Mô tả

Welcome to a brand new online course where you can learn to create a home automation system that allows you to remotely control your household appliances using a mobile application. With just a simple tap or a voice command on your phone, you can turn your home appliances ON or OFF from anywhere. Let me show you the demo of the project.

I have always been a firm believer in learning by doing, and in this course, you will learn what you need to know by hands-on experience. You don’t need any special knowledge except basic computer skills to get started with this course. Every one of you comes from a different background and hence the course is crafted from basic to advanced level with minute detail in every lecture.

Here are two main reasons, why you should take this course. The course will help you to level up your career as an embedded systems developer. These developers work on projects that involve a wide range of technologies, including hardware and software. These projects are often complex and challenging, providing developers with the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technology and develop innovative solutions. Embedded systems are used in critical applications such as medical devices, transportation systems, and industrial control systems. As an embedded systems developer, you have the opportunity to work on diverse projects and gain experience in different industries.

As far as the language is concerned, we have decided to go ahead with C++. It is the most popular programming language in the field of embedded systems. This is because the language sits in between higher-level software and hardware, allowing you to access and control hardware directly without sacrificing the benefits of a high-level language. It’s widely used by major companies like Google, Microsoft, and Oracle. In fact, Google’s own programming language called "Go" is strongly influenced by C++.

To make the learning curve easier, The course has been divided into 8 sections. Then, let us see what we are going to learn in each section.

In the first section, we'll explore the significance of Home Automation and how it enhances convenience and security in our daily lives. We will then shift our focus to the remarkable ESP32 board, which plays an essential role in our project development.

Thereafter, we will understand about the General Purpose Input/Output pins of the ESP32. These pins serve as the vital interface between the ESP32 board and the external realm, enabling seamless connectivity with an array of sensors and actuators. With a profound grasp of GPIO functionality, a world of endless project possibilities awaits you.

In the second section, our focus will shift towards understanding necessary hardware requirements for building the project. We will begin by powering up the ESP32 board and identifying the specific USB to UART chip integrated into the board.

Moving forward, we will proceed with installing the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and configuring the board manager library which is specifically designed for ESP32. This step is crucial as it enables us to create a suitable software environment for programming and interacting with the ESP32 board.

Once the IDE is successfully set up, we will proceed to install the necessary drivers for the USB to UART chip, ensuring seamless communication between the board and our computer. With everything in place, we will test the functionality of the board using a basic program. This essential test will help us to determine if our recently acquired ESP32 board is functioning as intended.

In the third section, our focus will be on exploring the fascinating world of relays and gaining an in-depth understanding of their working principles. Once we have acquired the fundamental concepts of relays, we will move on to studying the circuit diagram for controlling one home appliance using a relay. We will then implement the circuit diagram and write the necessary code to program the relay to establish control over the connected electrical appliances. This hands-on approach will enable us to gain practical experience in implementing the relay circuitry and empower us to harness their potential effectively. By the end of this section, you will be well-equipped to harness the capabilities of relays in real-world applications.

In the fourth section, our focus will be on addressing the issue of inverted relay operation and exploring various solutions to rectify this problem. We will delve into the realm of programming and examine the logic implementation that can effectively resolve the problem. By leveraging our programming skills, we will develop strategies to ensure the relay operates in the desired manner.

Additionally, we will also explore alternative approaches to mitigate the inverted relay operation by modifying the circuit wiring. Through careful examination and experimentation, we will discover alternative wiring configurations that can rectify the issues and align the relay behavior with our intended functionality.

By examining both programming-based and wiring-based solution, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the options available to you for resolving inverted relay operation. This knowledge will empower you to choose the most suitable approach based on your specific requirements and constraints.

In the fifth section, we will introduce an additional functionality to our existing circuit. We will incorporate a physical switch and utilize its input to control the behavior of the relay. By integrating this switch, we can enhance the interactivity and flexibility of our circuit.

