that make people buy and learn how to use them.

Build an "Explainer Video Production Agency" to understand the freelance marketplace and online sales system

Learn how to choose the best business idea and not necessarily be passionate about it

Gain a thorough understanding of niche marketing to maximize conversion rates and sales

Understand how to outsource work to third-party providers or freelance teams

Learn how to structure your time and efforts for maximum efficiency

Implement proven strategies and tactics for finding and closing high ticket clients

Understand the importance of client satisfaction and how to ensure it.

Learn to expand pricing over time to grow the business.

Develop knowledge for effective communication with clients and third-party providers.

Understand legal considerations and obligations for drop servicing.

Yêu cầu

  • You don’t have a ton of money to invest in your online business.
  • You don’t have the step by step process to build an online business.
  • You are innovative and always looking for new and better ways to do things.
  • You are willing to take calculated risks to achieve your goals and grow your business.
  • You have a genuine passion for what you do and are driven by a strong sense of purpose.
  • You are able to adapt to changes in the market and adjust your business strategies accordingly.
  • You have a strong desire to achieve your goals and are willing to work hard to make them happen.

Nội dung khoá học

4 sections

The Foundations

11 lectures
Free Training
Introductory Concepts
How To Achieve Your Goals
Why You Can't Achieve Your Goals
Finally Making A Shift
Selecting Business Idea
Market Research (Idea Validation)
Reverse Engineering Competitors
Summarizing Idea Validation

Design & Build The Business.

19 lectures
Introduction To Build Module
Reverse Engineer The System
Reverse Engineer The System #2
Choose Your Service & Niche
What Makes Our Clients Buy
What Makes Our Clients Buy #2
Your Copywriting Tool belt
Choose Your Name & Price
Branding and Design 101
Building Brand Assets & Real Estate (DIY)
Building Brand Assets & Real Estate (DFY)
Copywriting Intro
Copywriting Masterclass
The Automatic Conversion System (Planning Your Website)
Hiring People 101
Finding The Best Delivery Team
Building Your Online Sales System
Build Your Website (DFY+DIY)

Get Clients & Generate Revenue.

14 lectures
Introduction To Free Marketing
Getting Your First Sales
Designing, Building, Testing, Automating and Scaling
[CED] - Introduction
[CED] - Setting Up The System
[CED] - Finding Your Target Audience & Generating Leads
[CED] - Writing Your Offer & Setting Up Your First Campaign
Freelancer Networks = Free Marketing
Facebook Page Outreach w/ Different Offer
Automatic Cold Calling System
Social Media Outreach
Search Engine Optimisation - SEO
Affiliate Marketing for DSB

Extra Guides

1 lectures
Top 3 Mistakes I See When Reviewing Your Business

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