Mô tả

In this Yin Yoga Series we will explore the application of compression, stretch and twist in classes that focus on specific areas of the body to improve mobility, circulation, energy flow and dissolve tension, stress, toxins and scar tissue. Each class focuses on providing a variety of postures to one specific area of the body that are held for time. This work creates space and length into the deep connective tissues, fascia and other Yin tissues in the body that are often more plastic than elastic and need the application of stress over a period of time to improve mobility. Each class will be taught at a mindful and meditative pace and will provide you with the tools to nurture your own body when you find yourself in moments of injury, strain or stress, through the use of meditation, asana and Savasana. Every practice will be taught from the floor and you will either be in postures on your belly, back or in a seated position. The classes are nourishing on the nervous system and provide the body and mind with time and space. You will also be offered lots of modifications and variations through the incorporation of Yoga props during your Yin practices to support your unique body, empower you on your mat and to make all the classes inclusive and accessible. This course will be beneficial to anyone new to Yin Yoga, seasoned practitioners who love Yin Yoga, individuals who are working with injury and are looking for recovery practices and Yin Yoga teachers looking for class inspiration, sequencing options and how to become more comfortable using props in class.

Music Credits:

Intro/Outro - Amaranthus by Chad Crouch

Savasana - The Sun Is Scheduled To Come Out Tomorrow - Chris Zabriskie

Bạn sẽ học được gì

What is Yin Yoga and the self care benefits of this style of Yoga on both body and mind.

How to use Yoga props appropriately in a Yin class through modifications and variations to serve your unique body.

Understanding how certain poses and Yin Yoga sequences support and target specific areas of the body.

The importance of Yin Yoga to aid in dissolving stress, anxiety, physical tension and scar tissue from the body.

Learning by doing. Through participation you can feel the profound effects these practices can have on your nervous system and your general well being.

The art of slowing down and in turn learning how to listen to your body. Knowing when to back off, when to stay and when to go further into the posture.

Yêu cầu

  • All you will need is your wonderful self.
  • If you have a yoga mat great! If not you can use a carpeted floor.
  • Yoga props including a strap, blocks and bolster will be useful. If you don't have access to them we can get creative with cushions, rolled up blankets, bathrobe belts and thick books.
  • If you would like to add music and practice to a soothing, calming playlist feel free.

Nội dung khoá học

3 sections


1 lectures

Yin Classes Focusing on Specific Areas of the Body

5 lectures
Back Care Yin Yoga
Hamstring Love Yin Yoga
Happy Hips Yin Yoga
Shoulder Smiles Yin Yoga
Twists Yin Yoga

Upper & Lower Body Yin Yoga

2 lectures
Upper Body Yin Yoga
Lower Body Yin Yoga

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