Initially, we will focus on understanding how to effectively read the input from a single switch and develop the necessary code logic to control its operation. Once we have mastered this process, we will expand our coding skills to incorporate the remaining three relays into our circuit. This expansion will enable us to control multiple appliances simultaneously based on the input from their respective switches.

Through this exercise, we will not only refine our coding skills, particularly in the areas of decision-making and logical thinking, but also gain insights into establishing common connection throughout the circuit.

In the sixth section, we will delve into the world of Internet of Things. We will familiarize ourselves with the concept of IoT and its significance in connecting and controlling devices over the internet.

Thereafter, we will explore the cloud platform that serves as the backbone of our project, allowing us to effectively harness the power of IoT.

Furthermore, we will also get to know about the underlying MQTT protocol that facilitates the communication and data exchange between our devices and the cloud platform.

In the seventh section, we will embark on the development of our main project. We will begin by studying the circuit diagram and comprehending its components and connections. With this understanding, we will proceed to design and assemble the circuit accordingly, ensuring its proper functioning.

Next, we will then go through the source code that enables us to control all the appliances remotely. We will gain valuable insights into how data is sent to the server and retrieved based on user choices. We will also analyze how the data is synchronized between the cloud platform and the physical input by the user.

Additionally, we will also explore the concept of powering the entire circuit using a single external power adapter. This approach simplifies the setup and enhances convenience, providing a reliable and efficient power source for our project.

In the eighth section, we will showcase the practical output of our main project. We will utilize both the mobile app and manual switches to control the appliances in real-time, providing a hands-on demonstration of their functionality.

Additionally, we will explore how the devices can be seamlessly integrated and controlled through Google Home, allowing for effortless control through voice commands. This integration will enhance the overall user experience, providing added convenience and simplicity in managing the connected appliances.

Lastly, we will showcase an additional feature of our project that ensures uninterrupted control of the appliances even in situations where the user's Wi-Fi connection is unavailable. In such cases, users will have the option to rely on manual switches to effortlessly operate and manage all the connected appliances. This dual-mode functionality provides a reliable backup solution, ensuring convenience and accessibility at all times.

Each video in the course will teach you new concepts and techniques which you may apply to any of your projects immediately. This course assumes just a basic knowledge of programming, and you can leave the rest to us. So if you are somebody who has never built an embedded systems project before, you need not to worry, I will be with you every step of the way.

Don’t let technical errors hold you back from achieving your goals. If you ever need help, simply post your question in the question and answer section and our dedicated support team will get back to you within 24 hours. They are available to assist you 6 days a week, from Monday to Saturday.

We will also share the complete source code with you, so that you can easily replicate the project and deploy it immediately.

All lectures are accompanied by English subtitles, ensuring clear and comprehensive understanding.

Also if you don’t like the course, don’t worry at all, you are always protected by 30 days, no questions asked, money-back guarantee.

Alright, so at the end of the day, you have got nothing to lose, so join me in this incredible journey, into the world of embedded systems.

Take control of your career and invest in your future. Don’t miss the opportunity to improve your skills. Enroll now and take the first step towards a better future.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the ESP32 board and its role as the central device for the project development.

You will then understand the functionality and utilization of different GPIO pins available on the ESP32.

You will learn to test each hardware module thoroughly before deploying it in the project.

You will install the Arduino IDE and test the functionality of ESP32 board manager library for the ESP32 using basic program.

You will explore the working principle and functionality of relays, also study the circuit diagram and implement the code to control the corresponding device.

You will address and resolve the inverted relay problem through various approaches.

You will integrate physical switches into our circuit and control the devices accordingly.

You will explore IoT for remote device control, MQTT protocol and its underlying mechanisms.

During the project deployment, you will identify and troubleshoot common errors.

You will test the main project using the mobile app as well as physical switches to control the connected appliances.

Yêu cầu

  • Basic programming knowledge is recommended for this course to ensure a smooth learning experience.
  • Ensure that you have a laptop or desktop equipped with reliable internet connectivity.

