Mô tả

A Different IoT Power and Performance, Use ESP32 microcontroller to MAKE IoT Smart Garden and unleash your creativity

Gardening is a very enjoyable hobby. But, because most people's busy lifestyles, plants in our gardens might not always get the attention they deserve. But today this will end. What if you can remotely monitor your garden and give your plants the care they need?

There is a way! In this course, we are going to create an IoT-based smart gardening system using the Blynk App.

It's really hard to control ESP Board via mobile, creating a mobile application that can connect to an online server to send and receive commands to ESP Board is a daunting task that requires mobile app development experience and takes a lot of time, effort and in some cases money.

But what if you can create a mobile interface using drag and drop feature with zero programming experience to control and monitor any of the ESP Board pins!

Why you should take this course?

  • You will learn how to create a wireless IoT smart garden with ESP32 and Blynk

  • ESP32 is a low cost, low power microcontroller that can be used as the basis for any IoT project

  • The course is the perfect introduction to the ESP32 and Blynk and it will inspire you to build your own IoT projects

In this course, you will learn how to create an interactive mobile app interface in less than 5 minutes and connect it to your ESP Board via a free web server that will allow you to directly control your board and get a live reading from sensors and buttons plus sending control data to Led, actuator, pump, and motors.

We will use the knowledge you will gain from this course to create an IoT Smart Garden that has Temperature, Humidity, water level, and Soil Moisture sensors and display sensors reading live on your mobile app and use a button inside the app to control a pump to water your garden from anywhere in the world!

In this course, you will create a plant environment monitoring system that monitors soil moisture level, air temperature, humidity, and water level. Then, depending on the conditions, the system allows users to deliver what is needed remotely through a mobile app.

What You Will Learn In This Course

  • How to Create an IoT Garden Using ESP and Blynk

  • The working principle behind this

  • How to connect the hardware components

  • What is Blynk and how to use it to control your project Smartly

  • How to Code your ESP to read and send sensor data via Web Interface

  • System Operation

  • How to use the same methodology to make any device Smart!

At the end of this course, you can create Innovative IoT Projects controlled by a mobile app with almost no programming experience required. The only thing that you need to do is THINKING, WIRING & CODING.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

Yêu cầu

Nội dung khoá học

12 sections

Introduction & Getting Started

1 lectures

Important Note: Review System

1 lectures
Important Note: Review System

Hardware and Software Requirements

1 lectures
Hardware and Software Requirements

Working Principle

1 lectures
Working Principle

ESP 32

3 lectures
ESP 32 Pinout v1 DOIT
Download and Install Arduino Pro IDE
ESP8266 Download and Install Arduino ESP and USB Driver

Circuit Connection

2 lectures
Download and Install Circuit Design and Wiring Software
Circuit Connection

ESP32 Coding

3 lectures
Coding ESP32 Part1
Coding ESP32 Part2
Coding ESP32 Part3

Blynk App

1 lectures
Blynk App Download and Setup

Final Testing

1 lectures
Auth Code and WiFi Settings

IoT Crash Course using ESP32

8 lectures
Hardware and Software Requirements
What is ESP32 Board
Load Your First Code to ESP32 Board
Coding LED Blink
Touch Sensor
Dealing with Analog Signals
PWM Signals
Servo Motor Control using PWM Signal in ESP32

Who we are?

1 lectures
Who We Are?

Bonus Lecture: Gifts, Coupons, and More.

1 lectures
Bonus Lecture: Gifts, Coupons, and More..

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