Nội dung khoá học

8 sections


3 lectures
Introduction to Home Automation
Getting Started with ESP32
Mastering GPIO Pins

Setup and Configuration

11 lectures
Hardware Requirements for the Complete Project
Document - Hardware Requirements List
Connecting and Verifying the USB to UART Chip in ESP32
Arduino Installation
Setting Up ESP32 in Arduino IDE
Testing the ESP32 Board (PART 1)
Testing the ESP32 Board (PART 2)
CODE - Testing the ESP32 Board
Write a program to print all the even numbers between 1 and 20.
1 question
Write a program to calculate the sum and average of elements in an array.
1 question
C++ Program
1 question

Relay Testing

9 lectures
Introduction to Relay
Understanding the Circuit Diagram to Test One Input of 4 Channel Relay
Circuit diagram - Testing One Input of 4 Channel Relay
Understanding the Code to Test One Input of 4 Channel Relay
CODE - Testing One Input of 4 Channel Relay
OUTPUT - Testing One Input of 4 Channel Relay
Write a program to concatenate two strings.
1 question
Write a program to calculate permutations and combinations for given values of n and r.
1 question
Relay Program
1 question

Fixing the Relay

5 lectures
Resolving the Inverted Operation of the Relay
CODE - Resolving the Inverted Operation of the Relay using the code modification
Circuit Diagram - Resolving the Inverted Operation of the Relay using NC
Write a program to calculate the sum of the series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ...
1 question
Implement C++ class to manage student information like name, roll, gender, class and grades.
1 question

Reading the input of Mechanical Switch

11 lectures
Understanding the Circuit Diagram to Control a Bulb with a Physical Switch
Circuit diagram - Controlling a Bulb with a Physical Switch
Understanding the Code to Control a Bulb with a Physical Switch
CODE - Controlling a Bulb with a Physical Switch
Output - Controlling a Bulb with a Physical Switch
Understanding the Circuit Diagram to Control 4 Bulbs with 4 Physical Switches
Circuit diagram to Control 4 Bulbs with 4 Physical Switches
Understanding the Code to Control 4 Bulbs with 4 Physical Switches (PART 1)
Understanding the Code to Control 4 Bulbs with 4 Physical Switches (PART 2)
CODE - Controlling 4 Bulbs with 4 Physical Switches
C++ Fundamentals
5 questions

Getting to know about ESP Rainmaker and IOT Protocols

3 lectures
An Introduction to Internet of Things
Exploring ESP Rainmaker
Understanding MQTT Protocol

Understanding the Circuit Diagram and Code of the Main Project

11 lectures
Understanding the Circuit Diagram for Controlling 4 Home Appliances
Circuit Diagram - Controlling 4 Home Appliances with ESP Rainmaker
Powering the Whole Circuit using One Power Supply
Circuit Diagram - Powering the Whole Circuit using One Power Supply
Understanding the Code to Control 4 Home Appliances with ESP Rainmaker (PART 1)
Understanding the Code to Control 4 Home Appliances with ESP Rainmaker (PART 2)
Understanding the Code to Control 4 Home Appliances with ESP Rainmaker (PART 3)
Understanding the Code to Control 4 Home Appliances with ESP Rainmaker (PART 4)
Understanding the Code to Control 4 Home Appliances with ESP Rainmaker (PART 5)
Understanding the Code to Control 4 Home Appliances with ESP Rainmaker (PART 6)
CODE - Controlling 4 Home Appliances with ESP Rainmaker

Setting Up the Environment for the Execution of the Main Project

9 lectures
Flashing ESP32
Uploading Final Code to ESP32
ESP RainMaker Setup and Device Provisioning
Setting Up and Configuring Google Home
Testing the Live OUTPUT of the Project using Mobile App
Testing the Live OUTPUT of the Project using External Adapter Only
Testing the Live OUTPUT of the Project Without WIFI
Fundamentals of ESP32, Relay and IoT
5 questions
Project Summary

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